Reviews from

in the past

It feels very grand and epic. The 3D works pretty well for it too. The characters are interesting and the story gripping.

It's genuinely a marvel how they packed this game on the Wii, let alone the New 3DS. Play the definitive edition.

Things this game knows very well:
1. Catharsis by itself isn't a goal worth pursuing.
2. If your voiceover, art, and music teams ace literally every single thing handed to them without fail, your story writing and quest design can be as sloppy as it needs to be.
3. It's awesome when something is big and bright.
I could never give this any kind of fair rating. I do not have it in me. If you're a first time player, check in frequently with someone who isn't so they can pick up the huge amount of slack left by the tutorials.

The only way you could play the game for a while without shelling out huge amounts of money for a Wii copy. It's still an incredible game but man does it not fit a tiny 240p and hardware around as powerful as the Gamecube.

This review contains spoilers


Kept me waiting a while, Shulk!

Waiting for us to fight you?

Yeah. That's what it's come to.
Or will you just shut up and let me kill you?

We'll never do that.

Just as I expected.

[Dickson shrugs.]

Wouldn't have it any other way.

[Dickson enters a battle stance.]

I've been working for Lord Zanza
since the beginning.
I raised you purely so he could live on.

I know.
And I must thank you for
granting me such power.
It's all down to you that I'm
standing here ready for you now.

Enough talk, boy!

[Dickson roars as he mutates into a terrible form, that of a Giant. He swings a
massive blade in the direction of Shulk's party.]

If you're so determined to stop us,
then we will kill you!

[Shulk and his friends draw their weapons, ready to take Dickson on.]

[By the end of the battle, however, the party members lie on the ground before
Disciple Dickson, near their wits' end.]

This is getting boring.
You worms are no match for me!

[Dickson dashes forward to finish them off, but Fiora leaps in the way, using
her twin blades to block Dickson's attack. He is momentarily taken aback as
their blades lock.]

I see you've inherited Meyneth's power.

Not her power.

[Dickson makes a questioning sound.]

I've inherited her memories.
That's why I fight you!

[Shulk, now on his feet, comes up alongside Fiora.]


[Fiora shoves her blades off of Dickson's.]

Memories, huh?
And what good are those meant to be?
Can't use memories to kill anyone!

Why are you fighting?
You're helping Zanza to create
a world where nothing exists.
What could you possibly hope to get out of it?!

[Dickson gives Fiora a derisive laugh.]

Only those with power have
the right to decide such things!

You're wrong!

Zanza just tells me where to fight, and I fight.
And that's how I like it!

Is that your reason?
For fighting?

It's the only reason!

Meyneth wished for a world where
the peoples of Bionis and Mechonis
could live hand-in-hand.

[Behind Fiora, the remaining party members begin to get to their feet.]

You will never get away with this!

Is that right?

[Dickson morphs his blade into a cannon.]

Then what are you gonna do
about it in that feeble body?!

[Dickson fires off shots at Fiora, which she struggles to block with her
blades. The force of the attacks knocks Fiora to the ground as she loses her
grip on one of the blades. Shulk runs over to her; Dickson cackles.]

That body doesn't have a Monado anymore.
Who knows how much life it's got in it?
Better say your goodbyes!

[Dickson changes his cannon back into a sword again. Shulk cradles Fiora's head
in his lap.]

It can't be!

I'm fine.

[Breathing heavily, Fiora staggers back to her feet.]

I'll carry on fighting beside you
until the very end.


Well then, we'd better make this quick!

[Dickson leaps high into the air, then brings his sword down on the pair. Shulk
blocks with the Replica Monado, but the force of the attack makes him slide
backwards; Fiora is knocked to the ground behind him. Shulk's and Dickson's
blades lock.]

What's that?
Little boy lost his Monado and
can't do a thing without it?!

Be careful!

Well you can't!
It's time to learn your place!

[Dickson rears back again, but Melia shoots him with a blast of ether energy
right to the face. Dickson recoils, nursing his hurting face.]


[Melia hobbles forward, leaning on her staff.]

Stand up, Fiora!
Did you not say that you
wanted to be with Shulk?!
Do not throw your life away for this scoundrel!

She's right!
You have to take what you want!
There's no point in dying!

[Sharla takes aim with her rifle and fires on Dickson, who takes the shot on
his raised forearm.]

You're nothing!

[Dickson swoops in to attack Sharla with his blade, but Reyn blocks him with
his shield.]

Shulk! Show him what you're made of!
Come on, man!
You don't need the Monado to
take down this piece of scum!

