Reviews from

in the past

Great game but disappoints because of the heights of the original, fun new setting and new additions to gameplay but didn't give that same sense of adventure, discovery and terror that the original did so well.

Not quite as scary as the original Subnautica, nor does it do as well of a job of capturing the magical feeling I had exploring the ocean. But it still holds up on its own, carrying a unique identity, and overall it was certainly fun.

My main criticism is that there may not be enough guidance towards finding a key location or two. I had to resort to rather unconventional means to progress. Whereas in Subnautica, the way to go was blatantly clear: Down.

its worse than the first one though there are some good ideas just with poor excution really, the terror factor didnt really get me in this one this game is much brighter than the last i have never really in darkness and the oxygen hardly matters cause there are oxygen plants in every corner of the map speaking of the map its like 6 times smaller and less varied but I still enjoyed the story and the exploration

Levemente melhor que o o primeiro, os leviathans sao mais interessantes e os biomas mais legais

Way worse than the first. The ending is really bad honestly, and most of the game felt like a chore. Maybe deserves a replay but I'm not sure if I'd even want to tbh.

Played from – to: (2021-03-14 – 2021-03-24)
‣ 8/10 – Can’t wait for 1.0
‣ Game Audio / Soundtrack - 10/10
‣ Graphics – 9/10
‣ Atmosphere – 10/10
‣ Main Story / Characters – 7/10
‣ Side Activities / Exploration – 10/10
‣ AI – 8/10
‣ Ragdolls / Physics – 7/10
‣ Movement – 6/10
‣ Voice acting – 10/10
‣ Final notes: Since the game is still in early access the story is not finished, meaning I physically can’t go in the last room of the game to witness what seems to be the last 30 minutes of the game. There is an invisible wall blocking me from progressing, so I must clench my buttocks and wait 2 more months for the developers to finally release the 1.0 version of the game. So, what I am going to do is review the game in its current state and see if the last bit of the game improves or downgrades my opinion. For now, all I can say is Subnautica Below Zero is a great continuation for the main game, it has a very different story telling approach. There are more characters, and some are even interactable npcs which is new and refreshing. The bigger attention to the story telling made the story less mysterious and more mainstream if that makes any sense. Voice acting was great and there was plenty of it even you the main character speak. The environments were different from the main game, but I have noticed some structural similarities like the last deep cavern you must explore to finish the games story. It heavily reminded me of the lost river. Overall, there are new vehicles and items to play with so you will have new fun don’t you worry. But I cannot ignore the overall clunky feel the game gives off. Walking on land feels weird and often times you can get stuck on nothing. Jumping is useless you can barely utilize it. There is also this annoying graphical pop in you can see while the game tries to render in front of you and even though the story was cool it was not something unique and that interesting. However, the game shines with its unique atmosphere and sound design.

Its good, its definitely lacking, you can feel that its more empty than the first game and definitely smaller. But its still fun, seatruck is the best part of the game, its an all in one thats really fun to use.

Not as scary as the first game but story wise I enjoyed this one more.
I just love to base build in these games!
Hoping for more subnautica games in the future

Did everything the first game did but worse

Although not as good as the first, visually there are many improvements as well as with the gameplay. Unfortunately there is a lack of Leviathan's compared to the original and the exploration is significantly less exciting.

Almost entirely rides on the coattails of the first game, but even that is enough for a great experience. You can never even play Subnautica for the second time to the full effect, so making it again is a doomed undertaking.

Below Zero offers a lot of QOL upgrades, bug fixes, and performance improvements that make it a nice way of revisiting the glory of Subnautica in a more compact, more finely tuned package. Just as with the first game, I got completely obsessed and played for up to 6 hours a day, so shorter length was a bit of blessing for my productivity.

I was a bit disappointed that they tuned the horror down - some unfortunate creature design decisions (Leviathan class was massacred in this game) and even just the amount of dangerous encounters is to blame.

Nothing will ever top the intergalactic environmental disaster mystery of the first game, but it's cool that they tried to tell a more traditional story through the medium of Subnautica. Robin's journey was engaging, but there was some turmoil in writers' team and definitely shows - the story is confusing and feels unfinished, and the main quest of the game ends being a completely unrelated thing.

The biggest miss of the game is definitely the land sections. They are super long and boring, a pain in the ass to navigate, and I hated the feel of the dedicated land vehicle. I ended up just hoofing through all of these massive locations in the Prawn, and don't want to ever revisit them.

Subnautica is one of my top 5 games of all time, so needless to say I will buy any ticket to 4546B on offer in a blink of an eye. Below Zero was mostly good for reminding me of how much I love Subnautica, but that is absolutely good enough.

I've played the original at least 3 times and it is still scarier than this game. Subnautica was always going to be a difficult game to follow up and while I think this game is alright it doesn't reach the same levels

Better Graphics and Worse gameplay. Still very good though and worth playing if u like the first game.

O primeiro jogo era melhor e mais assustador.

Esse Subnautica apresenta um foco maior em história, o que pra mim não é o ponto mais forte da saga. Ele também vem com diversas melhorias de qualidade de vida (é bem melhor construir coisas nesse jogo aqui do que no original) e veículos mais modulares (não tem o Cyclops nesse jogo já que o mapa é menor e não existe a necessidade de uma "base móvel"). Apesar disso, prefiro o primeiro.

Lacks some of the magic of the first game with a smaller map and cumbersome onland excursions. Still a great experience and the QOL changes are excellent.

Es un juego que cumple, pero su principal punto a favor es que se basa en el esqueleto de Subnautica. Sin embargo, en todos los demás aspectos, deja mucho que desear. En comparación con la entrega anterior, el juego se siente mucho más lineal y tedioso, lo que hace que la experiencia de exploración sea poco satisfactoria. Aunque en parte agradezco esta falta de incentivo para explorar, ya que el juego también flaquea en cuanto a la inmersión y la sensación de descubrimiento.

La historia es decente y los gráficos están bien, pero sigue teniendo problemas con bugs y fallos técnicos.

I liked the first game much more then this one. Very short, but also enjoyable experience.

Not as good story-wise as the original, but still a very enjoyable experience

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Plus beau dans ses décors que son prédécesseur et avec une narration plus poussée, le jeu est cependant moins grand. La combinaison PRAWN est beaucoup moins agréable à manier je trouve, et les phases à la surface sont insupportables. Celles-ci ne seraient pas nombreuses comme dans le 1 ça passerait mais là, la zone à visiter à la surface est gigantesque et hyper labyrinthique, je ne sais pas qui a eu l'idée de faire ça mais je le retrouverai.

Does everything the first game does but worse, still worth playing though

maybe I'm missing something since I don't really find either game scary, but other than the dialogue this game does everything better than the original. the world is just so much more interesting this time and the pacing is a lot better. yes some of the writing is bad, but the original had such a stupid ending that you're better off just ignoring the story in both games anyway

I can see where they were going with this game. The first one didn’t have much of a story. All the story was told by the world around you and this game was the opposite. The story was told by cutscenes, NPCs and dialogue. They chose to pick a more linear approach rather then open world which I think is the main reason this game flopped