Reviews from

in the past

Spore... is weird. It's hard to rate it as a game, because it's not one game. It's several different underdeveloped games of varying quality. The cell stage is kinda fun, the creature stage is kinda fun, and the space stage is cool but quickly becomes super tedious. The whole thing is buggy as hell. It's basically a good way to spend an afternoon or a weekend.

backpack for his applesauce. backpack where he keeps his applesauce. ja’ams got the applesauce that you crave

'Ello I'm will wright, welcome to me game spore

my younger self really didnt like the tribal stage and dropped it. I'm not sure how much I'd like it these days

really fun if you go into it with no good or bad expectations at all

You create life, you make a whole new creature in a planet sparking with new life, your creature evolves, becomes intelligent, you create tribes, you create civilization, YOU CONQUER THE WHOLE FUCKING SPACE JUST TO GET TO THE CENTER OF THE GALAXY. I really never had the time to go until the end of this game tho but it's one of my favorites for sure. It makes your creativity go wild when creating little monsters, or building, of cars, boats, and planes. And finally the spaceship! This game really warms my heart :)

This is the most 3 out of 5 star game around.

Every part of this game is fun and solid. If literally any of them were expanded on, you would have a good game. As is, this game only exists to disappoint.

Thought it was cool as a kid, but all I did was make dinosaurs...

Really fun until you get to the space stage and the game shits its pants

It lack depth in many aspects and generally is very lame in terms of design or strategy.

often hated for the things that it didn't do, but i feel people don't give it enough credit for the things it did well. worth playing for the player creations alone


O jogo é bom em certo nível, porém eu acho mais atraente a criação de personagens, a gameplay é lenta e não te recompensa tanto, se for pra comprar, que tenha desconto.

this game sucks ass but it was like the first game I played so I kinda love it

i've been playing this game for the better part of a decade IT MADE ME WHO I AM

I made penis creatures and my friend called me a degenerate........... and he was right.

If this game were an extended version of the creature stage with expanded content, it'd easily be 5 stars imo

playing god for the cultus of scientism crowd since they lack the humility to worship him

Premissa mto daora, não joguei 100% dele mas gostei p krl
mas qnd tu chega no espaço fica chato.

So many games in one, and all of them quite naff. Creature creator has fun to it, mind.