Reviews from

in the past

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Muy buen juego, tiene decisiones muy complicadas que te dejan con la espalda contra la pared, como si quiero que mi acompañante sea un psicópata con personalidad múltiple que es capaz de estrellar un avión en tu casa y arrancarte la cara solo porque lo miraste feo, o el viejo choto con demencia senil que mató a la pareja de mi única figura materna y que eventualmente me va a terminar traicionando.

Lo recomiendo incluso si no te gusta Spider-Man o Marvel.

O melhor jogo do Homem-Aranha já feito. Não só torna a experiência do mundo aberto mais interessante pelas notárias mudanças que vão acontecendo durante o jogo, como possui um sistema de escolhas simples mas genial pro plot principal

one of the worst pc ports known to man.

This wasn't the best game, but I had a lot of fun with it when I was younger. The combat was very cool but I remember the progression sucked. I kept backtracking because I was confused and it resulted in me replaying boss fights. Playing as Spider-Man is always fun no matter how bad the game is.

It's simplicity on the PSP version actually helped it play better and made for a better experience than trying to preserve the controls of the original. The console version is way better though.

Not as fun as later titles, but still neat in it's own rights. Mostly lower due to how you'll spend time doing the same things over and over.

It's actually a pretty decent game. Story is pretty eh, just some generic stuff and padding out to throw in extra heroes or villians for no reason but having them there was pretty cool. Now the being able to change between normal suit and black suit at any time even during fighting to chain combos or use abilities only the black suit has in tandem with the normal suit was really cool. Swinging was pretty bad when it came to webs attaching to buildings but it was still extremely fun. This game had lots of stuff that spider man games these days just dont have like the wall combat was super fun and just chaining web strikes in the air was really cool. The choices system was also enjoyable although a lot of the main missions were just repeat side content which was irritating. Summary : Combat and swinging was fun but the story and missions were eh. Symbiote variants of each villians and their henchmen was kinda cool ngl and the ally system was too. Pretty decent for its time tbh and I had a fun time with it.

this was like 90% of why i wanted to play activision spider-man games because i saw a clip on twitter and thought it looked really awesome but tbh it was pretty bland and stupid. some bad voice acting didn't help but the missions are so repetitive all taking place in the open world and there are only like 3 mission types. combat seemed to be the focus but fell very flat for me, combos really didn't connect right and generally i feel like there was just a lot of missed potential. i had a fine enough time because i enjoy most spider-man games, and i will say swinging was really fun and when combat worked it was pretty satisfying! i just went in with really high hopes and let myself down.

The Spider-Man games have always been generally good, but with the success that Treyarch made with Spider-Man 2, it’s a wonder why this game is not as good. With the success of that game, you wonder why this could have been messed up so badly. While the core game is pretty good there’s just so much wrong with it such as a terrible camera, useless upgrade system, poor story, bad voice acting, bad graphics, repetitive missions and the list goes on. The game is about Venom fusing with a bit of Spider-Man and creating bastard symbiotes that are trying to destroy the town. They take over a few Marvel characters (Wolverine, Black Cat, and Vulture just to name a few) and it’s an interesting twist, but not interesting enough.

The gameplay is what the game is supposed to be best at, but it falters on this. You have a pretty robust fighting system here with heavy and light attacks, web shots, and new wall and aerial combat, but it just doesn’t work very well. The aerial combat isn’t as broken as the wall combat and can be pretty fun at times. You can shoot a web at someone in the air and just keep juggling them. Upgrading this allows more juggles and more powerful follow-ups. You can also just attack normally and you will kind of home in on the enemies and it’s pretty solid.

Ground combat works too but feels pretty boring due to the fact that there are only a few combos that you can upgrade and there really isn’t anything Spider-Many about it at all like tying enemies up to light posts or anything like that. Wall combat is the most broken thanks to the crappy camera. You can climb a wall, but instead of the camera zooming out at a fixed angle it follows you, and if you’re locked onto an enemy it’ll follow it and the camera will do backflips and somersaults and it’s nauseating. Not only that, but you can’t look very far up a building thanks to the camera being right behind Spidey. The camera also poses an issue when swinging around the city because if you get stuck on a building the camera jitters and freaks out and it can get mildly annoying.

Of course, you have a black suit that you can do, but it’s not much different from the red. Instead of being extra powerful or using a completely different fighting style it just borrows from the red suit and changes the combos slightly. This also leads into the story of being able to be good or bad Spidey and the results are mildly amusing. It’s interesting to see Spidey turn bad and you can choose the path at different points in the story. I would normally mention epic parts of the game that could have saved it, but there aren’t any.

The missions are also highly repetitive and irritating. There will be a mission that has you waiting and guarding citizens then the next mission will be the exact same thing, but just shorter! Forget about the side missions because they are even more repetitive and even doing things like saving citizens and rescuing them and fighting bad guys it just boring and not fun at all since it never ends.

Lastly, the game doesn’t look too good. It doesn’t look next-gen at all, but a highly polished Xbox 1 game. The game just doesn’t look good at all and doesn’t even sound good. Spider-Man has a whiny voice and sounds like he belongs in an emo band. Plus everyone else sounds pretty bad and just, well, isn’t up to Marvel standards. Web of Shadows isn’t the best game in the world, but it’s good enough for a mediocre rental if you’re craving Spider-Man action.

Was my favorite Spidey game before the PS4 masterpiece came around.

Edgy teenager story, terrible VA for Peter Parker, almost grating.

Still, cool combo system and intensely fun aerial combat.

seria mais legal se desse pra comer a MJ ou a Gata Negra

It was better than I remember.

I am evil now.....fuck wolverine....

