Reviews from

in the past

Weird concept for a Simpson game, but what would you expect?

Imagine making a fighting game with throws but no blocking. My greatest guilty pleasure.

Bad but amusing and somewhat enjoyable.

Unironically, I enjoyed this. I appreciate this was awful, but I was 4.

It's bad...REALLY bad, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't amused by how broken the game's controls were. Please tell me I'm not alone in saying that Marge was the single most overpowered character in fighting game history?

Me gustaba porque eran los Simpsons. Pero realmente era demasiado pequeño para distinguir si era un buen juego y tiene toda la pinta de que no lo era.

Bueno, pero ¿y lo que nos hemos reído?

I attempted playing this till I could beat the tournament mode and bosses but i just
i couldnt
i just couldnt do that shit hbitch LMFAO
this game is fucked
it's FUN... in a few ways
I like how the game looks and the moves are fun to do
Theres even an itchy and scratchy cheat thing u can do
But this is like kiddie pool power-stone meets shit head baby's first wrestling game
Im writing this at 3AM so my analogies are especially bad so im basically just saying this is a silly game but arguably still a bad one I don't see myself even picking up to play with friends for more than 30m to 1hr as a joke.

I know it's bad but damn it's fun

Eu amava muito esse treco aqui quando eu era criança KKKKKKKK

Yep, this is a thing. Extremely simplistic gameplay that is fun for about an hour... if you're like nine years old. I remember playing as Bumblebee man and using his OP dog attack constantly. Funny seeing the characters smack each around, but is nothing special by any means of imagination.

ned flanders really needs to be nerfed in the next balance patch, he's just too overpowered

Always choose Groundskeeper Willie

This unfortunately was my first proper game I bought as a kid with my hard earned pocket money. I saw Simpsons and went 'YES' and oh boy I regretted every moment leading up to that point. This game is just a shitcan mess in every manner possible.

Graphics are ugly, blocky and every single character comes off as messy and deformed. The music is painful and each character speeds through looped catchphrases like a broken talking toy.

But then you get the gameplay, good lord the gameplay. Wrestling isnt really in this game, instead most of the game is spent spamming clunky badly animated attacks everywhere and hoping for the best. Theres rarely rhyme or reason as to when or if hits land. Just... Bleh

It may be vaugely fun if you happen to be drunk and playing with friends but so is jumping through tables loaded with pushpins and id rather do that then play this sorry excuse for a fighting game ever again.

Honestly could expect this as an episode plot

Un juego muy divertido para pelear con amigos pero no es largo y te quedas sin cosas para hacer bastante rápido.

played this at a birthday party and it was very cool

Flanders is the most powerful character in fiction.

Well, Seymour, I made it- despite your directions. Ah. Superintendent Chalmers. Welcome. - I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon. - Yeah. Oh, egads! My roast is ruined. But what if I were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking? Delightfully devilish, Seymour. Ah- Skinner with his crazy explanations The superintendent's gonna need his medication When he hears Skinner's lame exaggerations There'll be trouble in town tonight Seymour! Superintendent, I was just- uh, just stretching my calves on the windowsill. Isometric exercise. Care to join me? Why is there smoke coming out of your oven, Seymour? Uh- Oh. That isn't smoke. It's steam. Steam from the steamed clams we're having. Mmm. Steamed clams. Whew. Superintendent, I hope you're ready for mouthwatering hamburgers. I thought we were having steamed clams. D'oh, no. I said steamed hams. That's what I call hamburgers. You call hamburgers steamed hams? Yes. It's a regional dialect. - Uh-huh. Uh, what region? - Uh, upstate New York. Really. Well, I'm from Utica, and I've never heard anyone use the phrase "steamed hams. " Oh, not in Utica. No. It's an Albany expression. I see. You know, these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they have at Krusty Burger. Oh, no. Patented Skinner burgers. Old family recipe. - For steamed hams. - Yes. Yes. And you call them steamed hams despite the fact that they are obviously grilled. Ye- You know, the- One thing I should- - Excuse me for one second. - Of course. Well, that was wonderful. A good time was had by all. I'm pooped. Yes. I should be- Good Lord! What is happening in there? Aurora borealis. Uh- Aurora borealis at this time of year at this time of day in this part of the country localized entirely within your kitchen? Yes! May I see it? No. Seymour, the house is on fire! No, mother, it's just the northern lights. Well, Seymour, you are an odd fellow but I must say you steam a good ham. Help! Help!

Another game that someone gave me for my birthday when I was like 13. I played it for an hour, I think I beat it, and I never touched it again. But I don't temember it being bad. The bee guy has more screentime here than in the whole show.

A broken mess lmao dude this sucked

This review contains spoilers

This Wrestling game is broken garbage. The Story is that aliens have affected everyone to fight each other, because they challenge the world to a wrestling match, not the best story but not really needed for the game. The Characters you play as either 1 of the 4 Simpsons or 8 other characters, 4 need to be unlocked first,
The Graphics are garbage the worst looking Simpsons game, they look too badly pixelated and badly drawn before being made inside a computer, you may not even notice that the locations change. The gameplay has you fight other characters in matches, but it's done terribly. the turning is too stiff and require more space to do it in, the fighting moves are terrible, because most matches can just be you either pressing anything until you win or break the game by constantly jumping on their heads, you can wait to attack for other kinds of attacks, but it's pointless thanks to the press anything to win matches in the matches in the 1st half.
The AI can also either be bad that they attack you when you're invincible, or good enough to send a power attack on you so powerful you can't attack them, and it's recharged by the time the attack is over, making some later matches impossible to win if the AI decides to do that. There are powerups, but they just make the game last longer, which no one wants. Music is terrible, it sounds like it was made with only a few keys, and sounds are also unimpressive with them not feeling like they took any effort to make. Simpsons wrestling is pointless disaster which could have been avoided if they made the right choice to... not do what they did.

Graphics are choppy and animations are sloppy.
While the action takes place in a wrestling ring, there are basically no wrestling moves and the gameplay resembles a poorly made 3D fighting game.

Very silly.

But very Simpsons.

Not really worth playing.

I tried renting this from the library, and it encouraged a discussion between my parents over whether it encouraged me to want to be violent. I was like 7. Oh, the game kinda shite.