Reviews from

in the past

Disappointing but I still played it a fair bit.

The Cell Stage is short but enjoyable enough. The Creature Stage is really basic but it's oddly charming. The Tribal and Civilization Stages are pretty much baby's first RTS. I've always enjoyed them personally, but neither is very interesting.

The Space Stage and Creature Creator are no doubt the focus of the game. Creating creatures is cool, and I think making them more complex as you progress in the Creature Stage and seeing how they've changed at the end is the best part. Space Stage is a bit mixed. I think it can be enjoyable and there are things to do, especially if you get the Galactic Adventures DLC, but I don't think it manages to hold my attention for as long as it should. I've played through the game many times, telling myself I would beat Space Stage each one, and I never did. I know that it doesn't really have an ending, but there is sort of a goal, and I could never bother to reach it.

All in all, enjoyable enough, I suppose.

My first trip on the hype train was for this game. Naturally, it couldn't live up to what I hoped for it. It tried to do way too much and only did part of it well. Space is the best part of the game. Creature is alright. Everything else is kind of pointless. The whole game is too shallow.

my penis monster and i were very successful in our ventures

i know ive rated this game way higher than it has any right to be but the space stage alone draws me in the way no other game has before. i could spend and i have spent ages waging wars and establishing relationships with all the other empires. it just appeals heavily to me

it has a hilarious character creation thing but other than that, the game istelf fucking sucks

i wish they'd made an entire game around the creature stage

The first time I got my heart broken.

If I had the power to start development on the sequel of any game, this would be it. While Spore was not perfect, nothing since has captured the same ability to create, explore and feel free in your own universe.

i've backseated my friend more than i've played this game myself

Would come back only to play microscopic again.

me and my friend were really excited for this when we were little middle schoolers and we loved it but when i try to play it now i feel the bile in my stomach rise to my throat and i have to stop playing

we could go on and on about what Spore COULD have been until we're blue in the face but Spore, standing on its own and being judged as its own thing, is all in all a pretty good game. it also still, to this day, a very unique game in both style and mechanics. the game gives you very many different paths of replayability. wanna create some cool monsters and vehicles until the end of time? Spore's more than ready to deliver on that promise. taking those very same creations, be it monster or machine, and helping them evolve over the course of a million-year-long journey from cell to space-farer has never gotten old. at least not in my case, your experience will likely differ.

is it the deepest of games? of course not, after all it would have been pure miracle for a game to take this jack-of-all-trades approach in mechanics and have them all be equaled in depth or replayability. but hey, that's just how it goes.

above all else, Spore is a fun game that never stopped being fun for me.

223 hours logged. Great game with funky creatures.

This review is truly hard one for me. This is one of the first games I've played. I can still remember little me letting my imagination run wild as I played this game over and over again. There was a time were this was on of my favorite games of all time.

Though seeing art through nostalgia filled glasses isn't always the greatest idea. I have revisited this game and seen what it truly is, a disappointment. There is not much I can say, this is just a game that you will have a hard time finding enjoyment in unless you are playing it to make fun of it. I love this game, but it's bad.

god i played this game SO much i was obsessed with it. the people say it is bad but have you considered: funny little creatures. gathering food in tribal stage. thank you

Creating creatures is pretty much all the fun here.
It's a cool idea and can be fun at times.
Most stages of the game are very boring and a slog.

This game is aggressively mediocre, but I love it so much, so it's in my top 5

im insane so this is a top 5 game 4 me but if u want 2 play it get it on origin solely for the better mod support. i made my fursona in this

I LOVED this game as a kid, but it doesn't hold up all that well. There are 5 stages and only the creature stage/creature editor are fun.

It pains me to rate this game so low because of the amount of fond memories i have of it, but there's so much about it that i really can't defend.

Era mais legal quando eu era criança.