Reviews from

in the past

Love how great the cities are to walk through and enjoy. Really had fun with the combat and specially the side stories. The Cabaret Club sub-game is addictively fun. And the main story is filled with great characters and absurd but fun moments.

The overall package doesn’t have as much substance as Yakuza 0, but it’s still a fantastic experience.

tooooo many fucking ragdolls but fun game. Too bad karaoke fuckign sucks now, though.

I liked it slightly more than Kiwami 1

I only dock half a star because of that shitty SiM song used in some scenes. But I like the other one that plays during Pandemonium (Bouncer Mission) and the credits so I give it back.

A very solid game. Looks amazing and while the story gets worse in the second half it's fun all the way to the end. Also the finalboss fucks hard

My favorite in the series. Ryuji is one of the only antagonists in the series that feels like he deserves to be up against Kiryu. I'm a sucker for emo J-Rock so I actually liked the new song in "that" scene.

The remake of Yakuza 2 that is not only carried by its story, but by the glorious Dragon Engine by RGG Studio. Combat is amazing just like Yakuza 0, and it even got better than Yakuza 6 with more heat moves and options in battle as you swing grunts like they're dolls. Side content is a little monotonous, but the additions such as the bouncer levels make it nice to have mini beat 'em up sections. The cabaret club minigame is also back and it's still the same as ever only with a newer cast of hostesses and some slight changes. The main story has good writing, and Ryuji is the best antagonist of the series; they developed from Yakuza 1's writing. Unfortunately, you need to play 1 to understand what is going on in the story but I say play it regardless.

This would be a 4/5 but the last boss p* me off. He had like 50 health bars and I died a bunch of times, then I finally beat him and missed a damn quick time event and had to do it all again.

The story is nice, and the side content is well made as well. However the Dragon engine and the fighting mechanics sucks ass. Really bad engine.

Amazing. Almost as good as 0 and miles ahead of Kiwami 1.

This review contains spoilers

After 0, Kiwami and this game, it seems the yakuza series is just that jon bois 24 video where like Jack Bauer anybody close to Kiryu either suffers or dies


Boy the story sure can be good when it's given time to breathe and make me care about characters.
Too bad that ending sucks and the combat is god awful.

Honestly if you don't walk out thinking kiryu isn't the most alpha virgin who ever lived, are you even human?

I feel like the love story feels particularly weak in light of what happened in 3, but this is a MUCH better remake than the first Kiwami that enhances 6's combat system in a pretty meaningful way. I don't think this series has ever had another villain as good as Ryuji, either.

Coming off of Yakuza 0 and Kiwami 1, Yakuza Kiwami 2 feels like a game confused about where to take the series narratively. It tries to fashion an Empire Strikes Back type sequel for the series and it crafts a love story noir type dynamic with Kiryu that doesn't really work. And on top of that, Kiwami 2 clearly had no idea what to do with Haruka which feels like a giant step back from the first Kiwami narratively.

I haven't played Yakuza 6 yet so this game is my first brush with the Dragon Engine and I have to say I really love this aspect of the game. It's stunning to look at and while the combat trades technicality for bombast, I think that works greatly in Kiwami 2's favor. Some of the encounters are just simply stunning. Osaka Castle in particular is one of the most stunning things I've played in the series thus far.

As people echo in other Yakuza reviews on the internet, a lesser Yakuza game is still better than most games so it's not like Kiwami 2 was a poor experience, I still had my fun. It's just that as a sequel it feels severely lacking in some baffling ways. I feel like I expected more from a game touted as the series' peak.

So that's why they call it Tiger Drop

A better remake than Kiwami was thanks to its additions not interfering with story progress. The soundtrack still took a large hit by replacing a lot of the music and cutting another bunch, but the remixes of the remaning ones are at least decent. Added in this remake is the Majima Saga, a short story that explains some background before the main game's events. Its story is alright, but Majima only has his mad dog style and like 3 moves and is not that fun to play as unlike in 0.

All in all it's a solid entry, but the original is much better.

The slightly improved Dragon Engine from 6 works well here. Ryuji was a good antagonist. Kaoru is still best girl for Kiryu.

Absolutely bonkers story that somehow works.

Gorgeous visuals.

Great characters.

My only complaint is the combat, the dragon engine combat kinda sucks.

Doesn't come close to 0 in terms of writing, but it's still good enough. Ryuji is a pretty compelling antagonist and makes for a great final boss. Dragon engine is way better than 0 or kiwami 1 but the combat is still mostly ass.

I think the exchange of pros and cons between this game and my previous favorite, 0, roughly puts it on the same level.

literally soul vs. soulless. every single bit of the original's presentation has been crushed into some sloppy paste. whatever it can't recycle from yakuza 6 is recycled from yakuza 0 and then recycled from the PS2 game, and everything else that's actually original is horrifically unpolished even by this series' standards.

if slapping PS2 animations on 2017 models, gutting set pieces, substituting Norihiko Hibino's score (MGS2 and 3 composer) for dull song loops, and awkwardly crowbarring in uninteresting side content into the main story is your idea of a good remake then you should probably be put out back and shot

A massive improvement on Kiwami 1. This game is a remake of Yakuza 2 - but this time, it discards a lot of the jank from the original game. It takes what was in the original and makes it feel new again. It's all the Yakuza madness I've come to love - a fantastic story, satisfying combat, stunning visuals and my favorite character in the series, Ryuji Goda. It's not perfect, but it is a great entry to the series.

First of all I've gotta say this is a MASSIVE improvement over Kiwami 1, I played 0&K1 back to back and it turned me off so bad it took almost a full year for me to get around to this game.

That being said this game almost eclipses 0 for me, but falls flat in a couple areas. The main thing is that it's clearly a very low budget remake. The most obvious tell is that most of the animations are ripped from the PS2 original and slapped onto new models which is very jarring. Secondly, it has some pretty severe pacing issues - the chapters with the Florist's son, the tattoo artist, and Haruka all stop the momentum of the plot dead in its tracks. Lastly, BOY ARE THOSE EMO ROCK SONGS REALLY BAD! I haven't even played the original Yakuza 2, but they took me out of a couple scenes so bad I had to go back to watch the original cutscenes to see what changed.

Those gripes aside I do think there's a lot to love in this game. The absolute best thing about this game is the antagonist, he doesn't have a lot of screen time but literally every word that comes out of his mouth is incredible. By extension OH BOY is the final boss the best in the series up to this point, and I really didn't think they could top Kiwami 1 in that regard. The Dragon engine also isn't nearly as bad as people say, Kamurocho and Sotenbori are gorgeous and super densely populated which adds a lot to the atmosphere. The combat is still fantastic, despite not having the styles like in Yakuza 0 I still found tons of options and fun moves to mess with. I also feel like this is the perfect length for a game like this, even with doing most of the side content I still didn't feel like it overstayed its welcome at all.

Overall this is a great follow-up to Kiwami 1 and a great game in its own right. I can see how people could take issue with certain aspects as a remake though.

Yakuza rocks. Ever since Yakuza 0 came out in the west, it's been enjoying a little renaissance where people have had a second chance to jump into such an iconic series. Kiwami 2 maintains the legacy of quality, and provides another solid Yakuza experience. That experience is admittedly pretty formulaic by now, but the new engine makes the game beautiful, and enhancing the combat with ragdoll physics is exactly what Yakuza deserves. If you already liked Yakuza, you'll like this, if you haven't played any, go play 0.