Reviews from

in the past

Awesomenauts is an enjoyable 2D MOBA that adds a fun twist to the traditional MOBAs that we've seen take hold in the gaming space. Definitely worth a try, at the very least.

wasted 1200 microsoft points on this utter garbage as a teen. FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I played this game cause a bunch of youtube I watched were in it.

divertido. gratamente sorprendido con que siga activo a dia de hoy

there was a time when i could call this my favourite online game. there was a time where i felt i was actually pretty darn good at this game. there was even a time where i thought this game was pretty damn fun. i can't play that game anymore, i can now play something kinda like it that i don't like even close to as much. games as a service, we welcome you with disappointment in our hearts.

Ronimo games are some of the chillest devs ever. Anyways here's a useful chronicle for this game:
2012: vanilla release, masterpiece of a game. PC port coming later and being the peak of the game.

2013: continuous great content and quality of life updates. Matchmaking and game balance still sucks dick but it doesn't matter, the game is wonderful. Later on in the year a dlc kickstarter campaign reaches its donation goal promising everything the game actually needs.

2014: first and only super major tournament is organized, played and casted to moderate success. Some DLC stretch goals are met, good support for the game keeps rolling out frequently, but promised starstorm map gets delayed and features left in a sort of beta state. "Skolldir's legs incident"

2015: growing frustration from the community, free content keeps rolling out but the matchmaker still sucks and the new map isn't finished. Suddenly devs try to revamp as much shit as possible and add a shitty XP system no one likes and half the playerbase quit.

2016: another expansion is announced, promising to finish all the features they promised years ago. Starstorm map and new matchmaker roll out later on in the year, one of the best balanced patches come out and the game balance leads gets kicked out from the team and the community has to balance the game for the devs. Lol.

2017:...........mod support? The game continues to bleed players constantly.
Oh yeah also we're revamping most of the game For realsies this time :)

2018: PR disaster strikes during ronimo's last shot at making this game relevant again and the game flat out stops working halfway around the year, one of the worst balanced patches comes out and also some pedos come out from the community making the game totally unapproachable. I make a thread making fun of the devs and have my memes immortalized in game. Final update of the game comes out and the devs go work on something else. The game is left as a shell of what it used to be.

2019: you get to play MINECRAFT WITH THE GAME DEVS and hear one of the devs explain why he couldn't say racial slurs in the UK. official awesomenauts forums get hacked compromising ppls emails and passwords


2021: no new updates, the game is actually really great and fun nowadays but you have to grind a shit ton.

Awesomenauts é um MOBA baseado em mecânicas dos pais do gênero, mas com ideias novas no gênero, como gameplay 2D baseado em jogos de plataforma.

A direção de arte é excelente e a trilha sonora também são destaques positivos. O gameplay funciona incrivelmente bem e por ter sido pensado de uma forma bem mais amplas que os MOBAs tradicionais, também tem espaço nos consoles, graças ao layout de botões bem desenhado.

Experiência muito bacana, apesar de nunca ter conquistado a base de fãs que os MOBAs tradicionais alcançaram.

Pretty mediocre, but still the best MOBA game out there. :^)

Moba descontraido e cheio de charisma.

This game was so good. I'm only giving it a 3 because the balance slowly got worse, the monetization got worse (as all games that go from pay to f2p do) and because you really cannot play it any more as all the current players are just slavs who spent way more time on the game than you did.

I think the MOBA genre is interesting to people who like RPG-style approaches to stats, but the typical one plays like a shitty broken down car. Turning it into an actiony platformer-type of game was SO fun. Amazing music, very coherent art style, 3v3 made multiplay very easy. Just Ronimo drifted and had to do other things.

But how has nobody else made a game like this before???

used to be one of my favorite online games ever... until ronimo betrayed their playerbase with terrible updates and eventually dropping support alltogether

Good but noone plays, too easy

I've played hundreds upon hundreds of hours of this game where at first I was merely enjoying the game, but it devolved to the point where the only "fun" I was having was actually winning an online match. Awesomenauts is a cool, 2D MOBA with a charming art style. However, the competitive scene just gets really frustrating, especially for someone like me that doesn't really play MOBAs at all. I was pretty high-ranked too, but it's been a while since I've played it. The enjoyment I used to feel from this game is long gone.

If a sequel was ever announced, I would get it at launch like the whore I am.

A really mediocre MOBA, but way funnier than League of Legends

Would've recommended this like crazy in its heyday, but the community is too dead now. It was fun while it lasted!

I've played this game for basically its entire lifespan. This game is extremely cool and truly one of a kind. A lot of care went into the creation of each of its characters and maps. The art of it I cannot praise enough. Unfortunately, it outgrew its intended purpose as a casual MOBA and is on its way out. New players trickle in and out and veteran players are most of what's left, so it may not be as accessible. As a veteran player who paid for the full game I cannot judge the new F2P experience.

Literally the only MOBA I have ever enjoyed even slightly.

lembro de jogar todo dia quando menor, era mt divertido e simples

continua sendo bom mas tem q se esforçar bastante

One of the few MOBA's I have enjoyed, unfortunately F2P now but in its prime it was amazing.

Es un MOBA, es en 2D, es mediocre. No lo juega nadie y por algo es.

Loved playing this back in the day, the intro feels like the best Saturday Morning cartoon that never excited. Broke up my MOBA addiction with a fun alternative.

Only game I actually liked enough to play competitive