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in the past

Not as good as 0 but the Christmas setting still works

I found this pretty disappointing following up on my Yakuza 0 playthrough.

The story was significantly worse even with the weight it gained from playing 0 first. There was also quite a bit of obvious filler and unearned twists later in the story.

But it's still pretty good, Yakuza is always pretty good.

Pretty good remake, not quite as good as 0 but it helped flesh out Nishki.

It's basically that other game but with worse story and slightly better gameplay, also there's less of it which is kind of nice honestly.

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Yakuza 0 was a entertaining game that has a very complex understanding of controlling emotion and tone. It was, in my opinion, a perfect game. A game that had highs so high that the flaws didnt even matter to me because any flaw that it had would be more than made up for in other ways. Can I say the same for Kiwami?

The unfortunate answer is no. Kiwami is a very inconsistent, and confused game that felt very messy and even with its very very high highs, it had some very miserable lows.

My biggest problem with this game is its gameplay. It feels like a huge step down in ways from 0. The fact enemies can just heal and you need to have the right heat and a specific fighting style in order to stop them from healing and if you are fast enough even deal some damage. Its mot a bad idea in concept but its excecution was really unfair on the player. The health healed way too fast that if you hadn't guessed the right fighting style, were holding a weapon, and/or didnt have any heat, the enemy would essentially gain health unless you were already prepared which is near impossible since its random (at least i think it is?). Not even to mention the game did a very poor job of explaining this. It had a vague tutorial that was very confusing then just never mentions it again. I didnt understand it until halfway through which made things very annoying.

The boss design is so unbelievably inconsistent. Some bosses were a lot of fun, I loved the breakdancing dudes and Majima's second fight was lovely. But it also had a lot of bosses I just did not find fun at all. That big dude who you fight on the docks was just. Not very good. Majima's first main story fight was also not fun for me. A lot of these fights felt like I was just running around baiting attacks waiting for me to get a few hits in or I'd get hit with some bullshit combo or they'd quickstep literally everything I do. It felt like every boss fight began with me being anxious over whether it would feel like a chore or not.

I did like parts of the gameplay though. The game did make me use the other styles and experiment way more than 0 ever did. I liked that they all (except dragon but I will get to that) felt important and utilised properly. Brawler was a good way to fight while minimising damage and dealing it in a way that felt balanced. Rush was good for slower enemies and especially ones that had tight defences. It also helped to take out enemies fast. Beast has a great damage output and is good for dealing with several enemies at once (and my personal favourite style). Dragon though. Dragon was uh, I think I used it like 3 times. It was a cool concept but I really didn't want to fight Majima a billion times just for it to become decent and it just wasn't very fun to use. I liked the idea of a style you slowly learn and becomes basically the "strongest" one but once again: I did not enjoy the excecution of it.

I don't have any complaints about the side stuff. I very much enjoyed myself in the minigames and side missions. But they weren't really on the same level as 0s and a lot of the side quests relied on find specific item for person to get a cutscene and maybe a fight. They didn't really feel as creative as 0s. The random Majima system was hilarious and I loved every second of it. Majima popping out of trash cans and returning after being "killed" countless times was a huge highlight for me.

The story was fantastic. Nishikiyama's descent was very well done and made me eager for the final showdown even if he didn't have much screentime. Haruka was admittedly a lot more interesting than I thought she'd be and I was very glad to see her have a happy ending. My only real problem is with the ending. That guy I cant even remember the name of who laundered the 10 billion was introduced way too late for me to really feel anything for him. Him being the real villain in the end felt like Nishiki was just built up for nothing (especially since the actual boss itself was rlly fucking easy) and his motivations in the end felt out of character. He just kills the dude with the money and dies? Like why didnt he just kill the dude and leave with the others? It felt very bizzare and I'm not sure that I liked that decision. It made his whole arc feel kinda pointless. Like he was just there for a cool final boss and some filler time and thats it when he could have been more.

I don't usually give out .5s bc idk I just don't but I really don't know how else to sum up how I felt since an 8 felt too harsh considering I did enjoy 90% of the game, but a 9 wouldnt be genuine since its flaws rlly did have an impact on my overall experience. So this is where its at. Its a very inconsistent game that, while it isn't 0, deserves respect for what it tried and is probably a great stepping stone for the series to leap off of into the apparently much better later games. Overall I'd say my experience was positive, I just complain a lot lmfao.

Goddamn, way to ruin Majima.

