Reviews from

in the past

У игры интересная боевка, динамичные полеты, завораживающий сюжет, живой опен-ворлд, постановочные квесты, но есть одна проблема - игра кал.

Does Insomniac’s Spider-Man have a web Hadouken?

Didn’t think so.

comPLETELY carried by the combat system. swinging is honestly pretty mid and the city is a ROBLOX free-model lifted from Prototype 2.

this is the WORST peter parker voice i've ever heard in my FUCKING life

symbiote vulture is peak villain design though not gonna lie

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web swinging and combat are the best things of this game.
Garbage voice acting, garbage story... but it has symbiote wolverine, which is really cool. and black cat.

um jogo com Mecânicas legais, combate legal, soltar teia é legal embora seja meio torto, personagens legais, mas missões muito repetitivas, inimigos sem criatividade nenhuma, cada inimigo do homem-aranha parece que tem uma gangue, mas eu gosto do desfecho do Eddie (lado bom), o sistema de karma deixa muito a desejar, a historia é muito aleatoria e chata, se for jogar, decida nas primeiras 1 hora pq o jogo não fica muito diferente mecanicamente.

Probably one of the most unpolished games I have ever played. Story is uninteresting and cliche, voice acting is usually bad, overall presentation is very lame an mediocre. Swinging is OK but nowhere near as fun as good SM games. Combat is the only saving grace as it is very varied and fun. There are lots of combat moves and the variety is good. Classic suit and Symbiote suit has different combat styles and adds a lot to the game. It is a fun game that can be frustrating at times.

As a sucker for all things Spider-Man I decided to boot up my old Wii and revisit this era of his games. Sucks that so many of them have been totally forgotten about, no port no nothing.

Fair amount of bizarre voice acting aside, this is a blast and a real relic from the pre-MCU Marvel days, with excellent combat and really creative use of the Symbiote. Moon Knight is so fucking funny.

All I remember about this game is the rather inspired Wolverine boss fight where he pins you down several times to quiz you on actual Spider-Man trivia to see if you're the real Peter Parker. That's pretty good.

Actually I do remember one other thing: that one cutscene of Spider-Man walking sadly across a skyscraper rooftop in slow motion as tons of soldiers are fighting Symbiote creatures and dying. It gets paired up with the song from that similar moment in the anime Tokyo Ghoul a lot.

The story is quite shit but the combat is cool as fuck and black cat is hot as fuck too, recommended

монотонную игру-перехайп спасла хорошая боёвка

в которой появился лучший Паук в камео (камео прохожего от Юрия Ловенталя)

This game reeks of late 2000s videogame aesthetics, but the swinging and combat are some of the best that be offered in a Spidey game

An absurd potential overshadowed and limited by low budget and poor optimization

Even playing the worst version of this game was still a blast. Web of Shadows is the Eurojank Mutation of what my ideal Spider-Man game would be. Its super ambitious, its large, it innovates in spots noone thought to do so and yet it barely manages to hit any of its lofty goals. I love this game mainly for its combat, movement and moral choices. Web of Shadows actually gives you the option to be a real piece of work, the true Villain of the story while looking so damm cool. There is a real thick layer of dust on the graphics and Voice acting, but I have grown so fond of them, in a really autistic way.

we need more superhero games that let you go as hilariously out of character as this one does

I don't understand why this game gets brought up every time as one of the best Spider man games.

It's mission structure is so boring

I don't know what's worse. The technical state leaving me with a corrupted save file 3 missions before the ending, or Mike Vaughn's performance as Spider-Man. Honestly it's probably the latter. He is by far the worst actor to voice Spider-Man hands down.

It's story never gets more interesting than the set up. Its combat is fun but gets old rather quickly and unique missions are just straight up missing from this game. It's boring busy work from lifeless quest givers until you reach another poorly designed boss fight.

I shouldn't have to say anything more than corrupted save file for you to understand the bugs I I won't. Trust me your imagination is likely spot on.

It's a game that is in such rough shape. It was riding the line of so bad it's good territory for a bit, but then it dropped the ball in the entire final act. A lot of people seem to like this one but if you are hungry for a Spider-Man game there are significantly better ones to choose from.

Story is eh. Spider-Man VA so unserious but the combat so gas

Replayed this after a few years and it's WAY less polished than i remember. This and the non-existent side content bring the game down but it doesn't take away from the amazing visceral combat and traversal

The gameplay is the best and pretty much the only good thing about this game. The voice acting, story, characters were all pretty bad or poorly developed, the city feels empty, side activities are very repetitive, swinging is fun although the camera sometimes got in the way. People talk so much good stuff about this game so I was expecting a bit more... It is fun for a while, then it becomes tedious.

Terrible camera control I've ever experienced! Felt too repetitive, could've been much better. Combat is the only best thing in this game imo.

Story sucks but holy shit the combat is so fucking good

Mi parte favorita de la trama de este juego es cuando pintan a Spiderman como una amenaza por liarse a hostias con civiles que claramente se mueven como simbiontes

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acho um pouco de forçação de barra falar que esse jogo é melhor que Spider-Man 2

surprised how much this game
is brought up/referenced. p wtv spider man game