Reviews from

in the past

more like tony hawk's project 8 fps

i kinda wanna go back and play it again lowkey

A solid game overall, but doesn't hold a candle to previous games and is generally easy to forget.

You can't go wrong with this, there's just better options out there.

i would probably rate this game a full star higher if the load times on 360 werent just the most unbearable thing ever

this is a lot better than people give it credit for since it was the first or second next-gen tony hawk. it has all the good gameplay of the past games but just with a new visual style

I'm a big fan of the series, having tons of nostalgia for Pro Skater 2, and American Wasteland in particular. I remember playing P8 on the PS2 back in the day and enjoying it, but never beating it. I can see why, as the PS2 version's level were clearly not retooled enough for the different engine, leading to some very very wonky physics.

As for the HD version, there's stuff to like: the every level is interconnected thing is really really cool. Going from one level to the other in one big combo (without the loading corridors of AW) is tons of fun. Sadly, there's a bunch of things here that drag the whole thing down, making it ultimately annoying:

The ragdoll physics missions are awful. Just bad.

The engine is clearly not quite there yet. They're going for more "realism" while still trying to keep the arcade-y feel, leading to this weird hybrid. Everything feels harder to do than previous entires

* And worst of all, the framerate. We're down to 30FPS here folks, and it makes a world of difference. You could get used to it, but there's also slowdown. Very frequent ones, I think this bitch gets to 15FPS sometimes.

I really wanna like this game, but it was very clearly rushed, and it's difficult to say I do like it.

This one is a little odd to review, consider the two versions (Xbox/PS2/PSP vs. X360/PS3) are of such different quality.

The short answer; if you want to play this game, get the 6th generation version. The levels aren't really built well for that version (as they are now instanced areas vs. a interconnected open world), but the skating engine is a million times better, and they don't have the awful ragdoll missions.

Ultimately, the game really isn't that good no matter what version you get. You can tell Neversoft (and the various satellite studios porting the titles) were really running out of steam at this point, having pumped out 8 titles in 7 years, not including the the handheld variants. The cracks in the formula really started to show with this entry, though I don't think it really fell apart until Proving Ground.

Project 8 can still be a fun time, but it's definitely not the first game in the series you should be reaching for, or the second, or the third, or the fourth...

I'm pretty sure I'm still the only person that figured out that you could launch your character into the sky by doing a stall and then pressing all 4 of the ragdoll buttons while your character is still transitioning to the full animation. It was a thing in the the demo of the game, and it was still in the main game by the time I beat it, but idunno if it was ever patched out.

if this freakin' thing ran well it'd be SO good, but jeeeeez

Liked being able to get off my board and fuck around but this game was Mighty mid. 4/10

Even though this does have "some" sentimental value in terms of my childhood. I could just tell something was off about the game, feeling both completed. And yet broken as all hell. This game had a boring asf story you forget half the time, with one of the worst "customization" of your character ever, where you can pick, ugly white guy, ugly black guy, or handsome black guy. Apart from that like, you couldn't even play as a girl. Doesn't help that it weirdly introduce other skater with mini trailers like it's cool or something. This is a very early 2000s game that honestly is not good to go back to. 100% recommend games like Skate 3 or Proskater 1 & 2 Remake

The last decent TH game until THPS 1+2. Not the series' best, but certainly not the worst by a long shot.

PSP Version: 3.5/5

The career mode of the PSP version is the same as the PS2 version of this game, which is cool because I remember I tried to play the PS2 version and idk if it was my copy but it was buggy as hell. This version played a lot better.

Anyways, it's good! Nothing will beat the open world of the main version, but I like the challenges here and most of the personality remains in tact. The only major problem is that the physics in this version are kind of sluggish in comparison to the main version.

Also worth noting, this version of the game has a classic mode! And, it's probably the best in the series behind THUG 2! If you're curious about the previous-gen version of Project 8, I'd say play this version just for that alone.