Good. Got all the things people like in the franchise. I got issues with the plot and the game's fucking weird ass difficulty, and got some seriously asscheeks bosses, but it's a good time.
Fun Yakuza Tip: New to the franchise? Play Yakuza 0 before this. The story of this game is greatly improved with the extra time you spend with Nishiki in 0, just misses some of that oopmh if you start at 1.

Not as good as 0, not as good as Kiwami 2.

Though not as good as Yakuza 0, still a fun game in its own right. Takes a lot longer to get into than 0, but it pays off in dividends storywise. Also Majima's everywhere, so watch out for that I guess.

What if they made a sequel to Yakuza 0 that's actually a remake of the first game. It isn't as good as Zero, or as memorable. You should probably just play Zero.

Excellent remake. So much love put into this w.r.t. the original PS2 game. However, it's lacking when compared to the "previous" entry, Yakuza 0.

no thats not water in my eyes, the humidifier just on max

Windows 10, Controller

- Difficulty: Hard
- Playtime: 29:43 (at least some of this is from being paused in menus, tho im unsure how much. at first i couldve sworn menus didnt count towards playtime, but as i paused the final battle the clock began ticking down. so dunno.)
- Majima Everywhere Rank: B
- Completion 30.73% (damn..)

Remake fraco demais. O combate é rico por copiar e melhorar sobre o do Yakuza 0, mas o resto é igual ou inferior ao Yakuza 1 original. O pior é ver as cutscenes, mesmos ângulos, ritmo, voice acting, mas com gráficos melhores e animações super datadas.

Another great part of the Yakuza saga. Kiryu is super strong as a character as always, but you can tell this is still very early on in the series cause Kiryu does things he would normally do in later stuff, not because of character development but rather how the changed the core of his being. The gameplay was fun, but a few more standout side stories would've been nice.

So much to do, plenty to see, and the story keeps you going. You couldn't ask for more.

Going from 0 to 1 was a sight to behold to see how the city evolves. Kamrocho is like a zoo you visit again every 2 years or so because it always changes in that time. This version drastically improves the combat and mechanics of the original Yakuza 1 including adding a new Majima Everywhere system. The story is not as great but the ending is good. However, the substories that fill up the game's content are pretty generic stories, usually something about con artists trying to scam Kiryu; I just described most of the substory plots for you. Overworld is pretty much the same compared to 0 except there is no disco, but the RC car racing is there. Everything's the same in this game, just not as great as 0.

Manages to make the combat from 0 even worse somehow, with a pretty terrible story mixed in too. The cast is pretty small, but barely gives any attention to anyone other than Nishiki, so he ends up being the only remotely interesting character

Really enjoyed the story. The combat is a little jank, which is ok but made some boss fights frustrating

Mejora el combate del 0 haciendo que no dependas del estilo bestia, pero es pesimo como remake dios, mas parece un mod, el juego realmente suele ser injusto varias veces, especialmente con la arena en la cual la única forma de ganar es con tiger drop ya que tus golpes apenas hacen daño, Majima es flanderizado y pierde el misterio que tenia en el original y el sistema en el que te peleas con el es hartante y te impide hacer free roam, algunas cosas del gameplay chocan con la historia y varios elementos del mapa que estaban en el original por alguna razon no estan ahi, asi como algunos interiores y actividades, finalmente no se que le hicieron a la música pero el original suena mejor; no le hace justicia al original (el cual no es tan bueno que digamos) y si bien arreglaron algo de la historia, por desgracia no pudieron hacer mas ya que la historia del original tiene muchas falencias que no se molestaron en corregir.
Ah y al hacer las sub historias al finalizar el juego, el juego no reconoce que lo finalizaste por lo que es muy incomodo, ademas que posee el mismo tono del 0 haciendo que la seriedad y emoción se pierda por completo

solo juegenlo una vez como el original y ya.

