Reviews from

in the past

One of those shitty cabs you found everywhere alongside Cruisin'

Probably cheap.

it's a relatively straightforward railgun shooter, despite the visuals being a bit dated I think they did a pretty good job with the renders. I played solo and got what I presume is the bad ending but I'm sure the final section is easy with a 2nd player

Pretty cool if you have lots of quarters. These types of aliens gave me nightmares as a kid. They were like signs aliens but way worse.

still super cheesy and the saturn version is grainy as hell but i had fun with area 51.

also please play this (or any arcade shooter really) with a light gun because the cursor when using controller is not fast enough, which can cause some frustration, it's definitely still playable with or without the gun but it's a lot better with it


classics of mid, the goofy lightgun mainstay of bowling alleys and movie theater lobbies. there really isn't much to it but it's always a silly joy, much better with a friend (which could be said for just about every lightgun game)


then there's kronn hunter mode, which is visually (at leaston the arcade version, one of the home ports looks completely different) at least 25 years ahead of its time. +1 star for kronn hunter alone.

Area 51 was an arcade machine that was a genuinely incredible experience... when I was fairly young and waiting for my pizza at the local pizza shop (which was closed due to the owner selling coke out the back. Maybe that's why the pizza was so good?)

Like with many arcades, it is hard to separate the game from its purpose which was to make money through your quarters. So in typical arcade fashion- this is not a long game, and if I were buying an arcade this is not one I'd be considering because the fun will wear thin quickly. Lucky for me, I don't own an Area 51 cabinet and only experience it in small doses. The graphics are dated, and I'm genuinely questioning what exactly the enemies are (are they zombies or something? What is going on, here?) but for 10 minutes at a time Area 51 is a fun and crazy time.

It didn't take long for better Light-Gun rail shooters to come out, though, and make this pretty obsolete. Still recommend if this looks up your alley.

my favorite part is the funny area 51 staff that are like running around and stuff lol kind of a so bad its okay type of game but still pretty bad

An arcade rail-shooter that's probably only as popular and significant as it is because it was the absolute cheapest rail shooter cabinet ever. Area 51 functions well, from all the times I've played it, but none of its design or action is that compelling. It feels a little too much like a quarter-muncher at time, and there's no indication when you'll take damage, which feels the most random.

The live-action characters have a bit of charm, but not much. The alien designs certainly scream 90s as hell, but otherwise I think there's good reason this doesn't hold a candle to the absolute classics in rail-shooters that were being output by Namco and SEGA.

Light gun shovelware, but props to the devs for putting a mode that makes it look like you took a bat to the PCB so you don't have to

I played this for like 10 minutes with a friend at MAGfest and he couldn't stop "accidentally" shooting the friendly NPCs. I guess he just really doesn't like the feds.

putting in 2 quarters and wielding both guns on the arcade cabinet like ice cube in ghosts of mars

probably the most cheesiest game i've played but honestly? it's actually pretty good! not the best game, far from it but i'd definitely recommend it if you want something quick to play and to laugh at


Beat solo at Game Galaxy arcade in Nashville. Its fun mindless shooting. Not much strategy or anything and if you're not on freeplay you'll pay to see the ending

why are most of the aliens just dudes wearing green? shooting the gun felt cool sometimes, and ariya and i had lots of laughs throughout the journey. the bar we were at had all the arcade games for free, so we just hit continue until the game told us we failed ... confused on how we failed tbh

I had this game on PS1 with the light gun and I thought it was pretty much arcade perfect. Played the arcade game a bunch too.