[Reyn dashes out of the way of a follow-up attack from Dickson. Riki then runs
up to Shulk.]

Riki know!
Riki know Shulk brave!
Riki want to see the old Shulk!
Shulk is real Heropon!

[Dunban leaps in front of Shulk, Fiora and Riki.]


[Dunban proceeds to block a sword attack by Dickson meant for the other three.]

Real power comes from within!
Believe in your own true strength, Shulk!


[Dickson fights off Dunban, then has to deal with Reyn attacking from behind.]

It's time, Shulk.
Let's finish this.

[Fiora's chest component begins to glow red with power.]

I will not fail.
With your faith in me,
and our strength combined...

[Shulk rises.]

We can do this.

You ever gonna make this worth my while?

[Dickson turns from the five party members he's just fought down to face Fiora,
glowing red with the power of Meyneth's Monado, and Shulk, glowing blue with
the power of Zanza's Monado. The pair steadily approach Dickson.]

Can't be.
That power?!

[Dickson shakes off the thought, then springs at Shulk and Fiora.]

[The last battle does not avail Zanza's disciple. With Fiora levitating above
Shulk in her Mechon armour, she powers up her Monado as Shulk charges. A ring
of powerful energy goes out from Fiora, and Shulk's sword is charged with light
as he leaps into the air. Both shout battle cries, but Dickson screams as
Shulk's Replica Monado carves a glowing green gash across his chest. Dickson
falls over backwards.]

How is it possible without the Monado?

Face me.
Stand and fight!

Still got some fight in ya then?

[Dickson stands.]

I'm done.
I'm going home.

[Dickson starts reverting back to his familiar Homs form.]


[Dickson begins walking off.]

I just wanted the power of a god.
This martyr stuff's not for me.

[Shulk's party watch Dickson in disbelief.]

I ain't gonna risk my life to stop you.

Get back here!
You expect us to let you go?!

[Shulk puts a hand on Reyn's chest.]


It's Zanza we're after. Not him.

[Fiora walks up behind Reyn and gives him a look.]


[A transporter has appeared behind the heroes. They turn to walk towards it,
Dunban being the last to do so. Dickson sits down against the back wall of the
terrace and lights up a cigar as he watches them go. He takes a final puff.]

How'd that kid get so strong?
I ain't gonna let you see me die.
I won't give you the satisfaction of victory.
See ya, kid.

[Momentary flashback to Shulk asleep as a child at Ose Tower.]

Looks like the student finally
surpassed the teacher.

[Shulk and Fiora walk up to the transporter that will take them to Zanza.]

Shulk, his wounds...

[Shulk, head bowed, closes his eyes. Behind them, on the opposite side of
Prison Terrace, Dickson's head slumps forward and the cigar falls out of his
mouth onto the stone floor. Shulk seems to shed a tear as the view closes in on
Dickson's dead body, and the screen fades to white.]

[Meanwhile in Memory Space, where Alvis previously met with Shulk, Zanza now
meditates, still holding both Monados. The god sees visions.]

[In one vision, the Telethia continue their assault on Colony 6.]

[Another vision shows a Telethia hunting down and killing a colony resident.]

[The next vision shows the Bionis alone in the endless sea, seeming to wait.]

[The last vision shows Zanza being confronted by Shulk and his companions. In
this vision, Zanza slashes forward with his Monado, creating a maelstrom of
light that closes in on the party members. Before he can see if this light
consumes them or not, the vision is abruptly cut off.]

[Back in the present, Zanza opens his eyes.]

Why can I not see any further?
Now that I possess both Monados,
I should be at one with the passage of fate.
Why does the vision end here?

[Something, unseen, grabs Zanza's attention.]

So Dickson has passed.
Lorithia too.
How can this be?
Are Telethia growing weak?
How could they be defeated
by such worthless mortals?

Meyneth [V.O.]
This world belongs to you all.
Create a world with no need for gods.

A world that has no need for gods?
There is no world without a god.
This world belongs to me!

[At this, bright light surrounds Zanza, and he begins to change.]

[Meanwhile, Shulk's party have also arrived in this strange space, albeit a
distance away from Zanza yet. They don't seem to be standing on any visible
ground. Asteroids float past them in the vast star field.]

Where are we?!

What happen?! It night-time!
Is Riki have bad dream?!

Look down! Look at all the stars!

We're not on Bionis any more.
There's no land or sea either.

[The party study the strange path ahead in Memory Space. A trail of red light
leads to a transporter of green light in the distance. The group's journey
takes them beyond Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the Moon, as well as past the
Spirits of fallen foes. Finally, at Sentient Genesis, the party can see a
planet of green and blue.]

