Reviews from

in the past

Der erste Teil der Touhou-Reihe und aus heutiger Sicht "das schwarze Schaf" der Reihe. Was auch daran liegt, dass es ursprünglich kein Teil der Reihe werden sollte.
Eine Art Breakout mit Bullethell-Elementen (ähnlich wie Arkanoid), manchmal fragwürdigen Hitboxen, unberechenbare Boss-Attacken, komischer Steuerung und einem sehr guten Soundtrack, welches zum einen der größten Merkmale der Reihe werden sollte.

Heutzutage ganz okay spielbar und am ehesten für Fans geeignet, die mal den Ursprung der Reihe mal erleben wollen.

Only bad ends for me... the makai last boss is too HARD!
Jigoku is easy, get good ending is HARDER...

The first Touhou game, huh? I can tell.

Despite what many say, this first game still is good. Different yes, but the difficulty many Touhou fans like is STILL there!

Do I look like I know what a Touhou is?

you can really tell it was made by one guy, terrible game

play this if you want to experience pain and suffering. gameplay sucks, otherwise it's fine.

Holy shit this game is fun as hell

The first Touhou game! It's not very good. Imagine Breakout but the ball can kill you. It's as unfun as it sounds.

Also imagine your programming practice game became not only the foundation of your life's work but an entire cultural phenomenon, it's impressive.

I wasn't going to be playing the PC98 touhous so soon but since some kind soul made them easily accessible I did.

Here, at the beginning of all things, it's not even a shmup! There are some shmup elements in all the bosses that shoot tons of bullets at you, some Arkanoid inspirations, and a healthy dose of Kikikaikai (Pocky and Rocky) as you're a shrine maiden who looks similar and has the same weapons: a card for shooting and a melee with a rod.

Your goal here is to use your yin-yang orb to hit targets without having it slam into you. This is pretty neat but since its a small target, aiming it precisely is a big pain. The game is super hard and you can very easily lose all your lives in an instant. You get unlimited continues if you don't mind a bad ending, but the final boss I fought had a literally ten second unskippable intro every single time. I checked to make sure that I wasn't exaggerating that.

The music rules even back here. I could even recognize a leitmotif that has made its way through to the modern era. Good shit.

This game has no real story to talk about: Reimu's shrine was destroyed and she is willing to Attack and Dethrone God over it. There are multiple routes you can take to do this with their own bosses, but only Mima the ghost will become a recurring character. The one route I chose had me going to Jigoku (hell) but inexplicably turned into a bunch of Christian imagery and Sariel was the final boss so I'm not kidding. Reimu is pulling a Kirby here she will just start rampaging if you mess with her.

Anyway on its own this is an interesting but just 'eh' old indie game so it's very fun that it's actually the start of a cultural phenomenon so powerful that it has a dril tweet

The concept is really neat but it's just kinda designed like cancer and the final boss of the top option route revs all the terrible design to turbo. Reimu's career as a professional footballer simply wasn't meant to be.

This isn't a great game, the reviews are right. But because I'm weird I at least liked seeing it through to the end. And the music is great even here.

i think that i'm touhou (i could not possibly be more wrong)

I like this one more than most people care to. Has my favorite tune.

Jank as all hell but at least some of it is fun I guess.

The first one and it shows.

The start of Touhou is a really interesting one. I honestly really enjoyed this breakout style of gameplay even if it was jank as hell. Any of the boss stages were just so easy to due being able to just use a bomb and wipe everything out, but the bosses of this game were truly the peak. While nowhere near being great, they were really enjoyable and actually presented a challenge unlike the rest of the game. My favorite part of this game was the imagery and style. This game is really nice looking and it has some weird style to it I guess I would say. Everything about this game just looks unique, and the bosses are probably some of the coolest design-wise.

i gotta be real this shit fucking sucks

All I see on my screen is raw unadulterated soul

Pare de reclamar e aprenda a jogar logo.

apesar de ser difícil é muito divertido

Difícil demais, não que eu esteja reclamando, mas não entre esperando achando que você vai zerar sem morrer pelo menos umas 50+vezes, eu cheguei até o 15º nível, mas perdi a conta dos continues que eu usei no 5º

This sure is the very first Touhou, it's kinda funky though but in a way that I like. I wasn't expecting it to be like this sort of Arkanoid-ish thing.

Good little Arkanoid brick break clone with some early danmaku elements rearing their head
It has inspired something truly, truly evil
I like it! What could ever go wrong!