Reviews from

in the past

a very cute little educative game but i would say it's suited more towards children, i wish i had this kind of games to play when i was a kid... i would absolutely love it. but now as an adult, i would say it lacks many things - my biggest complaint being the lack of description / information on the guidebook. it would be amazing if every animal had their description (i think it should be a default with this kind of game, i thought i just didn't know where to check but turns out the option is simply not there) - this way we would be able to learn actually cool facts and possibly memorize them but the way it is in the game, i forgot about most of the birds 20 minutes after scanning them. one other thing that struck me as weird: there is no achievement for scanning every animal? i am not saying this is bad, it just felt like a different choice to me since i was 100% sure there would be an achievement for this from my previous gaming experiences. to end on a good note, the sound design was absolutely amazing and i loved learning about each animal's unique sounds!

Nice story, art and gameplay idea, but so much 'backtracking' reduced some of the fun

Delightful, charming game about wildlife conservation, discovery, and family. The exploration is so much fun, and the animals are super cute! This is such a sweet game, and I would recommend it to nature lovers of all ages.

C'est cool d'avoir un jeu qui sensibilise à la préservation de l'environnement et de la faune et on se prend vite au jeu de photographier tous les animaux de l'île. Il y a une petite intrigue qui sert de fil conducteur, c'est pas fifou mais c'est raccord avec le sujet du jeu. Graphiquement, pas de quoi se taper le cul par terre mais c'est mimi dans l'ensemble. La jouabilité, là c'est mon souci. J'y ai joué sur mobiles et ça se passe à peu près bien dans l'ensemble, le gyroscope fonctionne etc... Sauf que régulièrement, le jeu a tendance à centrer la caméra vers le bas et ce qui fait qu'on avance en regardant le sol bordel. On peut recentrer la caméra, la bouger et ça se remet correctement à force d'avancer mais c'est bien bien relou.

Short quick game. Loved the atmosphere, kind of like A Short Hike in trying to capture the feeling of being a kid again. Enjoyed taking pictures of the wildlife, but the only other mechanic is pressing A to pick up some trash or repair stuff.

A very cute game about preserving the environment and the wildlife that lives in it. Nice and short as well with some chill vibes. Very similar to Toem where you take pictures of animals around the island.

I liked this game, I played about 3 hours with it, but I don't have much time nowadays so I had to abandon it. The time I played this game was a very calming experience, the story was cute, and the main mechanic is genius.
I love collecting stuff, and therefore enjoyed making the photos and finding new animals. Adorable game!

This game is absolutely vital. An ode to mutual aid and social collectivism. An important educational tool about conservation and the threat of capitalism to native people, animals, and land. An adorable mix of A Short Hike, Tchia, and Pokémon Snap that I think is more consistently meaningful and pleasant than any of those three. A great soundtrack, simple yet beautiful art direction, and worthwhile writing that is meant for children but also hits for adults. A must play.

Short and sweet, I adore this game. It perfectly captures the location (Comunidad Valenciana), there are so many details in this game, and the dialogues are so funny and realistic. Reminded me of my life as a kid in the area. Recommended!

Fofo, extremamente carismático, polido e instrutivo. Quero mais micro-RPGs assim.

Finished this game after 3 hours. Non-stressful and chill. It’s a great game to play after you finished a really lengthy one and before moving on to another AAA game. Nothing too spectacular, but it’s a good game. Mostly birds. 🕊️🦆🦜

Bezaubernd, cute af, wholesome.
Genau das, was ich mag: Tiere fangen und Dex ausfüllen!
Einfach, aber perfekt ausgeführt. Denifinitiv WOW!

Surt el delta, automàticament goty 🥹

extremely sweet game. could be another case of me being 5 years old but i liked this a lot.

Adorable virtual holiday with a cute artstyle and wonderful soundscape. Perfectectly sized to play through in a single session.

Tremenda aventura mediterranea.

Con un gameplay que se podria definir como un Pokemon Snap pero sin rieles y poco mas este juego consigue en poco mas de 2 horas mucho mas de lo que esperaba. Da gusto recorrerse esa isla haciendo tanto la mision principal como simplemente limpiandola y buscando especies que fotografiar.

Entre el tono y los graficos consigue perfectamente trasladarte a la situacion de Alba, una niña que visita a sus abuelos una semana y simplemente disfruta de ser una niña en un pueblo mediterraneo, que si sois de la zona vais a reconocer de algun momento de vuestras vidas. Desde las especies y las zonas que visitas, hasta la misma arquitectura de las casas del pueblo que aun siendo graficos lowpoly creo que es la recreacion mas ajustada de ciertas casas que he visto nunca. Todo transmite un cuidado y amor tanto por la cultura que representa como por el entorno natural que muestra que se te pega al instante.

No he podido resistirme a hacerlo todo, porque entre que se hace muy rapido, muy ameno y con muy buen ritmo y que el propio diseño creo que es muy acertado dirigiendote para que siempre tengas un objetivo claro pero a la vez dejandote a tu rollo y disfrutar tranquilo he tenido que completarlo y me lo he gozado muchisimo.

the best educational game I've ever played and everyone should play as well

There was really nothing bad about this game. The graphics were pretty, the game was enjoyable, and somehow the story was able to get my attention and make me feel emotions for the characters. It was nice and short and all I can say is good about the game. Also, it would be great for kids

Fun little game to relax and explore
Nothing much, it is what promises to be

I really enjoyed this game. The narrative wasn't the most captivating aspect to me, rather the atmosphere built through the world and characters; the game feels so "familiar" and childish at the same time. I do recognize that I may get this feeling because my country of origin has great cultural inheritance from Spain. The island is beautiful and it's packed with details. It feels amazingly natural to explore it.

Just for that I consider it worth playing.

I wished it had more little mechanics to interact with the environment, small activities, cooking and that kind of stuff would make wonders for the game. Also a run button.

Still, it's the first game I played were the credits rolled with cumbia in the background, so it has merit for that

This game has got a wagtail, a heron and a kingfisher in it. And those are very good things.

I love how simple and tightly designed everything is and just how overall relaxing and feel good the game is.

this game is full of heart and one of those games that any age and demographic should be able to get behind.

Nice, cosy, great music. Spain. Lots of birds. Mostly birds, actually.

a perfect game, loved every second of it <3

The message was honourable and the artstyle was cool. The gameplay was just kind of slow and monotonus though. There was a few janky things about the gameplay I noticed but it didn't affect anything too much. I do think the game was a good length, any longer and I might have stopped playing.