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Even though I liked Hearts of Stone more I can't deny the depth and incredible new stuff that Blood and Wine brings to the table.It felt like playing a different game,I really adore that the game followed a serial killer-type plot which I believe goes very well with the whole idea of a witcher.Regis was a very interesting character taking the part of the intellectual monster trying to control his instincts and I feel bad for him that I made him kill his best friend and exiled him from his fellow vampires.
B.B. was another great character and I liked every second with him,I wish we could have gotten more of him,I also liked the addition of a home which you could customize as you see fit.

Greatest DLC of all time, it's basically The Witcher 4

Puts 90% of expansions to shame

Phenomenal, honestly like it a bit more than the OG Witcher 3, though both are incredible

The DLC feels like its own game, it has his own vibe. Enjoyed it more than the main game, one of the best DLCs I played. 9/10

The change in landscape, colour and vibe really sets this dlc apart from the base game and even Heart of Stone. While the main area is depressing, this new land is full of romanticism for knights and the virtuous. Perfectly contrasted by the evil (or so it seems) of the night terrorizing the city.

A great experience from start to finish that only really falls short when compared to Heart of Stone on the story department and some late game vampires show the fault in the combat system by being too fast when Geralt is unbearable to control.

Still a fantastic time with plenty of content, more than your average DLC.

Could have been a game itself, Blood and Wine is an absolute titan of an expansion.

Even though its main story isn't anything crazy, it's still interesting and the new additional characters are great.

Toussaint is the best map in the entire game, it's very big, looks gorgeous and there is a ridiculous amount content. I can sit here and talk for hours how insane the amount of content is, so many things to do, so many interesting side quests and storylines... it's honestly groundbreaking.

Last but not least, there are also some new armor sets and weapons which are pretty cool.

This is without a doubt the best expansion I've played so far.

Final Rating: "Excellent" ~ 9.5/10.

Took a year break after the main game and the first DLC but getting back into the second one was easy, loved the plot and the new area. Didn't do that many sidequests as with the other two adventures but the main quests were probably the best ones out of the three

If this was a standalone game i wouldn't mind at all, but it's a DLC!!! CD Projekt Red really cooked on this one

Quasi un gioco completo per durata e varietà di quest.

Melhor DLC de todos os tempos, foda-se

Blood and Wine é uma DLC esmiuçadamente perfeita e inquestionavelmente a melhor expansão que você jogará.

Fico feliz em ver que a CD Project conseguiu entregar algo que realmente marca o fim dessa série, E DE UMA FORMA EXTREMAMENTE BOA, através de uma DLC.

Lacks most of my issues with the base game and offers the best narrative in the game, some of the toughest choices and most meaningful conclusions to those choices.

Pretty good DLC. The scenery is beautiful. As Gerlat said, the place feels like it's straight out of a fairy tale. The story is pretty cool, with a lot of captivating side quests.
In terms of ending, it's absolute bullshit. Beside Regis and Dettlaff, all other characters are utterly unlikeable. There's no satisfying ending where I felt good. But alas, I had to choose one. I went with, which is considered the “bad ending” by many, but for me, it was the best out of all the choices.

Man, all I can say about this DLC is that Toussaint is such a gorgeous and colorful region in the Witcher world (I wish I lived here), which this video game series frankly lacked before this expansion. Definitely one of my absolute favorite and most memorable parts of this franchise.

Also, I strongly believe that my man Geralt should have stayed in Toussaint, because he deserved his rest from his witcher activities with Triss/Yen and Ciri, but I guess "it is just not his thing."

the GOAT of DLC's... the saturation is GORGEOUS

Good final DLC and ending of Geralt adventures.
For sure the new zone here is different from other parts of the game, everything is more colorful and you feel like it's far away from war. It's a strange feeling, when you kill 20 bandits, their bodies are on the floor of some random ruins and sun rises, adding this DLC specific lighting to the mix.

Under this beautiful skin there is a darker side, shown in story, where not everything is perfect as you can think.
Story is good, after it I still don't know if the ending i got is the best one or not.

I have some objections to few parts of the story and how some secondary content on the map was created (bandit strongholds makes no sense), but still definitely worth playing. There are also some issues with FPS dropping in some parts for few seconds, it was visible in previous DLC and main game, but in this DLC it happened more often.

Best dlc ever made but I'm still reeling from the motherfucking toad

Damn this is a good game. Immediately I’m drawn in by the absolute beauty of toussant. It gave me that fairy tale setting I craved with the base game tied in with just as riveting of a story. Then when it actually put me in a fairy tale? It was a done deal. That was something out of my dreams. My favorite game I’ve played this year, definitely in my top ten damn

The best DLC I ever played, and it helped solidify Witcher 3 as my favourite game. Most DLC usually continues the formula and doesn’t add much narratively, whereas this added a solid 15 hour campaign, which is more than some full games. I liked the updates, particularly the villa where you can show off your armours. And the vibrant green landscape provides a much needed change from the brown and grey base game.

praticamente um jogo novo em forma de DLC, vale muito a pena

novo jogo disfarçado em dlc, é você?

