Reviews from

in the past

A more simpler version of the main game. The levels and ranking are better structured. The werehog is also a bit more bearable here.

emptiest levels in existance

nn era bem isso que eu queria de natal

Hilariously bad on PS2/Wii, but I've heard Xbox 360/PS3 versions are more acceptable.

Incorporates a lot of the same mechanics and general feel I got out of Colors; a bit more down to Earth (literally) which is more than ok.Would love to go back one of these days and give it a proper replay to solidify my opinions, especially on the werewolf play style

The easier of the of two versions of this game. Still a great time despite not having as many stages. Very different from the HD version but not bad at all.

The best boost gameplay that is ruined by repetitive brawler mechanics...

Talvez seja um jogo bem ruim, mas quando joguei eu era uma criança, logo amei uma aventura estranha desse ouriço azul kkkk

My favorite Sonic game of all time and probably my favorite game, period

All I remember from playing this was that the daytime segments were very fun and the nighttime segments got boring at times.

This is an inferior version of the actual game on the PS3 and such but little me didn't give a single fuck about that

man it was good until i reached adabat and from then on to the end of the game it was kind of torture

The difficulty jump in Eggmanland made it difficult for me to continue. Having played the Xbox version before briefly, I do wish they hadn't cut so much.

Sonic Unleashed pra mim é o melhor jogo 3D do Sonic, ele é dividido em versões, a SD (PS2/Wii) e a HD (X360/PS3) e eu apenas zerei a versão SD, ela é uma versão bem fraca, os graficos mesmo no PS2 são bem fracos pra algo de 2008, mas essa versão tem coisas boas comparado a versão HD, na versão HD, para avançar as fases, é preciso coletar medalhas que estão espalhadas nas fases, medalhas do sol e da lua, na versão SD é algo bem mais simples, você ganha medalhas ao finalizar as fases dependendo do Rank (Rank C = nenhuma | Rank B = 1 medalha | Rank A = 2 medalhas | Rank S = 3 medalhas) e nas fases de noite para pegar todas as 3 é preciso finalizar as 3 principais missões da fase (Chegar antes do tempo determinado | Pegar uma certa quantia de anéis | Coletar uma certa quantia de Gaia Force), e as medalhas não influenciam em nada pra avançar no jogo, só para abrir portões que te levam pra puzzles onde você coleta os items do jogo, mas essa versão tem seus pontos ruins, tipo a limitação que ela tem, Mazuri por exemplo tem apenas o chefe como fase, não há fases de noite nem de dia, além de que não há hubs para explorar, o que é algo ruim.
Mas Sonic Unleashed é um jogo bom, e comparado a certos jogos 3D do Sonic, como Shadow The Hedgehog, Sonic 06, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Colors, Forces e tal, ele é um jogo incrível, mas os fãs do Sonic, sua maioria, tem uma certa frescura com o jogo, apenas pelo fato dele ter um tipo de gameplay novo, o Beat 'em Up, o sistema funciona bem até, cheio de combos e tudo, mas tem algumas idéias mal executadas mas funcionam.

07/10 - PS2/Wii

Somehow manages to be worse than the “HD” versions in nearly every single possible way. It has some amount of interesting ideas and fixes some issues from the HD version but this is still really REALLY bad.

I’m just gonna list the stuff it gets right because there isn’t much. I think rewarding medals for ranks is a great idea. Medals are not required for progression and can instead be used to unlock extra areas of the gaia temple for collectables and extra lives. Also uh…uhhhh…there’s no tornado missions. That’s a plus. I guess.

Ok moving on to the rest of the game, day stages aren’t fun at all. I already don’t care for the day stages in the HD version but these are super boring to play, long stretches of empty hallways filled with nothing in them, stiff movement, quite possibly the easiest ranking system in the entire franchise (at least Generations required you to not DIE to get an S). I’ve heard some people say “oh the stages get more complex the more you go on” but…they really don’t. The “straight line” mentality seeps into every single day stage, including the forced extra missions you need to play (which surprise surprise, aren’t very good either)

Werehog is somehow, somehow, even WORSE than he is in HD. Like I already think HD Werehog is pure bottom of the barrel material in regards to alternate playstyles: he’s slow, his combat is clunky and insanely repetitive, the enemy AI is braindead with little to no variation, his movelist is completely interchangeable and the game gives practically no incentive to mix up combos, the ranking system sucks, the platforming is incredibly simplistic, you get the idea. So then knowing that does the Wii version fix or improve the quality of any of these factors? No. The answer is no.