It's beautiful.

Is that a ball of water?

Alvis [V.O.]
So, you finally made it, Shulk.

[Shulk gasps and looks around.]

It's you!

What is it, Shulk?

Alvis [V.O.]
I cannot wait to see which path you choose.
Let us meet again after you
have made your choice.

[A light shimmers in the distance and transforms the space where the party
stand into what appears to be a fiery vortex. Into this place descends Zanza,
now clad in a helmet and battle armour reminiscent of Bionis, though elements
of Mechonis are also present. Zanza's Monado glows blue in his right hand,
while Meyneth's Monado glows red in his left hand.]

Welcome, Shulk.

That voice!
It's Zanza!

But he looks different.

I had planned to use the
body obtained from Shulk
as a vessel in which to dwell
for the next millennium.
However, I came to possess
a great and unexpected power.

Meyneth's Monado.

In addition to my own Monado,
which you kept safe for me,
I was able to obtain a second weapon
which holds the power of creation.
Now I possess all I desire.

[Zanza swings Meyneth's Monado, sending out a shockwave towards the party.]

There is no longer any need
for the life of Bionis.

[Shulk activates his Replica Monado as the rest of the party draw their weapons
as well.]

I must thank you indeed, Shulk.
You were of more use to me
than any of my disciples.
Now that I have the Monados,
I can forgive you your betrayal.

[Reyn scoffs.]

You gonna give him a reward?

I will have him serve as my new disciple.
You will be granted eternal life
and unimaginable strength.
Death will be but a fleeting afterthought.

Are you so arrogant to believe
that the High Entia,
no, all life on Bionis, are nothing
but your playthings?!


You don't know how it feels
to have slain my brethren
after they had transformed into Telethia!

What are you talking about?
A Telethia is a High Entia's true form.
I did not transform them, I returned them.
The Telethia are mere cells from my body.
I conferred intelligence upon
them on a mistaken whim,
creating a primitive life form - the High Entia.

[Melia scowls at Zanza.]

They enjoyed a brief existence
as sentient beings.
For that they should be grateful.

So this is the arrogance of a creator.

As I planned,
the life of Bionis existed simply to
serve as my vessels and my food.
Bionis is nothing more than an accumulation
of their corpses and life energy.

But though you feign omnipotence,
the High Entia still confined
you to Prison Island!
That is how limited you are.

Confined me?
I was merely...
resting there for a while.

[Flashback to the ancient duel between the Bionis and the Mechonis.]

I was wounded in the battle
with Meyneth's vessel.

[Flashback to Zanza, in Arglas' body, shackled at Prison Island.]

I simply awaited the day when a new vessel,
revealed to me in a vision, would be born.

[Back to the present.]

I was born.

I intended to inhabit your body and
once again do battle with Meyneth.
However, I had no idea that
I would defeat her so easily.


[Zanza suddenly stretches out his Monado, pointing it in Shulk's face.]

You did a great deed in
granting me a new Monado.
I will gladly take you as my new disciple,

I don't wanna be your vessel
or your disciple!

[Shulk extends the Replica Monado, now pointing it in Zanza's face.]

I just want to live my life as a Homs.
In a world without you!

That is most regrettable.
You could have entrusted all
to me and attained peace.
But perhaps the vision
of mortals will ever remain
Using one's power to change the world.
That is a right possessed only by gods.

Is that why you laid waste to Mechonis?!

Of course.
Along with the beings called Machina,
who followed Meyneth.
They had evolved and become
insolent under her protection.

So you're saying us Homs are next in line, eh?

You are correct.
You yourselves have proven that
Homs are a dangerous species.
How unfortunate.
I had a desire for friendship.
But granting intelligence to the
lives I created was a mistake.
A god should not long for friendship.

You're wrong!

[Shulk slashes Zanza's Monado out of his way.]

Meyneth chose to exist alongside us!
She grew to consider us her friends.
You should have accepted that!
what you were hoping for was not friendship.
You wanted worthless slaves.
Our lives as food!

Just as I suspected.
It appears that I was mistaken to grant free will.
However, all will soon be over.
The Telethia will exterminate
all life on Bionis.
I will then create a new world!
Just as I have done many times before!

[Zanza makes a grand gesture of slashing both Monados outwards.]

We will not allow it!
We cannot!
We will stop you!

[Shulk's party engage in battle with their creator.]

[When his creations refuse to die, Zanza halts the battle.]