After it took me only a short time from heart of stone to blood and wine ( ok well... 4 years to be exact), I Finally got myself to sit down and play blood and wine, and holy crap I have no idea why it took me so god damn long to play this near perfect expansion! This expansion can easily be considered Witcher 3.5, and it would be hard for me to see you not love this expansion if you also loved the base game as well alongside heart of stone, with many aspects of the game just nailing the same feeling I had with the base game while being set in a much more high fantasy setting.

Very amazing story, while I do think Heart of Stone's story is a tad bit better, it is still a story I will remember down the line with the grey line between vampires and humans, the friendship with Regis, and the connection between the sisters, while trying to consider who is the lesser evil, the vampire who is killing many for one girl, or the girl who is killing many for a personal rivalry. While it starts off as simple as can be with Geralt being contracted to kill a mysterious monster, it quickly turns into a much more complex story that has even Geralt question his moral compass as he further solves the mystery. Even with the best possible ending, it is impossible to have the pure fairy tale ending where everyone's problems are magically solved, someone has to take the noble sacrifice for those they don't even know. There are so many amazing questlines in this game, and even apart from the really amazing main questline like one where you enter a fairy tale, even the side quests are just as amazing as well, with great writing and even more humorous questlines like Geralt trying to deposit from a bank where he is declared dead. I love Heart of Stone, and I do prefer that expansion's main questline, but the one thing it was missing were the amazing sidequests that witcher 3 is easily known for, and blood and wine not only delivers but exceeds with some quests as well. I didn't do ALL the side quests as some were obviously there for power gain and would require more work than I would like, but I did the ones with story content as reward and I loved them all.

Easily some of my favorite. Base game of course had the best overall characters, Heart of stone had my favorite antagonist, but Blood and Wine had some of my favorite companions alongside Regis and the relation between the Anna and the sister. Regis especially my GOD did I love his character, as while he was a friend to Geralt, he also tried his damn to protect his other friend as well as a way to have a peaceful resolution, but no matter what he did, there are no fairy tale endings in this universe, and what regis did to help those he doesn't even know will forever be burned into my memory. The other characters as well were all just fantastic, and the only real complaint I would have is that I wish the main antagonist vampire would had been a bit more fleshed out, even though he has a fantastic backstory and character development, I feel like maybe a couple more hours with him would had fleshed him out to the same level as Gaunter O'Dimm was in heart of stone. Overall were an amazing addition to blood and wine, and easily had way more memorable characters in comparison, just not THE memorable character antagonist like mentioned. Lastly The story with Anna was just wonderful, and even if the ending splits depending on what you choose, the ending I got was the one I am very much satisfied with. Even her captain, side quest characters, other higher vampires and such were written so well, and I just hope witcher 4 has the same level of writing that witcher 3 and ALL of the expansions had previous.

Blood and Wine adds some new mechanics, mainly the usage of greater mutagens to utilize the new mutation system. The new system does change a ton for the build I was running, mainly when I grinded to get the freezing aard upgrade, which switched up how I played the game a bit. Apart from that the gameplay stayed the same, but of course I always loved more endgame witcher combat as that is when you not only start to utilize the upgrades more, but also utilize the potions, bombs and such which were essential when I played on Death March difficulty. Gameplay is still very strong for me from this game, and blood and wine improved it a ton as well. The new emphasis on vampires as well made the new encounters a ton of fun as well. I know people criticize the combat a ton for saying its too mashy, but I feel like if you play on the much easier difficulties is when you face that problem, but raise the difficulty much higher, you suddenly realize you can't just march head first into battles and actually require pre preparing and proper magic usage to deal with the harder fights in the game. Overall the gameplay is still super fun to play through, with of course some minor gripes I have with it, mainly lock on camera and the INSANE damage scaling of death march (seriously I would get 2 shotted by some rather small enemy mobs even with having quen on).

Blood and Wine's OST is just insanely peak. Battle theme, Blood and Wine theme of course, The Slopes of Blessure, The Beast of Beauclair, On the Champs-Desoles , and ambience as you just explore were all just fantastic.

Last Positives/Nitpicks
- I love how vibrant and much saturation is in the world as you explore, making you realize how dark and dirty the inner plots and politics are in the world even as they try their hardest to mask it all.
-Death March Scaling is... insane at times
-Prayers Witcher 4 holds this bar that Witcher 3 had set (and launches in a proper state unlike cyberpunk)
-Greater Mutagens were a bit annoying to grind for, so I didn't dive too deep into the new mutagen system. Probably easy if I NG+ and found the mutagens naturally.
-I do hope the next game improves on the skill tree to have more unique abilities instead of stat increases.

Blood and Wine is easily one of the best expansions any game as ever had. I have finally finished all the main content from the game I hold so dearly, and after all of these years, can finally rest this game for whenever I do a NG+ run for the witcher 4 hype train or not. While the story was a tad bit lesser compared to heart of stone, having every other aspect just be better makes this my favorite of the 2 expansions. I will look at heart of stone as the best story and antagonist of witcher 3, but blood and wine has the best gameplay and companion of witcher 3.