Like while I just said Werehog HD has a completely lackluster interchangeable moveset, at least he HAS a moveset. Wii Werehog has like 5 combos you get to play around with and that’s it. No aerial combos aside from one single midair dunk, half of his moveset is locked behind the Unleashed mode for some reason (and by half of his moveset I mean…the other 5 combos), and in general everything else is just worse. Sure one could argue how the stages are “””shorter””” than HD but there’s more of them so in total, you’ll still be spending longer in Wii’s stages compared to HD’s

The bosses are weirdly faithful recreations of their HD counterparts (aside from Dark Guardian which I personally think is just straight up better), but because of the mechanical changes I mentioned earlier they’re all made worse. The presentation is a mixed bag, I think in general the stages look great, the colors are nice and the game even showcases locations of these continents and countries that the HD version didn’t show. On the other hand, you have smartphone hub worlds which you’re forced to talk to townspeople in order to get an arbitrary macguffin to progress unlike in HD, and none of the townsfolk are interesting in the slightest (and on top of that you’re still required to go all the way back and talk to professor pickle to advance to other stages). The cutscene presentation is cheap and the renders used for these cutscenes are horrific.

I would recommend playing this game if you’re really into physical pain.

Jogo extremamente underrated. As secções do Werehog se calhar são um bocadinho longas demais mas muito divertidas e as secções do dia, iniciaram a terceira era do Sonic, com a mistura de gameplay a 2D e a 3D.

The Day Stages were great, but this game is mostly spent as the werehog which is... just not that interesting to be honest. Only reason it’s abandoned is because my PS2 died and I gave the game to my sister.

It's ok? But not worth it if you can play the PS3 and Xbox versions

Ngl the daytime stuff was pretty good


Easily the worst 3D Sonic. 06 at least had more than 15 minutes worth of Sonic-like gameplay.

I grew up with the HD version of Unleashed, so I have a thick layer of bias here. But even my objective analysis agrees that this version is inferior to its HD sibling. But that's saying the obvious and unfair, the point of this game is to be the inferior but still good version of Unleashed for the less powerful consoles of its generation. I myself had a very fun romp with this game. The daytime sections are very fun and akin to an endless runner in gameplay. The night sections are very plentiful and more tedius in how they control than the hd version, but how much more brief they are makes up for it. Weirdly, the final boss fight is vastly surperior to the one in HD. The story's the same and still very wonderful to me, but sliiightly less effective due to the lack of a hubworld and some stages being missing. Overall, I recommend the HD version any day, but I would totally recommend this version to someone like me who's played HD Unleashed so many times that its second nature and want to spice things up.

Como eu queria ter jogado a versão HD em vez dessa... nem sei como zerei

Not as good as the other version.

Joguei a versão de PS2 e é podre, as vezes é legal nas seções do Sonic sem ser lobozão do caralho.

I actually like this version a bit more than the Next Gen versions, probably due to nostalgia.

gosto das fases do sonic normal mas do lobo e sofrencia, hack and slash simples demais pra epoca de ps2.

I'd say the Day stages in this game are actually pretty fun - definitely not as well designed or interesting as the HD version (plus I really dislike how the Boost gauge is handled), but at the same time I would be lying if I said I didn't get any enjoyment from them. A lot of the core gameplay is still there - with moveset options like the Drift, Quick Step, and Stomp still being present, and the gameplay generally just feeling very fast-paced. The level design, while again, not as good as the HD version, is still solid for what it is in my opinion.

That said, I can't say the rest of the game is very good, and unfortunately the actual day stages themselves are minority of the experience. The Werehog/Night stages is even more prevalent here than in the HD version, and at the same time, even less fun to play (as someone who already didn't enjoy them). The Werehog combat itself feels even more repetitive than in the HD version (which at least gave you combos and whatnot to work with, even if the game didn't do a great job incentivizing them), and the platforming feels even more basic while the controls feel floaty and sluggish (unless you run, in which the opposite is true - feeling extremely slippery and sensitive).

I will say I do prefer elements of this game's structure - particularly not requiring looking for medals to progress and the Werehog stages (particularly Eggmanland) being split up into different acts, although I dislike how after completing the Day Stages, the game requires you to replay the level with superficial missions applied (i.e. grabbing a certain amount of rings, reaching the goal within a time limit, not breaking jars), making this game just feel padded out.

Overall, I'd say the Day Stages are probably worth playing and maybe even going back to every so often, but the rest of the game definitely drags the experience down. Even then, I would still recommend the HD version over this one, although some newer players may appreciate the lower difficulty.