Reviews from

in the past

OOuguhd this game is so fun its like postal 2 but with spider-man i love it

i was gonna call this prototype 3 as a joke but apparently it came out before the first game so really i should be calling it prototype 0.5

MY FAVORITE SPIDER-MAN GAME! The web swing is SUPERB you can gain speed crazy fast if you know what you’re doing. The combos are SUPERB switching between the suits picking if you want to use venom movies or your classic friendly neighborhood Spider-Man moves. In the story you can make a difference if you want to the bad or the good. These options later affect the game later on in the ending. This game is great I love it so much.

Story is eh. Spider-Man VA so unserious but the combat so gas

this games combat is so insane. also spidermans voice actor is terrible but its a fun symbiote spiderman centered game

Repetitive and tedious gameplay, yet the animations themselves are so fluid and varied that the movement / combat mechanics rarely become boring even if the tasks the game asks you to do are mind numbing.

The story is quite awful simply due to the often horrendous voice acting that has the depth and nuance of a school play, but nevertheless it’s entertaining in how over dramatic it is. The choice system is cool in concept, but in execution it’s totally binary with no meaningful reactions from the story or other NPCs which would’ve given the choices thematic weight (although being so poorly thought out leads to utter hilarity when making the evil decisions). Four slightly altered endings isn’t enough to inspire multiple playthroughs although I did grow up with this game so I have some nostalgia for it at the end of the day.

The 360/PS3 version of this game run fairly well on both consoles, but slow down is frequent in the second half of the game once the symbiote apocalypse begins as the game simply cannot render everything happening on screen at once leading to dismal frame rates in hectic scenes, but when it counts the game runs fine.

Great Symbiote storyline and freakin' amazing combat fluidity.

um jogo com Mecânicas legais, combate legal, soltar teia é legal embora seja meio torto, personagens legais, mas missões muito repetitivas, inimigos sem criatividade nenhuma, cada inimigo do homem-aranha parece que tem uma gangue, mas eu gosto do desfecho do Eddie (lado bom), o sistema de karma deixa muito a desejar, a historia é muito aleatoria e chata, se for jogar, decida nas primeiras 1 hora pq o jogo não fica muito diferente mecanicamente.

Good story, fun combat and swinging, but buggy, and Spider-Man has one of the worst voice acting performances I've ever heard.

Replayed this after a few years and it's WAY less polished than i remember. This and the non-existent side content bring the game down but it doesn't take away from the amazing visceral combat and traversal

black suit sigma as fuck

Out of all the Spider-Man games that have been put out over the decades, this is certainly one of them. There's honestly not a lot more to say about it: the combat is kind of interesting given how each suit has different playstyles and you can basically DMC style switch with them, but the only other thing notable than that is how the writers didn't know whether to make the moral choices ambiguous or just straight up evil, making this potentially the most accidentally funny and brutal Spider-Man game ever.

Probably one of the most unpolished games I have ever played. Story is uninteresting and cliche, voice acting is usually bad, overall presentation is very lame an mediocre. Swinging is OK but nowhere near as fun as good SM games. Combat is the only saving grace as it is very varied and fun. There are lots of combat moves and the variety is good. Classic suit and Symbiote suit has different combat styles and adds a lot to the game. It is a fun game that can be frustrating at times.

Mi parte favorita de la trama de este juego es cuando pintan a Spiderman como una amenaza por liarse a hostias con civiles que claramente se mueven como simbiontes

not bad, nothing too special but I did end up getting all 2000+ collectibles just for fun. gameplay is a little lackluster though

God Catwoman is so hot...

The PC port of this game is horrendous, but the combat, swinging, and bosses hooked me into seeing it through. While the enemies can be shallow and easy to defeat, stringing together insane combos, swapping between suits in the process, is so much fun. The story was endearingly terrible to begin, but tapered off towards the third act as new characters were not introduced, and instead reintegrated as venom-possessed villains. However, fighting them was still a lot of fun, just left a lot to be desired with how quick it was to breeze through them. I recommend this game for any spider-man fans, or general enjoyers of character action/stylish action games. The web swinging and combat are at least worth a few hours of playtime, despite the obvious under-baked nature of it all.

Voice acting is hilarious, but the combat and movement slaps.

Game goes from being insane and fun to being absolutely hilarious and I'm for it!

Esse jogo é um TREMENDO guilty pleasure.

looks like a michael bay movie in the worst way possible
really fun tho

comPLETELY carried by the combat system. swinging is honestly pretty mid and the city is a ROBLOX free-model lifted from Prototype 2.

this is the WORST peter parker voice i've ever heard in my FUCKING life

symbiote vulture is peak villain design though not gonna lie

Esse jogo é muito importante para mim.

Web of Shadows serviu como minha introdução aos hack n slash, joguei pela primeira vez aos sete anos e foi o primeiro jogo que me fez considerar mais do que "apertar botões".

A melhor parte de Web Of Shadows é o combate. Há três tipos de combate (terrestre, aéreo & escalando) + Dois modos operantes (Roupa Clássica & Roupa simbionte) + mecânica que interliga tudo (Web Strike) + Possibilidade de invocar heróis e vilões para suporte + golpes especiais + mecânicas de counter
Os inimigos são variados e simplistas, dando muita liberdade para experimentar diferentes combos e estratégias. Os chefes são criativos e possuem uma variedade impressionante de golpes e comportamento.

O maior ponto baixo é a estrutura de algumas missões, que acabam sendo bem repetitivas, e o chefe final, que só é legal visualmente, sendo bem fácil e decepcionante (ainda mais considerando que um grande destaque desse jogo são as batalhas com chefes)

Críticas a história e ao sistema de moralidade desse jogo são feitas industrialmente desde 2008. Minha opinião é que esse jogo é produto de seu tempo, toda aura edgy e raivosa aqui deve ser apreciada ao invés de contida, pois nunca mais haverá um jogo do Homem-Aranha que seja tão cínico em certos pontos.

Eu amo essa pqp!

Among Spider-Man video games, Web of Shadows has always held a special place for me. Nowadays there are games with much better gameplay and good graphics, but none of them impressed me as much as this game did at the time. It's a good enough game to play even now.

Best Superhero game ever made IMO

Kickass fucking combat, story with ups and downs, funny opening now lol, really cool black suit mechanics, fun simple web swinging but yeah the biggest appeal of this game to me is the combat and how flexible you feel. I wish more superhero media outside of comics pronounced this type of insane anime like fighting for certain heroes...Man of Steel with it's DBZ ass fights come to mind. Either way, I love SM2 for swinging and WOS for combat, a Spidey game with both combined and a story done better than eithers would be a dream come true. I went for both Pure Red and Pure Black endings, I'm fine with just watching the heel turn endings tho, Pure Black run was in one sitting. Also people like to riff on the sniper chain (you know the one) but I find it quite fun and fascinating lol, I kept playing and going oh what the fuck this is insane, yet awesome lol

Even playing the worst version of this game was still a blast. Web of Shadows is the Eurojank Mutation of what my ideal Spider-Man game would be. Its super ambitious, its large, it innovates in spots noone thought to do so and yet it barely manages to hit any of its lofty goals. I love this game mainly for its combat, movement and moral choices. Web of Shadows actually gives you the option to be a real piece of work, the true Villain of the story while looking so damm cool. There is a real thick layer of dust on the graphics and Voice acting, but I have grown so fond of them, in a really autistic way.