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Although I didn't enjoy this DLC as much as Hearts of Stone, I still believe that this DLC alone is better than most games. This DLC offers a beautiful new area, filled with new creatures, quests and characters. There is a staggering amount of content, with a customizable player home, mega bandit camps, a new gwent faction, and so much more. It took me at least 40 hours to complete it all. I was a bit disappointed with the main quest in terms of length, characters' choices and potential endings. However, the vampire aspect of this DLC is some of the coolest stuff I have seen in this franchise. I am super proud of CD Projekt RED in its creation of a fitting send-off for Geralt of Rivia.

le plus grand dlc de l'histoire

Когда я попросил родителей подарить мне на День рождения третьего Ведьмака, я даже не знал, что меня ждёт. Просто слышал от одноклассников восторженные отзывы касательно данной игры и сравнения с GTA V (моя первая консольная игра), после чего появилось сильное желание посмотреть, что это за зверь такой.

После разглядываний великолепного коробочного издания для Xbox One ближайшие несколько месяцев я был погружён в эту восхитительную историю. В декабре узнал о существовании "Каменных сердец" и попросил папу купить их для меня. Это было отличное продолжение приключений Геральта, выполненное абсолютно на таком же высоком уровне, как и оригинальная игра.

А "Кровь и Вино".. Это что-то воистину волшебное. Читал каждую новость, смотрел каждый тизер, считал дни до выхода. Не забуду то короткое видео, где Геральт идёт сидит верхом и в озвучке Всеволода Кузнецова говорит: "Таким мне запомнился Туссент"). В этот раз DLC уже было предзаказано где-то за 789 рублей.

И пусть я не играл в первые две части, но целиком прочитал книжную сагу, завершение похождений Геральта тронуло меня так, как удавалось малому количеству произведений. Мне так не хотелось расставаться с дополнением и самой игрой, что я сразу переиграл чуть ли не половину приключений в Туссенте, чтобы получить лучшую для себя концовку.

Туссент — моя самая любимая локация в игре. Такой яркий, красивый, загадочный и солнечный. А само Корво Бьянко чего стоит. Было приятно его кастомизировать и выполнить связанные с ним сайд-квесты. Да тут вообще все квесты, будь то основные или второстепенные, великолепные.

"Кровь и Вино" лучшим образом ставит точку в трилогии. Дополнение, которое ощущается как отдельная полноценная большая игра. До и после я пока не встречал чего-то настолько же грандиозного. Возможно, "Призрачная Свобода" сделает нечто подобное, но пока я могу лишь предполагать

A melhor dlc,expansão dos games fácil, é surreal oque a CD fez nessa DLC, é um fucking jogo completo parece, além de ser o melhor mapa do jogo, simplesmente belo demais, e tem um Boss final melhor que do jogo base.
E nos dá o melhor final do que o jogo base. Perfeito e incrivel.

Rare case when expansion is better than original game

Incroyable extension, la meilleure

From Blaviken to Toussaint, I've followed The Witcher through all of his misadventures. These adventures have shaped Geralt over the course of seven books and three games, most of which are fantasy stories that I hold in the highest regard. The Witcher is one of the genre's crown jewels, in my opinion; its distinct brand of ethical dilemmas and its complex character writing drew me in as a teenager, and they continue to captivate my imagination and stir my soul to this day.

These adventures, however, cannot last forever; every story must end. The final expansion for The Witcher 3, Blood and Wine, aims to serve as an epilogue chapter in Geralt's story, and I must admit that it is one of the most fitting and satisfying ways this saga could conclude. Although the beautiful, lush mediaeval countryside and vineyards of Toussaint did not fully capture my heart on a second playthrough eight years later, I would be lying if I said I could think of a more suitable place to end Geralt's adventure in. Toussaint is large—almost shockingly large for what should be the setting of an epilogue chapter, but I believe its size works well in its favour. When compared to the previous expansion, Hearts of Stone, I discovered something interesting. Hearts of Stone demonstrates an impressive degree of restraint in its approach to storytelling, while Blood and Wine takes a hard left turn by expanding the scope massively and letting the chains loose, reminiscent of The Wild Hunt's massively complex narrative. What sets Blood and Wine apart, however, is how it refines and enhances the expansive and nonlinear storytelling approach of The Wild Hunt, which results in what I feel to be a vastly more enjoyable and satisfying narrative experience. 

