Reviews from

in the past

Wasn't huge on Hearts of Stone (thought it was good, not great) but man I fucking loved this. To me, Toussaint is the best location in the game, bar none. Stepping into it for the first time and basking in its radiance feels unlike anything else in the base narrative and the story feels infinitely more rewarding than Hearts of Stone. The final Detlaff boss has a learning curve for sure but his monster form is so cool and it's incredibly satisfying when you finally come out on top. Wonderful ending too, being able to settle down with Yennefer for good felt like a beautifully bittersweet finale to my adventure. Ended my journey arriving back at my fully upgraded vineyard and mounting personal favorite collected swords and paintings in my home was lovely.

Praticamente um game novo, região nova foda, missões espetaculares

Another DLC better than 90% of RPG games LFGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

Probably the best DLC of all time, could pass as a whole game in itself. Toussaint is absolutely beautiful, the story is great, and the new enemies and armors are all awesome. So much to love and really not anything at all that isn't enjoyable.


Expansão recompensadora, como todas as dlcs de outros jogos deveriam ser, horas e horas de conteudo totalmente novo e super bem trabalhado, Blood and Wine é uma historia de investigação, misterio, tudo e mais um pouco, e com um(no caso vários) final deveras epico

now this is how you iterate on one of the greatest games of all time. you introduce a whole new biome to explore; add on gameplay elements that improve upon the existing mechanics; bring in new characters; and follow-up a story about the end-of-the-world, an otherworldly army, and an all-powerful elf girl the only way they could - by featuring vampires. and the ending/epilogue is the cherry on top that we all wanted for one of the greatest epics in the history of gaming. even if you don't want to play the base game, this is a 30-35hr self-contained experience worth playing!

The grand epilogue to TW3 is here, an incredible new map, a house, and of course an incredible story, someday I'll play it again because it's so damn good

I got what is said to be the best ending and it is truly amazing. I love this DLC.

this won ds3 on best rpg, and for a good reason.

افضل اضافة في التاريخ من ناحية المحتوى الكبير والعظيم

Keep seeing comments that Blood and Wine could be a contender for the best DLC/Expansion ever, which sounds hyperbolic but .... I honestly struggle to think of anything else that can compare to what Blood and Wine offers not only in content but also in quality of life changes.

This is DLC? It could be an entire game on its own.

Blood and Wine might just be the best bang for buck expansion you will ever purchase
Blood and Wine features an expansive new region called Touissaint, a vibrant French inspired piece of land full of political intrigue, humor, and defined culture. You will also be pitched against new monsters, in a fully fetched campaign helping out the local Duchess.

The story and side missions are characteristically as good as the original Witcher 3 game, and perhaps better in some areas. The characters you encounter are well written and engagement, and much of the activities to be had are quite fun. This expansion also features a full length soundtrack, which further immerses you into the escapist heaven of the Witcher series.

All-in-all, this expansion deserves an honest 10/10. In all my years of PC gaming, this expansion has reached a milestone, and set a bar so high that I doubt any other developer can reach in a long time.

A great wonderful new addition that contrasts the drearier areas of Witcher 3 with a much more fairytale and playful world of Blood and Wine. Filled with many more great interactions and characters with even some of the best in the Witcher series overall, this DLC seeks to give the series an ending for Geralt that satisfies fans of the game. New Beautiful visuals, enemies, quests, there is very little reason not to buy this immediately if you own the Witcher 3.

conseguiram fazer uma expansão melhor que o jogo base

Quem fala que essa expansão é melhor que o jogo base tem motivos demais pra dizer isso. Um jogo completamente novo, com novos personagens, novas mecânicas e temáticas. O fechamento completo para a saga do Bruxo e de um dos maiores jogos já feitos. Simplesmente uma OBRA PRIMA!

Incredible expansion to The Witcher 3 that outshines the base game. Beautifully crafted new map to explore, I would recommend it to anyone who enjoyed The Witcher 3.

jedna s najbardziej sprawiedlif, ukuratnyh gier ale zostal popelniony wielki huj pot koniec pisania scenariusza
ugulem muwj= najlepszy kontent jaki zapelniony gry są
sprawiedliwa, ukuratna grq

one of the best dlcs ive ever bought

Eu adorei a história e os personagens, mas um jogo com um combate tão raso assim não pode ser tão grande, ainda assim é anos luz melhor que o jogo base.

Ps. Customizar a própria casa é a melhor feature nova.

Honestly, it should come as no surprise to me now after completing the Witcher 3 main game, but I am geniunely shocked at how great of an experience that Blood and Wine was. CD Projekt Red managed to create a whole new setting, cast of characters, and group of villains for Geralt to encounter (ideally) after the events of the Wild Hunt that was so good it can rival and outmatch the feelings I've had from playing full game relases.

The land of Toussaint is downright beautiful, taking place in a fictitious rendition of a Southern France or Northern Italy, in which beautiful flowering fields populate the countryside. Much like I did in Skellige in the Wild Hunt, many a times did I find myself stopping while running or galloping on Roach to give a gander to the environment around me. Again playing with a 4K pack and with most graphical fidelity settings on, I felt like I was experiencing something real with how picturesque the setting was. The city of Beauclair was akin to Novigrad in its teeming with life, however a much more classy architectural feel and populous resided within.

Characters, the series' greatest strength, were again a strongsuit in this expansion. Anna Henrietta was as daring and cunning as she is beautiful, Regis (a book callback) was an elegant and charismatic partner for Geralt, and Damien was a more-than-meets-the-eye second in command. There were plenty of other characters who made the experience memorable, however I would spend another lengthy review speaking on how great they were.

Blood and Wine is easily one of the best expansions/DLC's to have ever existed, full stop. This is a MUST buy for fans of the Witcher 3.

A beautiful fantasy and a fitting end to the Witcher saga.

Blood and Wine is like going on a vacation, away from the dreadful lands we explored in the Witcher 3 main game. This vacation takes you through beautiful fields, calming tones and features so many great characters and stories to play through. I genuinely think it's even better than the main game!

Essa é provavelmente a melhor DLC que eu já joguei.

Praticamente um jogo novo de The Witcher 3, um novo mapa enorme e maravilhoso, algumas das missões mais divertidas do jogo, novos equipamentos, novos monstros, é bastante extensa a quantidade de conteúdo que vem nessa DLC.

The best DLC ever created.
Solid overall package with many improvements. The new map is comfy and awesome.

Mt bom, mas peguei um final ruim, infelizmente

90 / 100. If you haven't played the Witcher 3 before, the Witcher 3's DLCs are better than your favorite game.

Its just more witcher. If you liked the base game you will like this as well.

A DLC that actually expands on the game? This could've been a separate game and people would've loved it.