You mere vessels dare to
oppose the will of a god?!
Then I shall obliterate everything
with my unimaginable power!

[Zanza brings together both Monados, and the screen fades to white with the
ensuing transformation. Zanza soon emerges in a massive new battle armour,
appearing as the complete fusion of both Bionis and Mechonis. Both Monados have
likewise grown in power.]

Now, behold the true form of a united world!

[Battle is enjoined again.]

[Again, Zanza is unable to get the better of Shulk and his friends.]

How can you have visions?!
You no longer possess the Monado!

[Shulk and Fiora charge at Zanza, the former speaking as they attack.]

I don't know.
It comes from the bottom of my heart.
It shows me my enemy.
It reveals the future I must change!

[Zanza furiously fights off the pair.]

The future we see is not set in stone.
There are infinite possibilities
based on the paths we choose.
You should be well aware of this notion.
For that is how you have always existed!

That is a right for gods and gods only!

[Zanza makes a mighty double slash at Fiora, but she leaps out of the way.
Shulk leaps in to attack Zanza from behind.]

Why should we care?!

[Shulk's Back Slash connects, causing Zanza to rear back in pain and throw
Shulk off; Shulk roars a battle cry and does not initially land.]

What's important isn't whether
you can see the future or not.
It's the will to make a choice,
and the strength to seize your destiny!
Our time has come.
Our destiny is our own!

[Shulk's eyes light up, and he receives power from Fiora's chest component,
Dunban's sword, Reyn's driver, Melia's staff, Sharla's rifle, Riki's biter -
five beams of blue light converge with Fiora's red beam to power up Shulk in
their centre, high above the group. Shulk lands wielding a wholly new weapon -
the True Monado.]

Can it be?
A Monado?!

It is not only you that has the right.
Every living thing has the freedom
to choose the path they walk.
And that is the future!

A third Monado has appeared.
How can this have happened?!
You are mere mortals!

[Thus the party engage Zanza in their final battle.]

[At the end, Zanza's armour is torn asunder and he bleeds ether.]

The power of a god cannot be overcome.

Alvis [V.O.]
This is the providence of the world.

[Zanza's Monado lights up, followed by Meyneth's Monado.]

Alvis [V.O.]
Even gods are merely beings restricted to
the limited power determined by providence.
That power, although great, is not unlimited.

[As Alvis speaks, Shulk's True Monado lights up as well, and a line of light
forms from it, connecting first to Meyneth's Monado, then to Zanza's Monado.
All three Monados are linked, forming a triangle connecting Shulk and Zanza.]

That voice!

How dare you disobey me?!

[Zanza shouts into the void.]

Alvis [V.O.]
I am Monado.
I was here at the beginning.
And I will proclaim the end.

But that...
that's impossible!

Alvis [V.O.]
Shulk, it is time for you to choose.
Does this world belong to Zanza?
Or does it belong to you?

That is something I decided long ago!

[Shulk raises the True Monado with a battle cry. In a burst of brilliant light,
a new symbol appears on Shulk's Monado.]

That symbol!

Today, we use our power to fell a god,
and then seize our destiny!

[Shulk charges and leaps at Zanza, shouting as the True Monado slices through
the god from top to bottom. Light bursts forth from Zanza's dying form.]

All that I am is fading.
The memory of a god's existence,
born from the chaos of creation.
It is vanishing.

[The screen fades to white.]

[In the aftermath, Shulk finds himself gazing at a space station in orbit
around Planet Earth. A green light materialises next to him.]

Where am I?

This is my home.

[Shulk looks over to the green light, Alvis' incorporeal form.]

Your home?

[Shulk hears a familiar voice from inside the facility.]

Zanza [O.C.]
Let's begin the experiment!

Whose voice was that?

It is Zanza.
Before he became a god.
When he was simply a man of flesh and blood.

[Shulk can hear another familiar voice within the facility.]

Meyneth [O.C.]
The results have not been confirmed!

[Inside the experiment facility, a wide window shows Earth. Crew members in
white lab coats are working at consoles.]

It's too dangerous!

[Meyneth runs up to Zanza at the main console; they are both human scientists
wearing the same white lab coats as the rest of the crew.]

Shulk [V.O.]
And that voice.
It's Meyneth!

[Meyneth grabs Zanza's arm.]

Ridiculous. It's perfectly safe.

[Meyneth attempts to pull Zanza away, but he shoves her to the floor.]

We are about to bear witness
to the birth of a universe.

[Zanza returns to the console and begins inputting a code.]

Once, only a god could perform such a miracle.
But today, mankind moves
one step closer to the divine!