Update: El juego se caga en la atmosfera del original, reduciendo la cantidad de npcs, decoración navideña y escenarios cruciales para la historia, uno de estos vendria a ser el purgatorio el cual no solo es sacado del 0, si no que posee como 6 u 8 NPC´s cuando el puto juego original tenia a un gran número de gente viviendo ahi; COMO MIERDA EL 0 HACE MEJOR ESE LUGAR (el cual no tiene mucha relevancia) QUE EL PUTO REMAKE DONDE SI CARAJOS IMPORTA.
Mas alla de eso es muy soso de ver, poco atmosferico y no se si por el filtro pero la iluminación esta muy reducida, aparte que muchos edificios y calles son copiadas del 0; por último las actividades por realizar en la ciudad se sienten demasiado identicas al 0, no hay ninguna que realmente destaque y muchas pierden el punto, como ejemplo esta lo de los carros electricos, para los 80s tiene sentido, pero en 2005? quien usa eso, acaso nada caracterizaba a 2005 o que coño, tambien esta mesuking el cual es un skin de la arena secreta en el 0, puedes volver a los host club, pero honestamente luego de todas las 5 subhistorias con las chicas y el avance que tenias con ellas, ademas el hecho de que se sentia mas personal porque eran tus trabajadoras y que era gratis; que luego decidas volver a lo básico, solo 2 subhistorias y tengas que pagar por eso, honestamente es un gran paso atrás. (al parecer la iluminación si esta jodida por el filtro que tiene y olvide mencionar que pink street esta completamente arruinado si lo comparamos con el original)

En el combate queda agregar, y no, cambiar de estilos constantemente no aumenta cuanto daño haces e igual sigue estando demasiado desbalanceado y eso perjudica la parte final y la arena, las cuales se vuelven demasiado tediosas, especialmente la arena en donde los encuentros duran mas de 5 min y cuando desbloqueas tiger drop pues ya puedes chetear todo. (si bien se agradece que puedes cambiar de estilo de pelea mas rápido de igual modo el juego no te motiva o te invita a hacer eso y si necesito obligatoriamente cambiar de estilos para disfrutar el juego, entonces la gameplay loop es mala)

Me vale verga si la cinematica es 100% identica al original, eso no hace ni mierda si el gameplay es un asco, si podras tener la historia con visuales actualizadas, igual no hace que el juego sea mas o menos, es un detalle muuuy insignificante.

La música esta muy meh, solo destacan algunos temas de batalla y el de urgencia, el soundtrack orignal sigue siendo insuperable y no se porque quieren hacer que todo sea electro/dubstep

Respecto a la historia, jodieron el pacing y desperdiciaron la oportunidad de desenvolver aun mas a los personajes y arreglar errores narrativos, que bueno que le dieron un trasfondo al antagionista, pero que mal que aun es opacado por el otro. (olvide agregar que al juego le gusta extenderse de formas que arruinan el pacing, como ejemplos serian la introducción, la parte después de salvar al perro y la seccion entera donde le disparan a Majima)

Finalmente: El original no era una obra de arte ni algo bueno, tenia varios fallos y en general muy meh, pero tenia identidad; aca solo hicieron un 0.2 en donde, fun fact utilizan 80% de assets del 0; 80% webon.

Mi opinion no cambió; haganse un favor y juegen el original y si piensan jugar esto, bajenle mods ya que al menos asi el juego es mas tolerable y es ironico que yakuza 3, por mas sosa y vacia que se vea Kamurocho ahi, al menos es mas fiel a como debio verse la ciudad con tecnologia moderna.

(Quizas no lo mencione pero las subhistorias son las mismas que en el primero, las cuales son muy meh generalmente debido a que las que son malas y olvidables contrastan a las que son buenas y que hubira sido bueno que aquellas que son importantes para la trama hayan sido en parte forzadas al jugador en ciertos puntos de la trama o bien algo perdibles)

Still a fun game, but after a certain point Majima Everywhere wears out its welcome. Also did they REALLY need Mesuking?

Solid, fun, funny, but nothing revolutionary - the humor is the best part about this game and it's really nonsensical and absurd, the drama setting also amuses me a bit, characters are (mostly) interesting, although the game doesn't ever even try to go deeper into most of them.
Solid quirky beat 'em up game, not much more to say IMO

I laughed, I cried, I became a dad and a claw machine god. 10/10

Con una historia interesante, buenos personajes y un mundo abierto rico y vivo es una lástima que la jugabilidad tosca y un sistema de combate horrible lastren tanto la experiencia general que me ha quedado de este juego.

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really liked the part where nishikiyama shoots the guy 19274886418917242561308470 times and kiryu slaps a little girl whose mother just allegedly died

It's okay. It's got a really long start up, and because it's a remake of a pretty old game, it's got a lot of jank in the story. Despite being a remake, you can feel the age of the game. Poor substories, middling graphics, a meandering story is saved by fun combat and a fantastic finale. It's still Yakuza, so it's stil fun - but I'm not dying for this entry to the series.