Reviews from

in the past

Não há nada melhor que passar vergonha na sua própria casa.

I'm a fan of rhythm games of all shapes and sizes, but StepMania specifically has a place in my heart for how it takes the concept of the full-body rhythm-game genre and effectively removes several barriers the money-hungry and churn-heavy videogame industry has put on it. Where Rock Band produces DLC for a playerbase limited by diminishing hardware supply and Just Dance locks its content down behind streaming servers, StepMania has an endless amount of stepcharted songs to experience. Want to play? If your PC has a keyboard, you're good to go. Want to make a chart? Take an MP3 and plop some arrows down in the ingame editor. Want to dance? You can buy a USB soft pad for $20, buy something better from a third-party manufacturer, or build your own using an online tutorial. It's a model that's possible only through the tireless work of a dedicated community, and it ensures that floor-mat dance games will still be played long after StepMania's contemporaries have shut down.

Este juego me ha curtido durante años para hacer frente a Guitar Hero, Rhythm Paradise, Melody of Memory y Friday Night Funkin'. No le tengo miedo a NADA.

Hard to go wrong with one of the most moddable and customizable rhythm games around. The perfect community rhythm game with solid gameplay. I can get multiple Touhou mod packs, so I'm happy.

I still fucking suck at 4 key rhythm games though lmao

Got me into rhythm games so yeah it's great. It's really a lot of fun to play and once you get into the groove~ it's AMAZING! my custom song folder is over 30 gb btw

We really need to bring this back

If Stepmania tracked hours from when I first started playing I’d be disgusted. The game itself is fine, it’s truly the community and chart makers that made this such an enjoyable experience.

thank you stepmania for making me both addicted and healthier

Fui num bar de games e fiquei jogando Stepmania bêbado tentando fazer o High Score em Créu na dificuldade 6, eu fiz o high score, só provavelmente todo mundo no bar me odeia pq eles tiveram a grande ideia de fazer o STEPMANIA ser oq toca as musicas ent umas 3 horas de créu deve ter enlouquecido alguem

I blame this game for introducing me to the painful yet rewarding world of rhythm games

i love jumping and dancing i think everybody should play DDR

Pretty basic rhythm game, the default music are great, worth trying.

Very solid open source tool for DDR stuffs. Admittedly its not at all as graceful as the real deal but the limitless song selection and possibilities make it a great companion app to the DDR experience


I was feeling very nostalgic for some DDR SuperNova, so I downloaded the song pack and theme then Ta-daah! Life hack

before osu was the gateway drug for many rhythm game players, we had stepmania.

I have no idea how many hours I've sunk into Stepmania, and I'm kinda glad there's no way to know. I used to spend HOURS on it, always hunting for more tracks to play. The best part was saving track files to take to the arcade to play on the In The Groove Machines! Good times.

Ich zock das seit jahren und schaff Maid of Fire noch immer ned. Ich bin echt gut in allem was ich tu.

StepMania permanently changed my health and life for the better. Will never stop playing.

Me pase la 3 canciones pochas que vienen por defecto, así que lo cuento como completado. Lo único ''malo'' que puede llegar a tener en comparación a un DDR oficial son las canciones con stepcharts de +11/12 steps que sube la peña a internet, el que hace eso lo siento pero le pegaban de chico.

Stepmania begleitet mich mit schlimmstem Eurodance auf wechselnden Tanzmatten (seit diesem Jahr einem vollwertigem Dance Pad) schon seit 20 Jahren, und wenn ich ein Spiel immer wieder hervorkrame, hat es die 5 Sterne verdient. Zusätzlich hat es mich wie sonst höchstens Pokémon Go zu sprtlicher Aktivität motiviert, was bei meiner Faullheit an ein Wunder grenzt. Danke, Stepmania.

How do I review this? It’s a cool concept. I always had fun with it. Seemed like a niche thing at the time. Realistically it did everything it was programmed to do and did it well so yeah, based