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Subnautica ist einfach gut. Der erste ist etwas größer und erspart einem die Eishölle, abgesehen davon macht auch dieser Teil Spaß.
Es gibt nicht genug Neuerungen um dies einen 2. Teil nennen zu können, war wohl aber auch mal als DLC geplant.

Alles in allem immer noch eins der besten Singleplayer Survival games.

So bad it killed my cat, not even a joke

o jogo é bem inferior ao primeiro, infelizmente acabei dropando pois ele me dava mais sono do que diversão, mas é um jogo ok.

Really enjoyed a more story and lore heavy installment of this universe, but with plenty of the familiar freedom for exploration and creation. Nothing was ever as terrifying as the reapers though. I would love a sequel that picks up where this left off.

game's not as scary as subnautica one but its cool

It´s definitely NOT subnautica 2. It´s below zero. I got a different experience than expected, but the whale leviathan is cute so it kinda balances it out.

It's not as good as the first game, but still worth your time if you enjoyed that game.

There is more of a focus of on-land survival in this game, which I thought was OK, but nothing spectacular. It does break up the gameplay a bit and sets it apart from the original, but the icy/snowy landscape is very boring and repetitive compared to the underwater environments. I would have preferred more focus on the underwater gameplay, as it feels like there isn't as much variety with the underwater environments in this game as there was in the original.

The most noticeable difference from the first game is the change in storytelling styles. The protaganist in this game is given voicelines, and that is what primarily drives the story. I much prefer the storytelling style of the original game, I found that a lot more enticing and immersive, but the story in this game isn't bad.

Overall, this game provides more Subnautica gameplay with a cool new customisable vehicle and some welcome quality of life improvements, albeit with a less exciting premise and environment IMO. In many aspects it isn't as good as the first game, but it's still quite enjoyable.

This game adds a lot of quality of life improvements that I really appreciate but it's brought down by the fact that so much time is spent on land when the game feels so much better in the water
There's fewer underwater wonders because so much of the map is taken up by landmass
Still a good game, and I especially enjoy the new base modules

This review contains spoilers

Really wonderful sequel to already great game. A lot of people complain about the narrative, but I enjoyed it, because it worked for THIS game. The original was good at making you feel lonely, but at this point in the timeline, 4546B has been explored, and people have lived on it, and so I expect some audio logs. The story was also a much more personal one. Your character had stakes other than just survival.

I like the environments a lot more in this game than the predecessor. The space feels more used, rather than vast empty spaces in a lot of the biomes in the original game. I love the Cyclops, but really dug the Seatruck, since it fit the world more. Spaces are much more cramped and the Cyclops just wouldn't fit in most of them. The Seatruck is also much more maneuverable, if it a bit clumsy. Granted it isn't very customizable, but it works. It also functions as a Seamoth and a diet Cyclops. The Prawn Suit definitely felt it wasn't needed however, so I don't know why I built it (though this could be more my game play style). The teleporter room and tether tool was an interesting choice that made it so if I got lost or had a long way to backtrack, I could port back to the Seatruck with just the press of a button.

The game does give you a better idea of where to start this time around, since you have two goals to achieve (although one is optional, but satisfying). The one big hit I give is to one of the plot points of Marguerit Maida still being alive, despite having been infected by Kharaa for 10 years before the original game. We're not even given an explanation for that, so it seems like she was put in there for a couple of cutscenes and audio logs.

Other than that, I really enjoyed this game, and I look forward to the sequel!

100% completion
I like this about as much as the first, but the land section really takes away from it

world shouldn't have been shrunk down, larger and deeper is scarier. also the Cyclops was awesome and the sea truck is a bad replacement. also its too easy in many ways.

The magic of the first game arose mostly from the process of discovery. It had only the barest threads of a story for the first several hours, and the player's time was spent primarily building, surviving, and learning about the planet itself while occasionally being directed to crash sites and the ruins of former outposts. It's clear that the planet had a history, but nothing appeared to be truly fishy (heuheu) for quite some time, and even once that threshold was crossed, the manner in which it took place made it obvious that the forces you had to deal with were far more immense than you were able to fully comprehend. So instead, you really just continued to focus on exploration of the planet, and your environment came to reflect the spoils of that exploration, which in turn helped you progress through what story there was. Gameplay dealing with traversing immensity, themes reflected in story. Good. Tight.

Well, BZ focuses on delving further into the aforementioned forces, which quickly lose their sense of scale by way of exposition. Tangential narratives are also given more attention, such as the relationships between Alterra scientists. Maybe people like that stuff? I dunno, I was bored. Exploration is still there and narrative progression is still technically gated by discovery, but the gates feel more arbitrary. Endgame rewards are weak compared to the first game.

If I was going to make a larger cultural critique, I'd probably say that this type of narrative accretion in a series/franchise - where more stories are told in the interest of enlarging a "universe" rather than supporting a primary set of rhetorical themes - is symptomatic of the utterly dominant Ubisoft/Marvel/Disney model of Producing Content™, but I won't die on that hill.

The gameplay loop is basically identical to the first game which is that kept me going through to the credits. I appreciated the addition of glass roofs. The fish designs are still mostly good, although the austerity of an arctic environment was occasionally underwhelming compared to the lush shallows of game 1. Snow-based exploration I tried to avoid for the most part.

Worth getting on sale.

Not quite as good as the first one, but still enjoyed my time with this, hopefully they improve the formula even more for a new entry.

Very similar to the first game, for better or worse. The original Subnautica was excellent, so, there's a lot to enjoy here. However, Below Zero's new features and story were not enough to sustain my interest all the way to completion, and it is disappointing to see that various UI foibles and graphical glitches are ported over wholesale. I conclude that the first game is the one to play, whereas this one is for enthusiasts.

Subnautica: Below Zero miraculously completed the task of creating something new while still keeping the same core gameplay mechanics as the original. They were put in a really tough position with making a sequel, and while it's not perfect and not as good as the original, they did a very good job.

I haven't finished this one yet, but it delivers on a lot of the expectations the first one put in place. There's definitely a stronger learning curve with this one, and it expects you to already be familiar with the Subnautica concept.

But tbh this game deserves legendary status based solely on the (probably unhealthy) attachment you immediately form to the space-heater flowers the first time they save you from hypothermia.

Enjoyable game, not as amazing as the first game but really cool story. Hopefully a third game happens.

Platiné 2 fois 😎

disappointment in the house of congress

Subnautica: Below Zero is Subnautica's slightly lesser sequel. The game still does a great job of putting you into an alien world full of life, but I found that the pacing of information being fed to you was a bit too quick and this never left you time to stop to think about what is going on for yourself. Still, if you enjoyed the first game, this game is worth a watch.

I keep wanting to like these games but I’ve bounced off both so maybe survival crafting tedium just isn’t my thing at this point. The appealing tug of “I can’t wait until I’ve got X setup” is apparent, but the busywork and constraints impeding my progress to get there (and all the filling of depleting bars that will need to happen in the meantime) is just way less fun than I could be having with another game.

Also, the xenobiology in In Other Waters is so much more interesting and imaginative.

Easier and more story focused than the first. Still good but doesn't capture that original feeling.

While the quality of the initial Subnautica is still here, below zero is merely a pale imitation of the original. The multiple storylines are confusing and the game lacks the mystery of the original. There were several new vehicles/buildings/biomes that make this game enjoyable but the story becomes confusing and hard to get through. I would much rather swim around and enjoy the ambiance than progress through the actual story. NEEDS BIGGER LEVIATHANS.

casual run, spent a lot of time building a big base