Stop! Klaus!

[But it is too late. Klaus, who would later become known as Zanza, presses the
activation key. A ball of blue light shoots along the ring encircling the
planet below. Earth becomes covered in a great blue light, which first implodes
into nothing, then expands outward, covering the universe in white light.]

It was simple curiosity.
The curiosity of a single man
that destroyed the universe
and created a new one.

[As the light dissipates, Shulk finds himself on an endless sea cloaked in a
boundless sky.]

A new universe, your world, was born.

[The two titans, the Bionis and the Mechonis, emerge from the sea.]

And so, two gods came into existence.

[On Bionis, Homs rise out of the green fields. Birds fly overhead.]

Zanza and Meyneth were lonely.
So they created life in their own image.

[On Mechonis, Machina walk about in Agniratha.]

And that was how we were born.

As the world advanced to
each further stage,

[Aerial view of Colony 9.]

it was inherited by generations
of different life forms.

[Aerial view of Agniratha.]

But over time, awareness of Zanza faded.
Zanza feared this.

[View of Alcamoth over Eryth Sea.]

In order to escape his own annihilation,

[Aerial view of Alcamoth proper.]

he wished for a world in a perpetual
cycle of destruction and recreation.

[Aerial view of Frontier Village.]

Bionis being filled with life,
and the Telethia coming to wipe it out.

[View of a flock birds flying above the Bionis' Shoulder, who are then attacked
by Telethia.]

It was all the will of Zanza.

It was.
But the truth of the matter is
that he longed for friendship.

[The Mechonis' sword cuts into the Bionis' side. Shulk and Alvis watch the
titans' ancient duel on the sea.]

His future and our future.
It might have been possible
for them to coexist.

However, that time has passed.

[The Bionis in the present, now alone on the sea, recoils in its death throes,
as light consumes it from within.]

The old god was defeated by the
new god that he himself created.

New god?!

That is why I appeared before you, Shulk.

[Shulk turns to the green glowing light.]

Alvis, what are you?

I am the administrative computer of
a phase transition experiment facility.
But that will mean little to you.
To you, I am a machine.
That is my original form.


[Pieces of the Bionis fall off the titan as it begins to crumble.]

This world is stagnant.
It has expired.
Therefore I will ask you, its new god.
What is your wish?
Will you allow the world to
continue to stagnate?
Or will you allow it to evolve to the next level?
The choice is yours to make.

I don't know.
All I wanted to do was stop Zanza
having his way. That's all.
I cannot be a god!

Reyn [O.C.]
Too right!

[Reyn comes up from behind and wraps an arm around Shulk.]

You're great 'n' all, but there's
no way you're a god.

[The rest of Shulk's party come to him, walking on the sea.]


Look, don't worry, Shulk.
None of us want to be gods anyway.
And I don't really know what the future holds.
But we just want to live our life as it comes.

Eating grub, sleeping, laughing, crying.
Sometimes arguing.
Sounds all right!

Yes. He's right.
And being with the ones we love.
That's enough.

Even so, we change little by little.
Every day is a little different from the last.
We do not know what the future will hold.

More fun not knowing!
Riki want to have fun!

Life's little surprises are what makes it great.
We don't know what's going to happen.
It's worrying sometimes, but it's also exciting.
Don't you think?

Isn't that called progress? Aren't
we all continuously evolving?
I'm not sure we need a more
dramatic change than that.

You're right.
Little by little.
Each day as it comes.
That's how we should live.
That's our world.

[Light appears around Shulk, and so does the Monado in his hand.]

Forgive my presumptuousness.
But I recreated their personalities
from your consciousness.

[Around Alvis' original form rotate both Zanza's and Meyneth's Monados.]

It sounds like you don't think
I can make my own decisions.
I'm supposed to be the god!

However, I have good reason.
This world has little time remaining
if left in this state.
Have you made your decision?
The choice is yours, Creator.

[Shulk nods.]

Tell me your decision for
the future of this world.

I won't decide.
The future should be decided by
each and every person in the world.
And so, what I...
No, what we wish for is...

[Shulk throws the True Monado upwards to the other two Monados.]

A world with no gods!

[The three Monados fuse, and the Bionis and the sea around it are consumed in a
brilliant light. Cracks then appear in the fabric of the world, and so the
current universe implodes. From it comes a Big Bang, scattering stars outward.
Galaxies come into being.]


