Reviews from

in the past

Finished it again. Just like the last thousand times. Now I tried installing countless mods. Game crashes so much.
Note: Don't install the mod named "YourMom". It just turns every text in the game to "Your Mom".
So, if you are looking to spice up your Spore experience, you don't have to put yourself through the agony of installing countless mods you don't know, like I did. Just install dark injection, auto save and some graphic patches, and tweak some game files to skip the intro and unlock your FPS. On top of it all, install Reshade and you have the ultimate Spore experience.

Once I reached the space stage my PC crashed 3 times in an hour, in what I can only assume was its attempt to wipe my abomination of a creature from existence

I fuck with this game so hard but it's also objectively pretty shit but also my steam playtime does not lie I have played this game a LOT

Now the superior species, C0ckAndBallz, reigns the universe


Every part of this game is fun and solid. If literally any of them were expanded on, you would have a good game. As is, this game only exists to disappoint.

i loved the cell stage then i turned off my mind for about 10 hours

i autistic baby baby fit at the age of like 9 when my parent told me that they wouldnt buy me this game and i told them that not buying me the game ruined my life
they then bought it for me

I love this goofy ass game

I made Cinna-Mon on one save and the game crashed.

Cinna-Mon showed up again and wiped out my tribe.


Jogado no Xbox Game Pass / EA Play. Quando eu era criança, eu lembro de conseguir uma cópia de Spore e achar o jogo mais diferente e legal que eu já tinha conseguindo jogar no meu computador, mesmo que nunca tenha avançado direito no jogo. Não a toa eu fui atrás de rejogar quando vi que ele estava disponível no Game Pass...

E talvez agora eu entenda porque eu tenha desistido do jogo quando criança? Por mais que ele tente te apresentar 5 estágios bem distintos em proposta, eles tem praticamente o mesmo gameplay: conseguir pontos de DNA para evoluir para a próxima parte.

O problema é que, ao invés de deixar mais divertido, ele só deixa o processo mais burocrático a cada passo. Eu fui até o Estágio Tribal e parece que cada fase é a mesma, mas com controles diferentes e mais passos pra se preocupar. Quando eu era criança eu sempre falei que gostava mais do Estágio de Célula e hoje eu entendo o porquê: o jogo tá ali, só que simples e fácil de jogar e aproveitar o que ele tem de bom.

I fear the number of hours younger me sunk into the space stage... felt like an MMO before I'd experienced one of those. Felt like the universe was huge and would never end, simpler times :)

why did my autism decide to make this one of my biggest special interests since childhood. it could've been how to cook

Ah yes. Spore. The genius creature creator from 2008.
It still remains to this day as one of my favorite god/sandbox games.

The gameplay is quite simple, you start in the cell stage, where you must nurture and grow your species to the next stage and the next after that. The game continues from the cell stage to the creature stage where you must survive the land, feed and mate and collect parts, while befriending or destroying other creatures. After that stage we have the tribal stage, which also ends the evolution segment and starts the social segment, where you must bring your tribe to victory with any means necessary, either friendly or hostile. After the tribal stage we have the civilization stage where you must control a civilization and your goal is the domination of the planet! The Final stage is the sandbox like stage, the Space Stage. This marks the beginning of the exploration and colonization of space, starting with the home system of the creature.

In the end the most fun I had in this game has always been while creating creatures or in the space stage. Other parts are fun, but I find myself usually wanting to get through them as fast as I can. Despite that, the whole game is very entertaining and it's very heavy with nostalgia for myself and probably many others as well.

Great old game, definitely worth the hefty price of 20€ these days as well. Highly recommended.

A painful game, released as a an echo of what it was supposed to be, still varied and beautiful and complex, but it's half death killed the entirety of evolution games with it, which will never cease hurting me.


The Cell Stage is short but enjoyable enough. The Creature Stage is really basic but it's oddly charming. The Tribal and Civilization Stages are pretty much baby's first RTS. I've always enjoyed them personally, but neither is very interesting.

The Space Stage and Creature Creator are no doubt the focus of the game. Creating creatures is cool, and I think making them more complex as you progress in the Creature Stage and seeing how they've changed at the end is the best part. Space Stage is a bit mixed. I think it can be enjoyable and there are things to do, especially if you get the Galactic Adventures DLC, but I don't think it manages to hold my attention for as long as it should. I've played through the game many times, telling myself I would beat Space Stage each one, and I never did. I know that it doesn't really have an ending, but there is sort of a goal, and I could never bother to reach it.

All in all, enjoyable enough, I suppose.

often hated for the things that it didn't do, but i feel people don't give it enough credit for the things it did well. worth playing for the player creations alone

This was probably the coolest thing ever when i was 10, 7 years later, it still is the coolest thing.

Game crashes a lot, the contrast between gameplay types is jarring, but even so, the game is very charming and fun, and all of the gameplay styles are fun, with the space one being a little lame at the start but really opening up later on

i recommend.

im insane so this is a top 5 game 4 me but if u want 2 play it get it on origin solely for the better mod support. i made my fursona in this

The cell stage is fun and thankfully doesn't overstay its welcome.
The creature stage is even more fun, I wish it lasted longer.
The tribal stage is a bit worse but still pretty fun.
The civilization stage is just a worse tribal stage.
The space stage is boring.
Unfortunately, the fact that the other tribes and civilizations are different species from you has some disgustingly racist implications that I hope weren't intentional.

This game is so fucking weird, I love it. I love customazing little guys

É estranho pensar que em algum momento desse plano terreno a EA já fez jogo bom. O que falar de Spore, é um clássico pra PC, divertidíssimo e com mecânicas que funcionam bem, "gameplays" bem estruturadas, digo "gameplays" pois pra quem jogou sabe que cada faze da evolução muda o estilo de jogo. Tem uma coisa nesse jogo que pode incomodar, e é a ultima fase da evolução, ela é enorme, isso não me incomodou tanto, até porque me diverti horrores, mas pode ser entediante para alguns.

As a kid, getting to center made you a giga chad in the playground

As a kid, I loved it. As an adult, I can only see it's missed potential.

I love my imperialism symulator