Reviews from

in the past

I mean, it's better than '08 at least, but that isn't saying much. The only real saving grace here is GM Mode, but god bless GM Mode.

We have made so many custom characters now that our friend group has a cinematic universe for them. Game itself is eh but the custom mods slap.

The solid "next gen" foundation that was soon to be ruined. I loved this game on the 360, it had everything you could want at the time. The graphics were amazing and still hold up to this day, it had a fleshed out GM mode and a solid roster (including Benoit and the last of Kurt Angle in an SvR game), the gameplay and controls still resembled the classic PS2 era and there were few tacked on gimmicks. This is still the purest of any of the 360 Smackdown games before they veered into boring simulation territory. Also features one of the last great licensed soundtracks too.


Create-a-Wrestler was what God created on the 8th day. Hank Hill glitching to the top of the ladder to suplex Dante from the Devil May Cry Series through the Spanish Announce table is A+ videogame magic.

Well near wrestling game perfection. This game had it all. All of the big events as game modes, a character creator and customizable moveset, interactive environment so you could take the match outside of the ring whenever you want as long as your ruleset allows it. This was peak WWE games before the downfall.

Probably the best wrestling game I played but not the my favorite.

This is a game I didn't like as a kid but played all the time anyway because my siblings and friends always wanted to play it.
The OST kicked ass, though.

John you haven't follow back on twitter yet

Perfect, my favorite wrestling game. Gameplay, mechanics, roster, soundtrack, GM Mode, Season Mode, everything here is absolutely fantastic. Got a new copy of this recently and i can't wait to get back to playing it again.

Apesar de algumas animações de golpes meio datadas e uma IA burra, esse jogo é OURO e um dos auges da série "Smackdown vs Raw".

Os dois modos histórias do jogo (GM Mode e Season Mode) são muito bem feito, sendo melhor até que o Smackdown vs RAW 2008, lançado um ano depois.

Fora isso o jogo é muito diversificado, tendo muitos modos de luta junto com um longo "Season Mode".

Acho que o maior contra do jogo é ele ser um tanto datado, com alguns loadings enormes, uma inteligência artificial irritante de burra e alguns movimentos não muito "polidos".

Ainda assim o jogo cumpre seu papel como "simulador de luta-livre" principalmente por apresentar um modo história divertido.

Undertaker vs Melina / Edge w Lita - Cactus Jake

I have this game very close to my heart for making me discover wrestling, but the fact 2008 is the worst SvR of all takes away that this was already a step down from 05/06.
Sometimes I'd like to think it was a direct Vince McMahon order to make all the cruiserweights useless in this game because he hates them. Otherwise I don't understand why you would make a part of the roster unplayable.

This game is literally the apex of the genre of wrestling games. You are given so much freedom and stuff to do that you can easily sink in 60 or so hours just fucking around doing whatever. The season mode is the best storyline mode that ever came out of WWE games hands-down with the most goofy, off the wall writing you could have associated with this. Granted, sometimes it's kinda cringe because you aren't a kid anymore and aren't able to suspend disbelief as easily, but I don't think it matters that much. The focus isn't necessarily the dialogue, but the dumb wacky scenarios you get put into.

My only real complaint I can think of is that cruiserweights literally just don't exist if your opponent is anything that weighs more than an empty cardboard box, which sucks because it alienates like 20% of the roster and makes them not very enjoyable to use, but there's good enough character selection (especially considering this was right after 2005 which, if I remember correctly, was not the best in that department) to make me not care all that much about it, it's just unfortunate.

I love this game, it's dumb and stupid but like unreasonably fun at the same time, I'm glad that 2K are back to treating their wrestling IP like it's something actually worth spending time on so we can get something that will hopefully be as good as this again.

it's time to play the game

wwe games haven't been able to top this in over a decade

2K just made it worse

Have some great memories from the GM Mode and the Story Mode of the game.

Replaying this in 2021, with my goofy ass CAW entering to Rise Against so they can beat up 2006 era John Cena between awkwardly voice cutscenes is still a god damn JOY.

This was the point, IMO, where these games merged simple arcade like brawling with JUST ENOUGH realism to make things work. The years that followed went too far into realism and the expense of fun for me.

If we ever get back to an era of wrestling games like this, SVR07's DNA needs to be part of the formula.

fun game, but after they changed the controls on the next one i cant get used to run with Y. The graphics look absolutely incredible even in this day and age

I remember this game having a pretty rad soundtrack

"Somebody get me through this nightmare,
I can't control myself!"

I spent so many hours on this game. It basically defined my view of what wrestling games could be like.

Couldn't help but feel like this game was a huge step down from 6. Career mode was a big downgrade and GM mode was frustrating I just turned it off. Being able to drag people around and interact with objects that way was fun though

I do know man I think wrestling is pretty real.

my brother would pretend to be Kane irl and scare me ;c

Played this before I even watched wrestling. The online friends I made created a lot of ingrained memories with me and got me on the actual product.