[A long time later, in what appears to be Colony 9, we see from the viewpoint
of one walking through the colony. In addition to Homs, there are also many
High Entia, Nopon and Machina about. A Homs woman takes her two children by
either hand. A Machina couple passes by, one of them waving at us as they go.
At a shop, a customer attempts to barter with a shopkeeper.]

What are you talking about?

Colony 9 Resident
Well, can I have it any cheaper?

[A Homs woman greets us as we continue through the Commercial District.]

Colony 9 Resident
Hi, how are you?

[Down the street, near an inert mobile artillery, Colonel Vangarre yells at a
hapless soldier.]

You idiot!
Are you tryin' to kill me?!

Defence Force Soldier
I'm really sorry, Colonel!

Sorry? What do you mean, sorry?!

[Nearby, a team of four Nopon carry a beam of wood up the street as Chief Dunga
and others continue to watch the scene in front of them unfold.]

Squat jumps around the entire colony!
Fifty laps! Now!

Defence Force Soldier
Please! Colonel!

[From our point of view, we approach Dunban in the midst of preparations.]

Ah, yes. That's excellent.
So, you can take the materials to District Four?

[After an Ardun passes out of our view, we can see Dunban in talks with
Otharon, Miqol and Vanea near the Ether Light.]

The restoration's coming along nicely.

Thanks to Melia and Vanea.
The High Entia and Machina
have some amazing technology.

We are happy to help.
To live alongside one another
in harmony.
After all, I have no doubt.
This is what Lady Meyneth
and Egil would have wanted.

Hear, hear.
And may it last forever.

Fiora [O.C.]

[Dunban turns to us, and so revealing that we've been seeing this trip from
Fiora's perspective.]

Fiora! What is it?

Fiora [O.C.]
Have you seen Shulk?

He just left.
I don't know where he's gone, but
he was with Reyn and the others.

Fiora [O.C.]
OK. Thank you.

[We see as Fiora turns to leave.]


[The view shifts back to Dunban and the others as Fiora turns her head again.]

Fiora [O.C.]

[Dunban hesitates.]

It's nothing. Good luck!

[Next, we see as Fiora arrives at Outlook Park. There, she finds Melia alone,
looking out across Colony 9. Instead of being on a lake in the midst of a
canyon as before, the colony now sits on a sea, across from which a range of
mountains can be seen.]

If you're looking for Shulk, he is not here.

[Melia then turns to face us.]

Fiora [O.C.]
It's like you've got eyes
in the back of your head.
What were you looking at?
The sea?

I wasn't looking at anything in particular.

[Melia turns back to her view.]

If anything, Fiora, I was thinking.
Thinking about the future that awaits us all.

Fiora [O.C.]
You're so much more thoughtful than me.

[We see Melia's side profile as Fiora comes up alongside her.]

I don't think so. I was just
answering your question.

[The view goes up and down as Fiora nods.]

Fiora [O.C.]
But I know what you mean.
You're right. We've been through a lot.

We have.

[We get a view of the colony as Fiora looks out at it.]

I am grateful to all of you.

[We turn back to Melia.]

It is because I met you that
I experienced so much.
And it is the reason I am here now.

Fiora [O.C.]

[More nodding from Fiora.]

Fiora [O.C.]
We're happy you're here too.
Thanks, Melia. For everything.
I'm glad I met you.

[Melia gives a curt nod.]

And I you.

[Melia looks to the sky, and so does Fiora.]

[Soon, we arrive with Fiora near a pier on the shore, where Reyn attempts to
reel in a fish as Sharla, Juju and Riki look on.]

Almost got it!

Go Reyn! Go Reyn!
Riki really hungry!

Go on! Put your back into it, Reyn!

[But Reyn pulls too hard, loses the fish, and then he, Juju and Riki fall into
the water.]

Are you OK?!

[Reyn comes up coughing and sputtering. The three wade to the shore, where
Sharla meets them.]

It's salty!
What's up with the water being so salty?!

Reyn, you're terrible at this!
When was the last time you fished?

[Sharla just laughs.]

Reyn bad fisherman!
Riki want eat big fish!

Give us a break.
You try next time, furball!

Fishing is Reyn's job! Riki's job is eating!

[Reyn groans.]

Hang on a sec.
Isn't Oka gonna have a massive go at you
if you don't go back to her with
14 fish to feed all your littlepon?

[Riki yelps in realisation.]

Riki forgot!
Wifeypon very angry if not catch more fish!

It ain't me she's gonna be angry with.

Reyn catch fish!

[Riki leaps on Reyn's head.]

Catch fish now! Fish! Fish!

