Reviews from

in the past

This game really didn't age well, maybe it was good in 2004, but now you can really say the game is just not good, the physics are especially bad, of you played any official Sonic games before it. However I played it a lot when i was younger, because I couldn't pay for any Sonic game lmao
so for nostalgia i give it 3 stars. But without, I would probably give 2 stars at best.

Love this game, but it had some p big design flaws. Rest in peace childhood.

A bit lackluster now that I've played the games that have come before it. It's essentially Sonic Advance 2-lite with a some neat tidbits. Despite that, it's pretty well made, and I recommend giving it a play.

That was my shit back when I thought Mario and Sonic were fucked up brothers

Introduced me to Sonic games! A blast!!


Actually never mind, no wonder this game was good

Edit: Albeit pretty janky too

Unironically one of the best flash games I've ever played.

i definitely 100%'ed this game back then.

Great for what it is, but I'm pretty sure there's only two zones which kind of stinks. Lots of bonus material, though, more than most Flash games.

i've nostalgia about it, and was just later on i discovered that the full game is actually a gba title - which i don't to say that's actually a lot better, as this game is more like an ad for it

whatever, it did its purpose.


Por muito tempo o único jogo do Sonic que eu tinha pra PC
Aprecio muito a atenção aos detalhes e a física que o rapaz fez pra esse fangame. Esse jogo não seria histórico se não fosse por isso

I miss Flash man. Why did Adobe have to take it away? Why god? Why?

En primaria tenia las Passwords anotadas en una libreta, gracias a eso era visto como un CHAD en el grupo de mis colegas.

Abyss media but worth the nostalgia

you a real one if you played this

THIS SUCKED lmao but in the best ways possible nothing but affection

Esse jogo era muito pica, apesar dos controles serem meio precisos demais e o level design ser meio esquisito, era muito foda. Pô é um fan-game de 2004, dá uma colher de chá vai?

OBS: Opa! Corrigindo aqui, na verdade é a física que faz com que a movimentação seja estranha, só isso mesmo.


My first exposure to this fucker.

This is the best video game with stolen assets ever made

olhando retroativamente é bem bosta mas na época mexia comigo, um dos meus primeiros contatos com sonic.

For what it's worth in terms of a fan game, it's really fun being able to play as the advanced versions of Sonic characters, with the addition of extra characters. It has like 2 playable ones, but is still really fun. Was a blessing when this game wasn't blocked at school.

This shit went HARD at the computer lab.

mesmo sendo só 2 zonas, ainda me marcou pra caralho

i actually did a speedrun of this game lol