Reviews from

in the past

Another pretty biased opinion, this is my favorite Tales entry. I know this is a pretty unpopular opinion, but I loved how the story was presented, and all of the party members are great.
I love Sophie.

One of the most influential titles in Tales, and probably one of the worst because it introduced an incredibly stagnant and linear playstyle to Tales that's still being used to this day, that has been more watered down with each and every installment after it. It doesn't help that it also suffers from some really poor writing for the story and characters. Not a game im terribly thrilled with.

Best real time combat system ever

Tales of Graces is a playable game, and that's the most I can say about it. The story is lackluster, the battle style difficult and not intuitive at all, the characters and their situations are not engaging at best and often more frustrating than anything else. I have never hated a protagonist more than I hate Asbel. The absolutely shoehorned in romances and the entire final portion of the game somehow were even MORE disappointing.

Beat main story, need to go back for post-game stuff.

I remember really loving this game, but truthfully the only thing I remember was the unbearable sexual tension between Richard and Asbel

My least favorite in the whole franchise, I really just didn't care about the story or characters and since that's the most important aspect of these games that will significantly hinder your enjoyment. Fun combat and good music though.

Graces is criminally underrated within the series. The story is cliche, but whatever. What we're REALLY here for is a) the best battle system in any Tales game hands down, and b) Asbel and Richard's relationship. I don't even have to write the fanfic. It's all there, dudes. This game literally has a whole epilogue where they try to convince you Asbel is straight and it still failed.

ALSO, Sophie is my beautiful daughter and Cheria is a sweetheart. Pascal is questionable at first but she gets really good as the game goes on. Malik is alright. TBH I liked Hubert as a kid but as an adult I think he plays the devil's advocate on Reddit.

BUT LIKE THE GAMEPLAY????? It's so good. I adored the battle system. So underrated, this game slams, we love Graces in this house,

I personally maintain this is still easily my favorite gameplay in the whole series. It took the CC from Destiny Remake and added even more options and actually made every character fun (Destiny R had a few not so fun characters).

The story and characters were 'OK'. Got the job done, nothing to write home, but entertained enough.

Best gameplay in the series

Fucking horrible writing and cast (maybe the state of the translation) but holy shit is this one of my favorite action games ever. Tales walking away from how expansive and open-ended this combat system is one may be kusoge's greatest loss.

The first two hours are great

That’s all

Phenomenal gameplay, forgettable story

Great game! I understand people not liking it as much as me, but I just love most things about it

Watch a boys dream turn into a nightmare in this thrilling entry of the Tales of-saga.

I hated it for the first three hours. Then I got to the time skip and boy did that change things. Suddenly it's a mean little game about growing up, broken promises and trauma.
I didn't expect this.

Glad to be the sole person who likes this game's cast

Awesome gameplay systems in place. Story is on the weaker side in the series. A lot of fun

im sorry for being mean #gracesredemptionarc

If this game was a person I'd die for it.

my absolute FAVOURITE tales of game mainly bc its the first rpg ive ever played and im always gonna remember the Cliche story plots and whatever tf richard and asbel have between them LMAO

in conclusion these people r gay AF

best combat in the entire tales series


lost our save file and never finished it

One of the worst starts a JRPG's ever had wherein you spend several hours before it even lets you pretend to start playing it for real. Surprisingly short main story, a fairly standard issue plot with a few fun twists and turns, and a combat system with good ideas that unfortunately very quickly devolves into spamming super-effective moves; and yet, somehow, it's still the best modern CC Tales game. Formerly straightest game in the series

game: gay
f arc: straight
only worth playing f arc for more playable richard. otherwise L