[Reyn and Riki fall back into the water, with Sharla giving them a push. Then
our perspective moves as Fiora looks up the shore, to see Shulk standing alone.
She walks up to him on the sand.]

Fiora [O.C.]
Here you are!

[Shulk turns to face us, a slight wind ruffling his hair.]

Fiora [O.C.]
The breeze feels so good.

[Shulk turns back to the sea and nods.]

It does.

[At last, the view pans out, and we see Fiora for the first time, now back in
her original Homs body and clothing. She looks just the same as she did before,
except she's retained her short hair length from her time in the Mechon body.
Fiora and Shulk stand side by side; he gives her a once-over.]

What is it?

[Shulk stammers.]

That hairstyle.
It looks good on you. That's all. Yeah.

I was thinking about growing it out, but...
Hey, which do you prefer?

Both, of course.

Come on.

[Fiora sits down on the sand.]

What am I supposed to say to that?


[Shulk sits down next to her.]

OK. It's great like that.
Don't change it.

[Fiora sighs.]

I'd forgotten what it feels like to do this.

[The view shifts to Sharla, Juju, Reyn and Riki talking on the beach.]

I wonder what the future has in store for us.

Who knows.

[The view returns to Shulk and Fiora.]

I'm sure it will be full of ups and downs.

Ups and downs?

[Now Juju casts a line as the three with him watch.]

I don't know what the future holds.
But that means I can
imagine the possibilities.
We can achieve anything we put our minds to.

[Juju catches a fish and his companions react to the catch as the view returns
to Shulk and Fiora again.]

You're right!

Do you remember what the Monado,
I mean Alvis,
said to us the last time we saw him?

Yes. Of course.

[Flashback to Alvis, in his appearance as a Homs.]

This new world is boundless.
It is home to not only you,
but many forms of life.
I can see it.

[The view zooms in on Alvis' right eye, inside of the pupil of which can be
glimpsed the cosmos.]

In this world, all life will
walk towards the future
hand in hand.

[Back in the present, Shulk shields his eyes from the sun as he looks up.]

One day I hope I can meet them all.
The people of this endless world.

Me too.
We will. I know it.

[Shulk nods and stands up.]

We'll meet them.

[Fiora stands to join him.]

And whatever happens, we'll
face our future together.

[The view zooms out, high above Shulk and Fiora, Reyn and the others, and all
of Colony 9, to show the mountains across the water, which are the remains of
the Bionis, whose head and five digits are all that are visible above the
surface of the sea.]

i'm still playing this version of the game, but have played definitive edition, which is clearly the superior version, but it's still the same game, just with different looking graphics.

the character gallery, as well as the music gallery are a great addition though! you can even close the DS and the music keeps going! the ost is great, so that function alone was worth it!

Es lo mismo que el juego vanilla solo que con un modo para ver los personajes en 3D, quizás tres estrellas sea injusto porque quizás ha sido de los juegos donde más caña le he dado junto con Monster Hunter 4 en la consola, pero conforme ha pasado el tiempo, le he ido viendo más las costuras al título en sí.

im sobbing screaming and throwing up

I did not enjoy this game. Part of that might be the way I played, but I do honestly believe the game wouldn't be for me no matter how I played it.

Aus Interesse habe ich die 3DS Version des Spiels noch ein wenig angespielt und es ist wahnsinnig beeindruckend wie überhaupt es möglich ist, dass dieses große Spiel auf einem New Nintendo 3DS läuft. (Auch wenn man natürlich beim Spiel recht stark merkt, dass es bei weitem nicht die beste Version ist.) Ansonsten dürfte es recht ähnlich zur Wii Version sein, auch wenn ich diese zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht gespielt habe. Würde aber ansonsten doch jedem die Definitive Version des Spiels empfehlen, sofern man eine Switch hat.

After hearing for 5 years about how fantastic this dang game was, I knew I had to bite the bullet and try it out. I refused to play it on the Wii because of the nature of the game. It's a huge, sprawling JRPG and I wasn't going to force myself to attempt to play a game on that struggling hunk of plastic again. In 2009, I mostly stopped playing the Wii outside of a couple games because it was already super outdated.

This game being put on the 3DS intrigued me. I thought... surely they're putting in a lot of effort to make this version properly playable.

Nope. I struggled through about 8 hours of it, hoping I'd be able to persevere but I absolutely could not. This was the ugliest game I have ever witnessed. I had to drop it. I wasn't very invested in anything else going on; nothing really hooked me.

I know this game now has a version that doesn't look like a blurry mess on Switch. I just think it's too late for me, I'm probably never going to get around to it, sadly. The length of it certainly has an effect on that.

