Reviews from

in the past

Not as good as Freebird's later games, but it's puzzles and atmosphere are still neat.

Um jogo curtinho mas com uma atmosfera muito foda.
O tempo todo vc acha q algo vai aparecer, vc é a única pessoa na casa, o barulho do relógio o tempo todo tbm não ajuda, e a ost q toca é uma só mas muito bem feita.

bacana, da até um medinho ui, mas é meio esquecível. pica

Even when you do know what was going on, it's odd. Thank God it's only 20 minutes, otherwise this could have easily overstayed it's welcome. I'm sure this game is for someone, but who?

O espelho mentiu, fazer o que né?

Não sei bem o que dizer. É... um... jogo...? Quase isso?

Quero jogar todos os games da Freebird e esse é o primeiro de 2008. Sabia que seria curtinho, é de graça, e fui. E, sei lá, foi uma experiência, tem uma certa tensão no meio, acho que traz muito da vibe do To The Moon que eu lembro de ver no YouTube muitos anos atrás. Mas tudo condensado num one-shot pequeno. Não tem desenvolvimento de personagem, trama complexa, nem nada. É mais uma situação inusitada, uma roleplay de meia hora.

É ok, se quiser jogar algo rapidinho, porque não? Mas meio que tanto faz também.

Bom, acho que já escrevi mais do que devia pra um negócio desse.

It's fine. Just fine. Feels very much like a developer's first game, which it is. I was stuck for like, 6-7 minutes trying to figure out what to do with one of the keys, before I realized I had to test it on all those drawers in that one cabinet. Kinda silly, not gonna lie. I'm not gonna talk about the story because I don't even know what to think about it. I don't wanna say that it's trying to be fake deep or whatever because although I don't feel that way, I could see other people saying that about it. I just think it doesn't do as much of a job telling its story as it should've.

This was Freebird game's first ever release and it definitely shows. The story made no sense and the point and click aspects were awkward. Skip this one unless you simply must play every game by this developer.

The Mirror Lied is a short thriller with a strange story that will most likely not make any sense when you play it, but with the atmosphere and how bizarre and slightly unsettling it is, I think it's at least worth checking out.
The gameplay is limited to point-and-click elements and doesn't have any real depth.

Although you're better off playing Freebird's other games, this one is still an interesting look at the dev's roots.
Someone in the community hub on Steam made a very in-depth explanation of what the game could mean and I recommend anyone who play this look at it if you're curious after playing, it made me appreciate the game more.

Ah, I hate that I remember so little of these earlier Kan Gao games. I know they've all been fun to play and occasionally moving, aside from To The Moon, which was a complete revelation. They're all worth checking out.

Para ser de 2008 es bastante decente.

Not the best from Blue Bird, but still a bit enjoyable for being a short free game.
If you want to understand what is going on... good luck. Search for theories, people have a good insight to understand what I don't xD
Don't trust Birdie... I think?