CD Projekt Red handles everything here with the utmost care, and I can feel the love they put into Blood and Wine. It’s incredibly commendable how much respect they have for the source material and how dedicated they are to honouring The Witcher’s history in this expansion. I would be remiss not to praise this expansion for the immense love and care that went into it. Serving as an epilogue to a multi-year-long epic, Blood and Wine stands as one of the most impressive storytelling feats of the past decade. Everything here is almost perfect, and despite not fully capturing my heart in the way I had hoped it would, I’m still deeply satisfied and moved by Blood and Wine. 

This is truly one of the greatest expansions of all time.

probs the best dlc ever.. up there with shivering isles

Quasi un gioco completo per durata e varietà di quest.

Blood and Wine é uma DLC esmiuçadamente perfeita e inquestionavelmente a melhor expansão que você jogará.

Fico feliz em ver que a CD Project conseguiu entregar algo que realmente marca o fim dessa série, E DE UMA FORMA EXTREMAMENTE BOA, através de uma DLC.

Lacks most of my issues with the base game and offers the best narrative in the game, some of the toughest choices and most meaningful conclusions to those choices.

Pretty good DLC. The scenery is beautiful. As Gerlat said, the place feels like it's straight out of a fairy tale. The story is pretty cool, with a lot of captivating side quests.
In terms of ending, it's absolute bullshit. Beside Regis and Dettlaff, all other characters are utterly unlikeable. There's no satisfying ending where I felt good. But alas, I had to choose one. I went with, which is considered the “bad ending” by many, but for me, it was the best out of all the choices.

Man, all I can say about this DLC is that Toussaint is such a gorgeous and colorful region in the Witcher world (I wish I lived here), which this video game series frankly lacked before this expansion. Definitely one of my absolute favorite and most memorable parts of this franchise.

Also, I strongly believe that my man Geralt should have stayed in Toussaint, because he deserved his rest from his witcher activities with Triss/Yen and Ciri, but I guess "it is just not his thing."

После 50 часов ебаных Веленских болот и ебаных бочек на Скеллиге, даже кислотные и замыленные поля Туссента покажутся Раем небесным...

Extension parfaite pour jeu parfait

Beautiful all around. Great contrast to the original game. Vibrant with lots of added gameplay. This is how you do an expansion to an already incredible game.

I could play more 20 hours of this.

What a perfect way to finish this story.

Uma das maiores expansões que um jogo poderia ter é Blood and Wine, muito superior a sua antecessora DLC, tem uma originalidade muito maior de história e ambientação.

Os personagens dessa pequena aventura também são super modestos e originais como a franquia requer.

Dunno what to say tbh. One of the best expansions ever made. In my opinion this is much better than the base game. New playground, new mechanics, new character development system and much more. And a great storyline that fits perfectly to the lore.

Je le trouve meilleur que le jeu de base, déso mais courir après un vampire tueur c'est mieux que de courir après une gamine (qui ok a un gameplay stylé mais ça s'arrête là) + régis le goat

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Even though I liked Hearts of Stone more I can't deny the depth and incredible new stuff that Blood and Wine brings to the table.It felt like playing a different game,I really adore that the game followed a serial killer-type plot which I believe goes very well with the whole idea of a witcher.Regis was a very interesting character taking the part of the intellectual monster trying to control his instincts and I feel bad for him that I made him kill his best friend and exiled him from his fellow vampires.
B.B. was another great character and I liked every second with him,I wish we could have gotten more of him,I also liked the addition of a home which you could customize as you see fit.

Greatest DLC of all time, it's basically The Witcher 4

Puts 90% of expansions to shame