Reviews from

in the past

loading, loading, loading, loading, bad penis joke, loading, loading, bad sex joke, loading, h scene, loading, loading

People backed FOW expecting they would make an interactive high-end porn game. Instead we got a game that goes through an identity crisis with a shit story loaded with cringe dialogue. A visual novel, mashed up together with a shmup and bad turn-based combat. And at least if you are expecting the porn the be good, don't (If you don't like SFM porn gifs that is.)

Subverse is in a terrible state at the moment. Beyond it being a heteronormative male-gazey nightmare (one which will prove to be especially inaccessible for anyone with interests that exceed its limited scope), it will most certainly fail to fulfill the desires of even its core audience.

Here are my fundamental issues with Subverse broken down into bullet points:

- Erotic scenes are not cleverly interwoven within romantic character arcs. Instead, players level up their women through battle and purchase simple (and underwhelmingly short) clips through a vendor. There’s very little additional character development for the women. It feels as if StudioFOW was convinced that their audience would have no interest in the cast’s personality. Who needs compelling stories that grant the player a personal attachment to the character right? Just add a bunch of sex scenes and call it a day!
- Every woman is strikingly gorgeous and scantily clad. Every man is fully clothed or intentionally ugly. I understand this game is meant to appeal to the male gaze, but I don’t see how applying similar expectations of attractiveness on the male characters would have detracted from the experience? I want to see sexy men too.
- Previous point especially applies to the main character. He looks like what a 4chan user would use to describe the word “cool.” He also acts like a 4chan user: He’s sexist, obnoxious, vulgar, perverted, acts like a total prick, and yet the entire cast of women want him desperately. He’s the wet dream self-insert for incels. Every other man in Subverse also acts this way.
- Inability to modify your player character (besides from skin tone during erotic scenes) is disappointing. I would have loved if StudioFOW had created a system where the protagonist has two sets of genitalia or the ability to switch between them freely (this is so StudioFOW doesn’t have to create two separate erotic scenes for each character model). And with this system, you can select if you wanna play the feminine body type or the masculine body type. And giving the main character an actual design would be nice. Intentionally obscuring the protagonist and giving them a painfully ugly outfit sucks.
- I also advocate for the ability to romance and engage in erotic scenes with men, but I imagine the fanbase would be very upset about the “homosexual agenda” being forced into the game. It would have been exciting if the world was full of all sorts of characters that aren’t limited by gender.
- Why does it feel as if every gameplay mechanic exists separate from the actual goal of the game? The space shooting and tactical combat are mini-games interwoven between visual novel dialogue. And even the erotic scenes feel like a tertiary addition. I would have loved to be able to use the world map to engage with events around the universe that allowed me to interact with new characters, select dialogue options, and actually feel like I have a stake in what’s going on in the world. Instead, all you do is shoot ships, read terrible dialogue, and then purchase irrelevant sex scenes with tokens.
- The only gay character I met within my first three hours of the game tried to force himself on another man. Gotta love that we’re still seeing the “gay men are predators” stereotype prevalent in 2021.
- The story is awful. And that wouldn’t be a huge issue if that weren’t the primary focus of the experience, but instead of prioritizing the development of the female cast and the inclusion of character arcs that give them more depth, StudioFOW decided they should force the player to sit through an exhausting amount of exposition (told to the player in visual novel format) about where the protagonist came from and what their goal is within the world. It’s genuinely baffling that Subverse, a game that is largely meant to be about the female cast, takes the focus away from those characters and instead shines the spotlight on the 4chan-esque protagonist that spews vulgarities in an australian accent every two seconds.
- The sexual topics represented in Subverse seem surprisingly vanilla thus far. For a game that’s meant to be unhinged, all I’ve seen in three hours is light teasing and basic sex positions. The inclusion of monsters is the only thing that isn’t vanilla.
- The writing is far too self-aware, creating a level of cringe that truthfully breaks immersion. Within the first few minutes of the game, one of the female characters comments on how “there will be something to jerk off to after this battle.” I understand that Subverse is trying to be a “parody,” but it’s disheartening that the game would rather try to meme rather than give us a reason to be attached to any of the cast. So far, most female characters are one-dimensional and exist only to appease the player’s libido. Fortune is the only exception from what I’ve played so far, but even then, it’s hard to imagine that this will go anywhere. All of the story is told through a main plot riddled with exposition, unnecessary world-building, and this incessant focus on a plot to take down an evil government. There’s seemingly no room for compelling individual character arcs.
- Before I played Subverse, I was most interested in the female cast. I wanted to get to know them and I wanted to feel like I was earning my scenes with them. I wanted to see fully developed arcs SEPARATE from the main story. This is a basic dating sim foundation, so my expectations didn’t feel particularly ridiculous. I’ve gotten none of this so far. Instead, I’ve sat through exposition about the world, details regarding a protagonist I despise, and short erotic scenes that have no connection to the story. This shit sucks.

From my first three hours with Subverse, I have come to the conclusion that it does not appeal to me. Perhaps I should have seen this coming, but I’m disappointed nonetheless.

the best NFSW game released by far, but it still has major problems, NFSFW content is not mixed in well with the romance, gameplay is actually very good. The main story is funny and interesting. characters are one-note but not badly written. it has the potential to be so much more and I hope the devs can realize it

Made by redditors for redditors. Shit writing, not funny, very boring gameplay, majority of sexual content has no flow in the course of the game, it's mostly done in a scene viewer in your bedroom. You motherfuckers gave these people money

ggs on being able to make so much money on such a crap game

I backed this game on kickstarter way back cuz I believed in it. Honestly its sad to see so many superior H games that are at a fraction of the cost. The whole pooter point system is also an unnecessary cockblock for a h game that already has annoying gameplay. The plot itself is actually pretty interesting and cool and the h scenes and graphics are nice but they probably should have went the VN route I cant recommend this.

The Steam trial period before refund is 2 hours. But in first 2 hours of the game there is barely 15 minutes of gameplay with 1 minute of looped NSFW content. Everything else is endless dialogs, without proper animation for talking characters. It supposed to be a tactical combat game, but not a linear visual novel. I was very disappointed that the game was so linear. I understand, its an early access, and there is alot of missing content. But I'm sure that many people will refund this game simply because it doesnt show its actual gameplay in the first 2 hours. It's been almost 3 years since the game was released and if this is what it is now, I can't even imagine how mediocre it was when it was first released. Obviously, the fact that it's in early access is no longer an excuse. In every good game story progression and cutscenes are a reward for successful mission, not the other way around, when you are rewarded with few minutes of gameplay for listening a long dialog. Its not so hard to add more random shooting or tactical missions between dialogs, to keep players engaged. I don't understand why this game is classified as an RPG. You do almost nothing in the game except reading dialog. Even in the sex scenes in the game you have no control and that's not acceptable. That's the whole point of playing this game. The main story is boring and a Mass Effect ripoff. The main character looks like a terrible Star-Lord copy. The game's turn-based isometric combat mechanics are also terrible. I've been seriously bored for the hours I've played so far and I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. If this keeps up, I'll probably have to uninstall the game because it takes up close to 60 GB of space, which is just ridiculous.