Not simulation-esque enough to be the Skate clone it wants to be, and not over-the-top arcadey enough to be a Tony Hawk game - so it rests in this awkward purgatory of "yeah, it exists I guess". Runs like molasses on the PS3 and is deeply, deeply ugly to look at (like most of these early seventh-generation games the color is just thoroughly sucked clean out of it and character models look like infected meat) but otherwise it's too inoffensive to be anything other than 'mediocre'. The mechanics are fine, the soundtrack is fine (MVPs "The Queen and I", "I Wanna Live", "Devotion ['92]", and "Club Foot"), it's fine. The open world never feels as entertaining, lush, or varied as Tony Hawk's American Wasteland and most of the different areas blend into the background due to their overall dullness. The random-ass difficulty spike is bizarre, and the way it implements Classic Mode in this is truly horrible. But... it plays. The spot challenges are the best new addition, providing hours of content on just a couple curbs. I don't hate it but I also see 100% why the series started to tank after this.

i played this shit all the time what are you all talking about

thps started losing its identity somewhere around here, but this is still a great game even with the slightly more grounded approach

probably not worth checking out on 360 or ps3 because of the terrible camera and how unstable the game can be. maybe ill try out the ps2 version in the future.

Great game marred by some terrible technical issues.

Very underrated Tony Hawk game (it's better than American Wasteland for example), but still not as good as the classics.

my only memory of this game is the game freezing on my cousin and him shouting and then getting beat by my aunt as i sat in the corner, scared.

Tony Hawk had officially jumped the shark at this point. Just a mess, runs poor on every system and the formula had really just been played out by this point

THPS was kinda wearing out its welcome at this point, but I do kinda dig the structure of the game. The game runs like crud and it can REALLY inhibit gameplay and completing challenges, and the world itself feels like an unimaginative "best-of" cover album of the previous THUG and THAW games (pretty sure each section has a better counterpart in those previous three games), but I really like how the game feels when it's going, it dropped the old engine and used one that emphasizes realism more, and while that can create a bit of dissonance between the cartoonishly Herculean things that are required of certain challenges, I do like it.

Playing Project 8 for the first the time in 2021, this game really really impressed me. In many ways, it feels like a blueprint for modern skateboarding games with its open world and goals.

On Xbox 360 and PS3, the game retains the classic Tony Hawk controls but uses an entirely new engine. The tricks and animations look more realistic but can still be endlessly chained together in arcade fashion. To me, it's the ideal middle ground between the arcade Tony Hawk games and EA's Skate series.

The game does have its flaws. The higher difficulty goals often feel unfair, but they are optional. The frame rate is notoriously inconsistent, but it didn't ruin the experience for me (I will include a note on the frame rate at the end).

Overall, I just really like the design of the open world and how the game feels. As a longtime fan of the series, I knew this game wasn't as celebrated, but it has quickly become one of my favorites.

(Frame rate note: If you are playing on 360, it is recommended to not update the game. If you have already updated, you can go back and clear your cache. Apparently the game originally ran at 40-60 FPS but was patched to run at 30 FPS for stability reasons. The frame rate still drags in areas regardless, but from what I have read, not updating is the preferred way to pla ).

A truely open world Tony Hawk game that's full of little challenges baked into the world, this game's sublime. The way the areas are all connected really organically is fantastic - makes it so fun to aimless skate around, drifting from area to area as you please. Super fun! It's also brilliant how the game has baked in various challenges into the environment in very intuitive ways, making it easy to make progress as you fuck around the world. It's all brilliant. <3

You might think I’m fucked up for this one but this game is so fun. This is what every skateboarding game should be imo

Man I was actually shocked that this game runs really well on emulation. I really love this game for some reason, and I think if it was more polished it would be considered one of the greats in the series.

Good gameplay, fun controls, objectives, and locations. Extremely plain premise, "story", and pay-off to your grinding. The unsalted cracker of the Tony Hawk's series. The soundtrack was great, but it lacks the simplicity that made the earlier games great and the lovable campiness that made the latter games perfect.