Reviews from

in the past

Best part was wasting tiny storm troopers in my big ol' X-wing. They even screamed! Hilarious stuff.

This is a very well-done Star Wars dogfighting game. It's made up of various missions where you might be protecting something or targeting something. Graphics, sound, and use of the license are all great for a 64 title. Sadly I'm not very good at this game and it gets too hard near the end for me to finish it.

Game is super wonky to get working. Also brutal difficulty. Rest of the game is actually good though.

I never could really understand the objectives. I’ll have to try it again someday to get it, but until then it’ll always just be a decent game.

Has some camera issues on modern systems, and you spend an unfortunate amount of time overshooting your target and then slowly circling back, but otherwise it's a great time. Going after medals isn't unbearable but it does require replaying and learning the level, even if the combat itself isn't anything too complicated. Fantastic sound, simple graphics that still capture the essence of Star Wars, beautiful environments (including some of my favorite N64-era skyboxes). I wish they'd make another Star Wars flight game like this.


I bought this game at a Media Play in Henrietta, a suburb of Rochester, NY, in 1998. I was three years old - it had an X-Wing on the cover and I knew I had to have it. Conveniently, my Dad also had a killer 3D Accelerator Card equipped PC, so it was a match made in heaven.

I have played Rogue Squadron 3D once yearly at minimum every year since that fateful day in 1998. It's levels, with their linear objectives and vast landscapes are burned into my brain; I know every hill and valley. Every hidden item. Every plot beat as each level unfolds, jam packed with dialogue and Star Wars Expanded Universe jargon. I have played the game on a dozen different desktops, laptops, and with at least 4 different joysticks, and yet I still find myself returning yearly.

To me, it is more than a game: it is a wave of memories. A tsunami of feelings and thoughts that stretch back through time. Yeah, its back half is spectacularly challenging in a way that its front half doesn't prepare you for, and yeah - that last mission with the World Devastators is pretty rough, but for me it transcends its faults and becomes something else entirely.

Imagine SF64 but the entire game is in All Range mode and you get this. It's really impressive, in all honesty, just how much the game can render on the N64 at once with next to no pop-in, and so many ships you can get.

Best Star Wars game on the N64. Very fun and challenging game but not the best in the series.

This game was amazing to play when it came out on the 64 but I don't wanna go back to it 1. because the sequel is still amazing and 2. I don't wanna ruin my memories of the classic title.

First canonical Naboo Starfighter appearance look it up

El origen de la trilogía Squadron fue desarrollado para la poderosa Nintendo 64, y es sin duda alguna uno de los mejores títulos de la consola de 64 bits de Nintendo. Con unas gráficas sorprendentes para la época, una mecánica de juego excelente y un diseño de niveles con todo lo necesario, este título nos sumerge en el universo Star Wars como muy pocos, dándonos la posibilidad de pilotar todas y cada una de las míticas naves espaciales de la primera trilogía con todas sus especificaciones técnicas y todo su arsenal disponible. Es también un juego con un alto nivel de dificultad, más aún si se quieren conseguir todas las medallas doradas y salir vivo en el intento. Un juego que se recomienda mucho, y que forma parte de los tres juegos de Star Wars para la N64, que serán recordados para siempre por su alto nivel de calidad.

While I still think it's a good game, the magic of feeling like you're in the cockpit of an X-wing or TIE fighter has certainly dissipated over the years, and some egregiously difficult missions serve as frustrating roadblocks. Kamikaze attacks on chicken walkers still feel darkly satisfying, though.

It's rough to get the controls right on the PC, but once you do it'll be an enjoyable time. Some levels are pretty tough, and I have no IDEA how people get gold on missions, but I had a good time playing it, especially because of how much nostalgia I have from playing this at my friend's house with the joystick controller and being terrible at it.

Pretty fun overall, convoy missions notwithstanding. Also no one of us could ever get all Gold.

The core flying combat is fun, but some sections (defending weak targets and the fucking walker takedowns) are sufficiently bad for me to quit it early.

This game rocks. I don't really know what else to say. Having so many ships that were only unlockable through crazy cheat codes was a little weird.

I wish my N64 would turn on, just so I could remind myself of how difficult, buggy and clunky this game was.

Then again, no I don't.

Rogue Squadron's base starfighter controls are tight and satisfying, and the dialogue/cutscenes are fun and flavorful, but the ship-to-ship combat isn't terribly satisfying or exciting and many of the missions are unforgiving or even straight up boring.

The storymode ends on a deflated note of "nothing", but the few missions that offered a good balance between excitement, challenge, and open map exploration does make the brief playtime of about 3 hours worth it.