Que jogo foda! Sério, eu não lembrava que ele era tão bom, apesar de algumas coisas como travamentos durante a jogatina, gameplay levemente caótica e quase zero rejogabilidade pois quase não tem o que fazer no mundo aberto além das missões principais e algumas opcionais.
Ainda assim, esse jogo é absurdo! O Web-Swing é preciso com vários movimentos que você desbloqueia durante a campanha, a premissa de poder jogar com o traje vermelho e preto ao mesmo tempo é muito boa e ambiciosa e até que bem executada num geral, e o mais importante, o combate.
O combate desse jogo é o mais único que eu já vi na franquia de jogos do Miranha, é nível God of War, cara! Além de poder fazer escolhas durante a história, contendo finais diferentes, foi algo que nunca havia sido visto na saga dos jogos do Homen-Aranha (Apesar dos diálogos meio toscos sinceramente).
Enfim, Web of Shadows é sem dúvidas o meu segundo jogo do Homem-Aranha favorito (Perdendo obviamente só pro Spider-Man PS4). Recomendo jogar a versão de PC, pois tem suporte a mods bem legais e alguns que deixam o jogo menos datado com uma nova cara. E bom, é basicamente isso... Ah, e nesse jogo você pode RASGAR o Wolverine ao meio! Só isso que eu tenho pra dizer mesmo.


No es un juego largo, y me costo bastante terminarlo por la jugabilidad, pero lo que fuerte es el lore y su historia cruda, se podría decir que es el juego de spiderman mas sad. Lastima que no envejecieron bien los controles , pero para los amantes de los comic es una gozada.

um lixo, maçante, bugado. Pior jogo que joguei nos últimos tempos.

We need more games like this. A lot of great memories with this one. It also made me realize how much I like Black Cat (a lot more than Moon Knight, I can tell you that).

spider-man 3 but good, or idk spider-man ps4 but slightly worse

particularly liked the choice system even if it was shallow, wall combat babyyyy, web strike babyyy, city changing is so sick, two different movesets, it's unpolished but it's got it allll

i take that back what i said for spider-man 2, THIS GAME got the best swingin no cap

I should get this on PC. I wanna see Black Cat's milkers in H D.

But also the game lacked polish. Wanna know why?

Fuck Activision.

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I just finished the PC version of Web of Shadows - I wanted to buy the Xbox 360 version but physical copies of that are going for over £100, so, uh... I acquired it via other means for PC. That did mean I could play it in 4K though, so that was fun.

What I liked: The combat was great - really fluid and loose in the way that older games tended to be. It's less focused on being cinematic and looking good, and more focused on making you feel powerful. I also really liked the SFX during battle like the swipes on the punches. It also extended to midair combat (which has you suspended in air for aaaaaages, really fun) and on-walls combat (which is great sometimes but other times the camera bugs out and it becomes a massive headache). Being able to switch between the two suits, and by extension, two movesets, was great too. Switching between them mid-combo became really fun towards the end. I also loved the traversal. I was iffy on it first, but over time I picked up on how to do certain things like wall run, swing on poles, web zip vertically, etc. It's very twitchy and light compared to other Spider-Man games, but it felt great with some time. The animations were excellent and really added to the feeling of fluidity (shoutout to the horizontal web zip animation, it ends in a pose I've never seen before or since but it's so sick, and so Spider-Man). I also really respect what they were going for with the story - the morality system actually made some impactful changes to the story, and more importantly, to the way I approached moment-to-moment gameplay. I decided to go against my instincts and choose chaos with the Black Suit, and embracing the villainous side was a lot of fun. There was a moment towards the end (where you decide whether to destroy the anti-symbiote detonator or not) where, with my alignment completely dark, I was expecting a choice. I was ready to go for the heroic choice but the game actually locked me into the evil choice, then stopped allowing me to change suits. It was a really clever subversion that made me feel like my choices actually had an impact on things.

What I disliked: The mission design in this game is awful. Truly. The entire thing is set in the outdoor environment of NYC, unlike EVERY other Spider-Man game - those all have indoor environments too. It's a good thing sometimes, because it means that the entire time you play, you're getting to know the city, and the way it changes with the narrative becomes more satisfying. But on the other hand, it means that every. Single. Mission. Is some variation on "kill X amount of enemies" or "go to point Y and kill more enemies". It's so fucking boring. There are two other environments, Rikers (surely it's the Raft?) and a Shield Helicarrier at the very end. Neither of these are indoors. Idk. Every mission felt identical, with some boring talking head sections between them. I don't know if it was a creative choice, or a time restriction, but it makes the game DRAG. Spider-Man needs indoor environments. As a character, Spider-Man is so versatile because he works very differently indoors vs outdoors. Outdoors, he's fast, speeding through the air, running on walls, covering ground, moving up skyscrapers. The focus is swinging and movement. But all the best Spider-Man games break that up with indoor Spider-Man - combat, stealth, wall crawling, verticality indoors, fitting into tight spaces. It's a whole different set of verbs. I think The Amazing Spider-Man does a sick job of indoor Spider-Man, the combat is fantastic and the stealth??? OMG. Web Rush works so well as a stealth/traversal tool - but that's off topic. Web of Shadows is all outdoor verbs and it gets TIRED. I just wanted to do something different, in a visually different environment. Anyway, that drags the game down to a 3.5 for me, it's a big complaint. Fun game though.

OH and the DS version - fantastic Metroidvania, some beautiful animation, great combat and level design, super fun swinging, full voice acting. That game is a solid 4.5, genuinely the superior version. Spider-Man has phenomenal handheld games.

This is a bowling game. Perfectly-timed Web Strike supremacy. Lots of symbiote porn. Needed a little more polishing, like SM3.

why does this have a crown on it in my favorite games thing on my profile how do I remove the crown guys please help