Reviews from

in the past

Amazing co-op fun 2: Electric Boogaloo.

We Were Here (original) was a super fun co-op experiment, anchored by the walkie talkie mechanic. We were here too is an expansion of that, but it doesn't quite hit the same mark.

We were here Forever, is lovely -- if you're looking for a co-op with your friends in this series, just skip straight to installment #3!

"An Average Puzzle Game That Still Made Me Laugh"

This game is pretty generic. It is a co-op puzzle game where each player follows a different path, with one directing and one interacting with objects as you both try to figure out each area's puzzle. Some of the puzzle are pretty basic in that you just match symbols, but some are completely strange and unclear, leaving my partner and I completely stumped as to what we were supposed to do. Some turned out to be pretty clever in practice, but others were way too vague in what they waned the player to achieve.

Much of the game was quite forgetful as there is basically no plot, and even though it was only an hour or so of playtime, I was already looking for the fastest way to finish this game. Nothing really stuck out to me besides a hilarious ending, where my partner and I miscommunicated and I ended up abandoning him in a most dramatic fashion during an ending cutscene. The game does such a bad job at directing the player that we had no idea that we had even reached a point where the game ended, and it resulted in many laughs. Its free, so if you and a friend have the time to kill, and are looking for a bland yet hilarious co-op puzzle game, try this title out. However, I would Not Recommend it at the end of the day, as it didn't provide enough for even two full hours of enjoyable entertainment besides its final moments.

Final Verdict: 5/10 (Average)

Dans la lignée du premier, le jeu est plus beau et les énigmes sont sympas, mais toujours trop court.

La true ending est pas ouf non plus bahaha, a voir ce que ça donne dans les prochains opus

I think it's mostly on par with the first game. It's pretty good fun with a friend, though like the first game, it's really only good for at most two playthroughs from each perspective. It's more of an issue with this game in comparison to the first one because unlike the first one, you actually have to pay money for a game that's about the same as the free one in length. The puzzles are all fairly decent, but the staircase/cube puzzle is extremely aggravating. Skipped it entirely during the second playthrough.

games designed to make me yell at my boyfriend

Better than the last game, solid experience. Still kinda buggy.

We were Here too segue o modelo do antecessor we were here

Coop, duas pessoas, baseado em puzzles, uma pessoa é mais ativa a fazer coisas e a outra a passar informação, é uma excelente experiência pra passar 3 a 6 horas com o amigo, sempre me rende boas risadas!

Talvez meu único contra seja que ele poderia ter mais maneiras de resoluções e fosse um pouco maior, mas pelo preço q paguei não dá pra reclamar

We Were Here Too Nota 8

Played right after the first in a replay-athon with a friend who's never played... It was a lot better than the first and the puzzles felt a lot better overall in a majority of aspects. Definitely worth to play, the only complaint being a lot of puzzles are time-sensitive out of nowhere and the time can feel fleeting at moments, or unfair in others, overall fairly fun tho.

Stupidly complicated puzzles ruined this game. Ended up searching a guide to finish this game.

Didn’t enjoy this one as much as the first, felt unnecessarily complicated at times.

I think the first one was distinctly better between puzzle themeing and interesting cooperative solutions. This one felt too much like just the same puzzle over and over with slightly new gimmicks. The maze puzzle in particular is very annoying.

But it's got some nice atmosphere and coop immediately elevates everything.

Significantly better than the first game, but still a lot of room for improvement. The staircase/cube puzzle is quite aggravating, I can't help but wonder if the designers realize that it's 10x more punishing than every other puzzle in the series. However, I still enjoyed this game, and would recommend it if you have a similarly-inclined friend.

Pretty great little co-op game. It's asymmetric multiplayer, so you and another person do individual puzzles and have to communicate to solve them. There are achievements for either side of the playthrough so make sure you play it twice!

We ran into a frustrating situation where the last achievement requires you to flip a bunch of hidden switches across the game. However we missed out on one of the last switches as we died in lava in the final room (because the devs have an elevator fake-out that drops you into lava) and it locked the door behind us, preventing us from getting the switch. This would require us to do an entire full playthrough again. Pretty bad system in this case.

i had a lot of fun with this one, definitely a branch out from the first but doesn't totally lose the original atmosphere! Plus, adding in "collectable" switches made the game a little more replayable

Irgendwie langweilig. Alleine würde ich das nicht zocken. Wait a minute...

It HIGHLY depends on whoever you play this game with. Outside of that, the game is very short and the puzzles are mainly based on the lack of communication between each other, you don't know what your partner sees and you both need to be very descriptive about your section, which can be fun or very annoying, depending on you and your partner. It takes about 3 hours to complete, the puzzles are not really hard.

played with my abi girl friend and it was fun she got so fucking mad at me she was kicking me and screaming

Better than the first game. As with most co-op games, how much fun you'll have depends on you and your partner. I recommend grabbing a friend and playing it with them for a fun time

More of the same, im positiven Sinne. Wie der Vorgänger ein tolles CoOp Escape Room Game, mit Rätseln, deren Schwierigkeit nie zu leicht, aber auch nie zu schwer sind. Dieses Mal ohne creepy Horrorelemente. Einzig das Labyrinth hat eine Vielzahl an Nerven gekostet.

Good upgrade from the first one! Stephen and I loved it. I could see how the studio wants to expand even further and up the quality even more. Looking forward to the third.

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Si os gustan los escaperooms esté juego está muy chulo, premia mucho la comuniación y el trabajo en equipo, eso sí... es un poco rebuscado en alguna mecánica, sobretodo si queréis escapar los dos.

mesma pegada do primeiro só que um pouco mais extenso, bom demais

A much more complete experience than the first We Were Here; there is a much greater variety of puzzles, and they have been designed well to maximise confusion between players. The game still doesnt feel very polished though; there are quite a few little issues like holes in the textures, et cetera. Some of the time limited sections seem extremely punishing for no real reason, which just gets frustrating considering the penalty for failing these is just to restart them. Final verdict; better than the first one, but still just 'fine'.

Another really great entry. Aaron and I also played through this one together. All the puzzles were great with some being harder than ever.