I remember my mind being blown when someone discovered the playable Naboo Starfighter in the game almost 2 years after release (because at the time I had no idea how game or film development worked).

I got this game for $3 at Best Buy, and got at least $3.01 of enjoyment out of it. You can't beat that value, but you can play better flying and Star Wars games.

Literalmente creo que es el primer juego que jugué en mi vida en el ordenador.
El juego como tal esta fácil, pero conseguirse las medallas doradas en todas las misiones era un putisimo desafío de pelotas

A pretty good star wars space ship game

"The Incom T-65 X-Wing is the fighter that killed the Death Star. An almost perfect balance of speed, maneuverability and defensive shields makes this the fighter of choice for Rogue Squadron, except when the mission profile disallows it.

In addition to four blaster cannons, the X-Wing can carry a number of proton torpedoes. It’s powered by four fusial thrust engines, and requires an onboard Astromech droid for peak performance."

You already know this is a great game. SO CALL IT THE RIGHT NAME! Too many people call this "Rouge Squadron" and not "Rogue". It's "ROAG" and not "ROOZH". THEY'RE REBELS, NOT THE FRENCH WORD FOR RED!

Anyhow bring back the V-Wing, please and thank you

This is what I want my Star Wars games to be.

God damn it's so nice to be done with that era of mid-90s Star wars games where 3 quarters of them are horrible, we've finally hit the golden era of Star Wars video games, starting off with Rogue Squadron.

The story of this game is basically, they saw the ship combat in Shadows of the Empire and thought, hey, why don't we make a full game of that? And yep, it's even more fun than it was in Shadows of the Empire.

The atmosphere is perfect for what the game goes for, the game looks and sounds perfect.

Level design is coherent and it's always easy to understand what you need to do, where you're supposed to go, and how to accomplish your goals. Dog-fights feel fair and towards the end they can get a little challenging but it's never an unfair challenge. Generally though I found this to be a pretty easy game.

Through its 3-5 hour run-time, you'll see 16 levels all with extremely diverse worlds with completely unique textures and feels to them. I never got bored of this game, I was completely engaged the whole time.

The story is also simple but nice enough. It's a cool feeling to be a part of the legendary Rogue Squadron.

Now, the problems: I played the PC version on Steam, and there are a couple issues. First off, the camera is buggy, and won't follow you when you boost, an essential mechanic. The solution I found is to just use the closest up third person camera view as it doesn't glitch there. You also can't customize your controls as much as you'd like, Since this is running at 60 FPS or over, the ships when far away will kinda wobble around like a bee would, this doesn't happen on the N64 version. And my final complaint, hitboxes for buildings, terrain, etc. can be a little off, I'd sometimes try to fly over or next to a building, and indeed not hit the actual building, only to hit into it's invisible hitbox and die.

While the X-Wing and Tie Fighter series of games are far more advanced and have much more going on in them, I had more fun with Rogue Squadron. I didn't have to spend hours trying to learn how the game worked, I didn't have to spend hours messing with settings, I didn't die in one shot or repeatedly get put into completely unfair situations, I just started up the game, plugged in my controller, and had an awesome Star Wars adventure for a couple hours. And that's really all I want. Definitely play this one.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Just like most N64 games, this hasn't aged too well. The controls feel very clunky, and the missions aren't very fun to play through. This has always been the most overrated Star Wars game In my opinion. I'd skip it, but who knows, you might like it.

Feels like a beta for Rogue Squadron on the GameCube.

This game is great, if notably rough around the edges. Maybe I got the rose-tinted goggles on for this one, but it's just as much a blast these days as it was back in the day. The only problems I'd say it has is its love for turrets and anti-air missiles, and a pretty strict margin for error. TIE Interceptors will absolutely melt you from offscreen.

Oh, and the final main story level is pretty ass. A level that encompasses all of my nitpicks into one mindless sludge of a level to a point where I'm surprised it's not also another damn escort mission. But it DOES get quite possibly the lamest final boss that's ever been in a Star Wars game. Which feels like a far cry from the Star Destroyers I remember taking down in the sequel.

Still a great game. Maybe just turn on the infinite lives cheat for "Moff Seerdon's Revenge."

Peak console Star Wars flying game when it came out for the Nintendo 64 (expansion pack a must). It provided an incredible level and feel or realism based in the movies for a unique experience. Graphics were top notch for the time and art direction and themes were all carefully developed to remain faithful to the films and Star Wars universe.

Level design was good for the most part but there were a couple of annoyances such as convoy missions and the overall difficulty could be up there as well as unfair sections of the game with the combination of current and tie fighter surprise attacks.

All in all, it is a must-play for the fans of the movies and an important game that paved the game for the Gamecube Rogue games.