I did, however, play Xenoblade Chronicles 2 anyways...

One of the most...bizarre releases Nintendo had ever done, but back then if you missed out on the Wii version (and either didn't have a wii u or didn't know a version was going to come out for that), had to play this game somehow

This is how I first played Xenoblade, and while the areas are compressed, I think the potato humans fit quite nicely in 240p.

if only it didn't run at more than 10fps when more than 3 enemies were on the screen. the worst way to enjoy one of the best rpgs of all time

The worst way to play my favourite game and easily one of the best narratives of it’s decade. Please play Definitive Edition, it is a complete remake and has so many quality of life features and an extra supplementary campaign set a year after the events of the game. Worst case play the Wii version so you don’t have to deal with the 10fps spikes when more than three enemies are on screen.

Pretty impressive port of a Wii game of this scale to the 3DS. I was 5 hours into the game when the Definitive Edition got announced. The game itself is great and runs decent, but now that the definitive edition is out on switch, I see little reason to finish this version.

the screen looks like a bowl of raisin bran

There's something charming and perhaps amusing about seeing gorgeous areas like Eryth Sea or The Fallen Arm in 240p but maybe that's just me

i really liked the game this time around, although i still find the story has heavy pacing issues between mechonis core and prison island

The story is great, but there are WAY too many cutscenes and the gameplay got boring by the halfway point. I know many people care more about story in RPGs than gameplay, but Chrono Trigger proved we could have both.

The game itself is a 4 1/2 star experience, but the best kind of 4 1/2 star. This version is honestly astounding being able to run on a 3DS but that does make it a bit hard to fully grasp the wonder and beauty that this game so memorably displays, still a great way to experience the game. I would say if you can play the Wii version but this does just fine.

man i played this on a little 3ds screen and i still felt something

i lost my 3D glasses that came with the game, unplayable

The game is good, i just did not enjoy playing this on a 3DS. DO yourself a favor and grab the switch version.

The ultimate modern classic masterpiece

Playing Xenoblade had me in about as much of a tumultuous position as the characters did in the game. I remember the reason I wanted to play it was because I wanted to know more about Shulk from Smash Bros and it was my friends favorite game. The first time I played it, my friend Wilson had just beat it for Spring Break, and he handed me his 3DS before class and almost forced me to play it. As someone who like to play games at their own time, this was not appreciated. He had really wanted me to play it and I didn’t have a New 3DS so there was no way I could unless he let me borrow his, which I was not gonna let happen in case something happens to it. Skip to about 2 months later, I myself bought the 2DS XL with the intention to beat it. I gotta say, I hadn’t played a game like that before because as soon as I start warming up to it, something widely annoying would come up and absolutely make me want to quit. I had grown up usually playing action adventure games, or turn based games, so having pretty much a grindy, repetitive, single player MMO was unlike anything I’ve ever played and pretty much the opposite of what I do enjoy. The one thing that did keep me going was the story. Despite all of the issues I had with the game, the story was very captivating. Everyone talks about how the story is so rich and intriguing, but I was very soured because I would always be underleveled and have to grind somewhere just so I could see a cutscene before I got stuck in another boss. Even though I would still say the beginning hours of the game were still very strong in the narrative department, I didn’t want to continue because I kept getting new mechanics and new enemy’s at me. Ironically, in trying to rush the game, I spent the most time I had in any other game trying to beat it. I would play it every other month, sometimes a couple hours a week, sometimes just an hour before I got pissed off. This went on for about 2 years. Sometime after Covid had started to spread, I decided to try it again. I don’t know what clicked in me, but once we got to the final chapter, the final act, I genuinely couldn’t believe what had happened in the story and I had to know how this ends. I spent that whole week playing, grinding, exploring, and just doing anything so I could be at the level I needed to beat the final boss. Once those end credits rolled, I had not felt a sense of accomplishment and finality in a game like that before. Finally it was complete. The interesting part was that I started to appreciate a lot of the things I used to despise. I felt I had never given the game a true shot for what it was and I almost missed it when it was done. The good news was the remake was about to come out with a new DLC, which I picked up later, but I was just happy to see that the game did live up to the hype and was worth the difficulty I had in beating it. I was also happy my friend had someone he could talk to about the game, even though I’m sure he was pissed I dropped it so many times. Wilson, if you ever stumble into this, go pick up your copy of the game man, it’s been 5 years. Imma keep it if you don’t remind me 😉

My favorite game ever in a low resolution. But it was an admirable attempt to put a game of this scale on a 480p handheld.