Reviews from

in the past

With a story at least as, if not more, compelling than the base game's, I can't help but be impressed by the staggering amount of extra content here. This truly feels like a sequel rather than a mere add on to this already incredible game and it ties the story up beautifully.
Blood and Wine is an outstanding DLC and I would say the best part of The Witcher 3 set! Toussaint is an amazing place.

The quintessential expansion, it's a must buy for anybody who enjoyed Witcher 3.

la garchada más rara que voy a ver en mi vida.

The best DLC for a game out there, I will go as far as to say this DLC is better than a lot of games.

The best DLC of all time, I can't find any flaws to it as an expansion. It adds the best characters in the game, a huge and gorgeous map, a great story and gives a proper ending to Geralt and Yennefer (idc Triss is not canon)

Game Of The Year için söylediklerim aynen geçerlidir.

possibly my favorite dlc of all time.


Isso Sim é uma DLC, como sempre The Witcher 3 dando aula para a indústria de jogos moderna

Absolute top tier DLC, maybe the best ever made.

Provavelmente o melhor conteúdo DLC de todos os tempos, uma história mágica, embriagada e o final perfeito para a história de Geralt, não há tal coisa como ver o vídeo de 10 anos da séria após finalizar esse jogo, simplesmente masterpiece, GOAT

tem umas quest repetitiva de planta lá meio merda, mas no geral é muito bão

dlc foda

How can a DLC be this beautiful?? Ridiculously beautiful !! And so captivating.. even better than the original game

This Expansion is a huge dissapointment, as pretty as Beauclair is and as fun as Regis is as a character, the game really feels out of ideas at this point, the story doesn't manage to come together, instead of being compelling in of itself it feels half-baked and the empty space is filled with fan-service, and that's a real shame.

The second expansion to Witcher 3 - Blood and Wine, is a multi-hour adventure that expertly mixes all the things we know and love with very interesting novelties. The new land is breathtaking, the story and characters are enchanting and the interface finally is almost perfect. Every story needs an ending and this one is one of the most satisfying ever.

Blood and Wine is a massive expansion, and with content strong enough to stand on its own two feet, realizing it’s merely an addition to what is otherwise considered one of the best games ever is just a cherry on top.

This expansions ending takes the cake at #1 for me everything from the subtle in-jokes and references through dialog to the final question being if Geralt will finally settle down as he looks up at the camera for one last brief moment locking eyes with you the player and smiles. god its such a joyfully sad ending and fantastic conclusion to the Witcher game series.



Tons of content, a good story, and a beautiful world. What keeps it from 5/5 for me is its pathetically weak villain and its lackluster story when compared to the masterwork that was Hearts of Stone.

An absolutely fantastic way to send off the game. This felt less like a DLC and more like a sequel of sorts, especially with the way it all wrapped up after the credits. The only complaint I have is that the story quests felt strangely rushed near the end--almost like the team didn't have enough time to include the level of detail that everything else in the game had up until that point. But even with that said, it's still a fantastic bit of DLC that elevates the whole game to new heights.

The best Add-On for one of the best Games. Fantastic!

Абсолютно новое королевство, новые персонажи и монстры. Кровь и Вино — это 30-часовое приключение, наполненное мрачными тайнами, неожиданными поворотами, романтикой и обманом, имеющее 3 концовки.

Пройдемся чуть подробнее по тому, что привносит это DLC. Самое главное – это новый регион, Туссент, который содержит более 90 новых квестов, 40 мест интереса, систему динамических мест интереса, 14000 диалоговых строк, 100 уникальных частей доспехов (включая новые наборы брони для ведьмаков), более 30 новых видов оружия, более 20 новых монстров, новая механика покраски брони, настоящий дом Геральта, новая колода карт в гвинте “Скеллиге”. Новую механику “мутации”, которые добавляют 12 новых способностей. Примеры мутаций: знак может нанести критический удар, вместо смерти, Геральт исцеляется и приобретает иммунитет к урону и т.д.

По сюжету Геральт отправляется в Туссент, далекие земли, которые не тронуты войной, где нам предстоит раскрыть страшную загадку опасного чудовища, терроризирующего княжество.

Думаю, даже не стоит подробно расписывать насколько отлична, интересна эта история, харизматичны персонажи, отлично сделаны квесты, и много другое, потому что это и так прекрасно понятно.

Визуально Туссент тоже прекрасен. Это королевство более красочнее других локаций, чем, например, Велен, там мы ощущаем мрачную и серую атмосферу, здесь же мы получаем контрастность цветов, веселье, романтику и т.д.

Кровь и Вино – является лучшим DLC не только 3 Ведьмака, а также в игровой индустрии. С какой-то стороны это можно назвать полноценной отдельной игрой. CDPR продемонстрировали очень высокий уровень, можно сказать, что задрали планку, но показали, как надо делать DLC для игр.
Еще хочу добавить, что очень обидно и больно расставаться с историей, приключениями Геральта. Не могу даже поверить, что в будущем, возможно, мы больше не увидим всех этих прекрасных, уникальных, невероятно харизматичных персонажей, включая самого Белого Волка. CDPR подарили нам прекрасную историю, трилогию игр. В 3 части они очень задрали планку уровня, но которую смогли достать, а то даже и перепрыгнуть в DLC.

E assim se encerra a minha jornada com Witcher.

Já é banal falar o quão ótimo o jogo e suas DLCs são, por isso não vou repetir o que todos falam. Será difícil achar agora outra obra tão cativante quanto, mas é isso... Esperar o Vazio de zerar Witcher passar e ir pra próxima.

Só falar que o Regis é um baita personagem, desde os livros eu gosto dele. E nessa DLC eles trouxeram ele de volta e mantiveram a mesma essência do cara. Admito que senti falta de uma referência à Hansa do Geralt, afinal foi algo que marcou muito os dois personagens. Nem precisava fazer muito, talvez uns diálogos falando sobre a Milva, o Cahir, a Angoulême. Seria um presentão. Mas enfim, é um jogão de qualquer jeito.

muy bue la trama, las peleitas, lo que agrega como contenido, los bosses (!!!), todo 5/5
al comienzo me costó un toque porque la dificultad cambia mucho del juego base pero te acostumbras

Essa DLC consegue ser tão foda que é basicamente um jogo separado, que inclusive, considero até melhor que o jogo base. Simplesmente maravilhosa.

sabe quando vc ta na melhor parte da sua comida favorita? é isso aqui.

Another amazing experience. Didn't like it as much as Hearts of Stone, but still, Blood and Wine contains some of Witcher 3's best quests, boss fights and stories.

basicamente The Witcher III 2