Reviews from

in the past

Jogo incrível e inesperadamente capaz, uma bela homenagem a títulos da vanillaware e com belos e voluptuosos pontos positivos, uma gameplay linda e tecnicamente impecável.


Remei pra zerar. É claro que não dava pra esperar muito visto que eu paguei 1 lula no game, e confesso que, para o valor, ele supre as "necessidades".
The Vagrant é um RPG 2D com pseudoelementos de metroidvania, o "pseudo" porque ele é EXTREMAMENTE linear. É talvez o RPG mais linear que eu já joguei.
A gameplay é relativamente decente. Embora ela não tenha muita profundidade e possua comandos confusos e as vezes pouco responsivos (especialmente nos movimentos da personagem, o combate funciona melhor) ainda assim é, de certa forma, convincente e envolvente.
Existem problemas de progressão e desbalanceamento que chegam a dar pena, deixa escancarado a falta de experiência por parte da dev. É coisa de um item valer 10x o valor que ele deveria, sem exagero. Você paga 2500 numa CENOURA. Além disso, o game não te passa nenhuma necessidade de trocar de equipamentos, já que os inimigos não parecem ficar mais dificeis ao decorrer do jogo, exceto em momentos específicos que não fazem muito sentido.
Bugs o jogo até que não possui, o que ele possui é mal programação mesmo. Lugares LITERALMENTE inalcançáveis sem que você utilize uma skill que faça você voar, inimigos caídos no chão não podem receber dano mas podem te causar, isso entre outros problemas de qualidade de vida.
A variação de inimigos é bem decente na verdade, compensando a baixa variabilidade do combate.
O ápice do jogo (se for necessário existir algum) seriam as boss fights, que são na sua maioria divertidas, embora grande parte delas também sejam pouco desafiadoras.
A história é tão meh e sem graça que eu recomendo que pule todos os diálogos, não ironicamente.
The Vagrant vale a pena pelo seu preço, mas não OUSE pagar mais do que 2 reais nisso aqui, viu?

Esse jogo tinha potencial para ser MUITO melhor, porém ficou no medíocre. De qualquer forma, ainda é possível se divertir, tem alguns bosses legais.

A pretty pleasant surprise of a game, with very obvious inspirations from Vanillaware. The environments looks great, with gorgeous or horrifying backdrops across the scenes, backed up by a good variety of enemies with pretty interesting lore if you take the time to look in the Monsterpedia. The story is pretty alright, nothing spectacular, but far from boring with some interesting backstories being fed to you as you go throughout the dungeons.

The combat is probably what I enjoyed the least about the game; enemies get juggled very easily while combo creativity isn't really there. Boss fights felt pretty forgettable, while any difficult encounters only felt challenging just because there was a bloat of enemies on the screen instead of any real interesting interactions going on. I also played on Very Hard for my first playthrough, so enemy health was very bloated and I'd sometimes just get one-shot or stunned to death from some attack with little telegraph to it or spell that had its sigil obscured by some other enemy or on-screen effect. So I'd recommend you pick a difficulty below that for your first playthrough.

Pretty good game, though.

Well... That's a Vanillaware knock-off, in a good sense. Specially when you consider how cheap the game is.
The characters art are not to my liking but the characters have a somewhat interesting story/dialogue.
Gameplay is really solid and doesn't bring anything new to the table.
Good, quick fun for a few bucks. Don't expect anything extraordinary.

Um bom metroidvania com uma bela arte

What is this extremely underrated game? It is so far one of my favourite Metroidvania games!

The art is on point - although the size of the female characters' breasts is exaggerated -, the soundtrack is on point, the plot is actually pretty good and sad - and it has different endings, the combos are satisfying, and sometimes the difficulty is hard and annoying, but the game is still beatable! It felt weird playing it because the keyboard controls are odd, but I got used to it very quickly.

Overall, this is a must-play!

very admirable passion project and homage to vanillaware, but ends up not having anything unique or add anything in the visual department and gameplay compared to its isnpiration, dont se why anyone would prefer to play this instead of a vanillaware game

I don't have much to say about The Vagrant. It is an ARPG with an art style similar to Dragon's Crown and the combat is like a Tales game. I enjoyed it and it's quite short, I think Vivan is cute.

Juego corto, hostias locas, tetas gordas

There isn't much to this game besides the art (even that is well done, but not interesting), so I abandoned it.

The art is good and clearly inspired by Vanillaware but not really as evocative or interesting. These look like copies of Vanillaware characters, rather than being unique designs in this style. It is all certainly pretty to look at though.

The combat is mostly responsive, but very basic and spammy. It plays like a much less interesting version of Odin Sphere and I think it is actually broken until you unlock the roll in the skill tree.
Double-tap and hold to run is a bad choice.
The Map in this game is astoundingly bad. It works like Odin Sphere or Valkyrie Profile, but the relative locations on the map have nothing to do with the actual world, so you will exit an area on the right, the map shows it looping down and around to enter the top of an area across the world. It is really strange and makes the map and objective markers on it pointless. Other small problems like campfires (save points) and warp tablets (save point + fast travel) having the same icon on the map also sort of point to a poorly thought-out system.

The narrative slid right off my brain. It feels like a bunch of excuses to send me on fetch quests with no real throughline holding things together (at least up until I abandoned it).

I could have almost gone with two stars on this game... it isn't necessarily bad it just isn't doing much of interest in any regard.

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grabbed this cheap to get a Metroidvania fix based on steam tags, but it's more of an action RPG along the lines of Odin Sphere. Not what I was looking for, but I'm not complaining. Very fun ~10 hour experience, with satisfying fast paced combat and a tropey-but-engaging-enough story. The human character designs are absolute whack, but I really enjoyed the art for the environments and enemies. There's some odd design choices and minor frustrations here and there, but none of it really got in the way of enjoying the game.

A bit middle-of-the-road in comparison to the rest of the genre, but I really like the artstyle. Slightly biased cuz I like women who can kill me. Ending was dumb though.