Reviews from

in the past

oh it's really bad. the mycareer actually had potential but everything else in the game was just so so bad, it's almost as though dropping the japanese devs who had built a codebase over 20 years across 4 console generations that was barely held together in the first place and suddenly handing that code off to an american studio was an atrocious idea

two years later and it's still awful in a hilarious way

don't actually buy this unless you intend to suffer, just buy Fire Pro World instead

JOGO HORROROSO (mas eu continuo jogando)

the first and last game i'll ever pre order

I honestly don't know why this is even in my library. I enjoying repeating a certain timeline in the universe every now and then but that's about it. The port is broken as hell and the developers spare any concern for such tabulating issues. I perhaps won't buy another 2K or, WWE game for that matter on PC ever again. It's only as enjoyable as it gets on console and, I think almost everyone can chime in their 2 cents on how much they care about producing an efficient port for the PC.

That ends my complaint about the port; as for the game, I don't I've seen a game as depressingly sabotaged as this in years - cough, cough, WWE All Stars - not to mention Battleground. I'm not a big wrestling fan but, I did own every SVR game on PS2 and own WWE 2K19 on Xbox. I can't say I love those games but they do provide me with enough enjoyment to keep kicking the bucket again. I can't seem to express any interest in the design philosophy of this game, it's intrinsically dead and hollow. There is barely any change to the system and where there is, it's worse. For god's sake, add multi-championship title options to Universe mode already: what's so wrong with having an undisputed title system ?

VC, please stick to one set of controls, don't keep changing them every other year. I literally had to train my muscle memory to react to the reversal cues between 2K19 and 2K20: they leave me in utter confusion every now and then. While I admit that this is a thing every developer or console industry does, it's more of a generational thing rather than frequent. Remember when inverted controls were the 'norm' ? Yeah, me too. I didn't like it at all. They filled me with the most devastating nightmares- even worse than the likes of any Lovecraftian or Shelley novel.

To sum it up, Visual Concepts needs to know that its audience isn't expecting another SVR or WWE 'XX game. It wants all the fluidity and freedom those games offered, along with some innovation that doesn't have to interfere or get in the way of our enjoyment. At this point, 2K games are nothing more than mid-ranged EA excuse notes.

Lackluster entry in a franchise that was on the right path with the solid succession from 2K18 to 2K19. The game was drastically improved through updates since it's day one mess, but the damage had been done. In-ring gameplay is solid, new elements added in comparison to the previous installment. Recurrent crashes, freezes and menu bugs make the game unbearable on PC.

if i could give it less i would

Bruh this game is so fucking broken. Definitely 2K's biggest turd so far. The fact that we got stuck with this shit for almost THREE years is a travesty to wrestling fans!

Step Inside. More like step the fuck outta this shithole.

Back to 2K19 for a few years then.

It's so bad it's only good when you play it drunk and overreacting about bugs

Nomás complete el showcase por los trajes alternativos.

another fluke by a sports game

one of the worst games i've ever played

I'm thankful that I was one of very few players to experience few crashes (only once for me), and was able to play the game to its entirety and enjoyed it

Didn't think a wrestling game could run, perform and just overall look worst than even the worst shit during the PS2/Xbox/GC days

half a star is too high

Crashes before every match, what an absolute joke to release it like this.


I've head an unhealthy amount of fun with this insanely poorly made game.

This makes the other WWE 2K games look good, which is saying a lot. The career mode does reach 'so bad it's good' territory with the hilariously bad dialogue and graphics. No steps forward and 10 steps backward for an already stagnant series.

Following the release of one of their better titles in the series. 2K did the most 2K thing imaginable and released this GOTY

yeah not every game is perfect or good but cmon u can’t possibly tell me that it’s not, at least, one of the funniest wrestling games out there. shouts to the nL boyz

this is almost broken as my heart when i think about smackdown vs raw, wwe2k14 and here comes the pain

WWE 2K20 por mais que siga uma certa receita de jogos (especificamente de luta) que quase não dá para errar (por serem divertidos pela sua mecânica) obviamente foi decepcionante em vários aspectos, seja pelos gráficos e pelos detalhes que parecem ter sido piorados a respeito do seu antecessor e de brinde um nível inaceitável de bugs e problemas de crashes que virou motivo de piada pela própria comunidade do jogo, tudo isso devido a uma pressa desnecessária da 2K só com o intuito de lucrar com essa ideia idiota de lançar um jogo a cada ano mesmo que esteja extremamente quebrado e que não cumpra nem o mínimo do aceitável. Além desses tantos problemas conhecidos do jogo, temos um enredo no "MyCareer" quase sem vida que só fica bom nos capítulos finais já que antes ele se resume em você espancar o seu adversário na gameplay e quando passa para a cutscene você acaba perdendo por alguma besteira inacreditável do protagonista trazendo uma frustação enorme ao jogador por ser feito de palhaço a todo o momento, repleto ainda de piadas sem graça e momentos galhofas/de vergonha alheia dignas de um daqueles filmes antigos da Sessão da Tarde. Por isso e mais que acho inviável de recomendá-lo pois se tiver vontade mesmo de jogar algum WWE recente jogue o 2K19 que parece ser muito mais digno do que esse aqui...

why does Ruby Riott look like Doodlebob

Decent gameplay (when working) and a pretty big roster, but everything else sucks asssss.

Broken awful mess that never should have been sold.