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in the past

I'll let you in on a little secret. Whenever I see people acting selfishly or dishonestly, it's common for me to think, "that's not very Bushido of them". This is who I am.

Bushido Blade is a modest little game, and I think people who bought it at full price are still a little bitter about it, but it remains indispensable. Fights are often over in one hit. Attacks are fatal. The twist is that if you want to make it through Story Mode, you need to fight with honour. That means no backstabbing, attacking while an enemy's on the ground, or jumping in before they finish their pre-fight speech. It's a neat little gimmick, and one that's gone a long way in earning my respect.

There's not a lot of content here, gameplay isn't very technical and there's odd blemishes as the tone swerves between dour historical drama and 1997 PS1 fighting game with big hair and technicolour outfits. The controls don't go far beyond Nidhogg (or Great Swordsman, for all the Taitoheads in the audience). It remains unique, though, and it's always in the back of my thoughts. Time, ticking away, until I know I have to go for another 20 minute run through Bushido Blade.

It should be said, two-player gives no rewards for good conduct, and it completely changes the game. That's where brutality and opportunism win the day. It's brilliant for entirely different reasons. The game's no Street Fighter, but there's plenty reason to own a copy.

Been going through a huge samurai brainrot for a while and I've been looking for games to satiate that thirst. This one in particular caught my eye, and after I played it I realised that it was really damn cool. Despite being old and a little janky, it plays really well. You get a selection of characters, each with a different weight and preferred weapons, and each one has their own little story mode where you fight the other characters and npcs. You can only kill your opponents with a strike to the head or chest, and hitting their limbs can cripple them which limits their movesets. The player can get crippled too which can lead to some very interesting and tense battles. I've had many moments where both me and my enemy were severely hurt and crawling and limping around trying to finish one another off. It's extremely fun and quite a challenge at times. You can actually traverse through the level, which is surprisingly big, and choose a spot to fight which I thought was cool, however due to the limited camera angle and the loading screens between each level, it can be a bit of a chore. My only gripe with this game is the story and the bushido mechanic. The story for each character is very loose and doesn't make much sense. At first you're at the castle, then you're suddenly at a helipad, then at the beach, then back at the castle. It's fair to say that the limited story is just there to connect the levels, but I wish they would've done more with it. The bushido mechanic is basically the game determining whether or not you maintain your honor. To maintain honor, you need to avoid fighting with dirty tactics such as throwing dirt on your enemy or stabbing them in the back. If you're dishonorable, you automatically lose the game before the first npc appears. I've lost many runs to being dishonorable even though I was sure I maintained honor, and what counts and what doesn't count towards maintaining bushido is very vague and the info online says a lot of different things. Despite its flaws, it's a cool game that I wish I could see more of.

Absolutely fascinating concept for a fighting game. You would think boiling down a fighter to its bare minimum would result in an extremely dry game without much of a hook, but you'd be quite wrong. Because any blow can be the killing strike, matches build with tension as they go on, particularly when either side begins sustaining injuries. Easy to fall into the fallacy of thinking an opponent's down and out, only to be caught off-guard by a carefully-timed killstrike from a kneeling opponent.

Of particular note to me are the controls, for how much they visually communicate their own ideas. Lightweight placed extreme consideration for how to represent their fighters' actions, and this is reflected in the layout of buttons on the PlayStation controller. Immediately you have the attack buttons, △/○/X as High/Mid/Low Attack - a descending order matching the buttons themselves. The last face button, □, is used for parries, which is to the left. Looking at it from the perspective of a player on the screen's left - as Player 1 would be at the start - the defensive □ is in a position retreating from the enemy, while the offensive ○ is advancing towards the enemy.

We also see this level of thought placed into the R1 and R2 buttons, which respectively are used to elevate or lower the player. On their own, R1 shifts to a higher stance while R2 shifts to a lower stance. Movement plus R2 makes the fighter crouch, and hitting R2 while the player is crouching makes the fighter go even lower than a crouch and fling dirt. Movement plus R1 lets the player climb a wall, and R1 out of a crouch turns the motion into a leap forward. There's a lot of very careful psychology like this to what the buttons do, and it's this sort of meticulous, deliberate design ethos that permiates a lot of what Bushido Blade is as an experience.

Bushido Blade feels a bit like a tech demo with all its offerings. Its emphasis on realistic weapon simulation, as well as mixing and matching eight weapons with six player characters, is pretty cool, and the game's main hook. Slash Mode is a fun challenge, very much a nod to traditional swordfighter movies. POV Mode is a complete gimmick, but darn if it isn't a cute idea. Link Mode is a cool idea - not a lot of games would make use of the ability to hook up multiple PS1s - but I've never had any Player 2s, so I can't vouch for it.

So, the hook for me has always been Bushido Blade's campaign. The initial draw there is how the game enforces its understanding of Bushido code - strike an opponent dishonorably (while they're talking, while they're vulnerable, etc), and the story admonishes the player with a bad ending. I'm always fascinated when a game bakes its moral code into its game systems, particularly if it's an established real-world code rather than the simple good/evil binary. But the campaign is quite short - potentially only six fights, in a game where every strike is a killing blow - and the endings are all melancholy and don't seem to resolve anything, so there's sort of an empty feeling a player has walking away from it.

...until they realize that there's a puzzle to finding the good ending. I don't mind spoiling it here: first, the player must navigate through the game world, screen by screen, as they look for their exit. Second, the player must clear every fight without sustaining damage. I guess, because each strike is a killing blow, the usual "don't lose a round" approach to a fighting game's true ending is an unrealistic approach?

I spent a couple hours on-stream trying to grind out a good ending, and while I was ultimately unsuccessful, I came away really appreciating the challenge being asked of the player here. That thing about tension building over the course of a match? That gets amplified considerably here, both during the first round escape sequence - even once you have the path memorized, a three-to-five minute run with an aggressive opponent constantly on the player's heels - then in the subsequent six fights. It's weirdly Katze, the first boss character who weilds a firearm, who becomes a breather round - striking, because he's initially the most annoying of the game's bosses for his ability to insta-kill at range. Everything else, including the normal, non-boss characters? Could stop your attempt cold.

There's sort of a weird meditative quality to grinding out the good ending, given that first round escape sequence. There's no music, just the noises of the wintry background as the player makes their escape. Once you solve the puzzle, the player's left alone with the empty nothingness of their flight, of everything being stripped away besides the instruments of death. I know I'm making a broad, sweeping statement on a culture with which I've barely interfaced, but I dunno - it feels like there's something quintessentially Japanese to this experience. Not bad for a game designed after kids beating sticks against each other on the playground.

What the hell do people see in this game? Slow, cumbersome, nonsensical combat. Your characters can barely move around. It seems completely random whether or not my hits connect, as my polygonal sword goes right through their character model with no effect and then they 1HKO me in an inscrutable stochastic mess. What am I not getting here?

Jogo de luta com conceitos bem inovadores, isso o torna único e divertido, o jogo acaba sendo bem curtinho, vale a jogada.

Such a great concept piece with some very haphazard fights 👍

Imagens tão efêmeras que nascem pra representar o aperto do botão e se auto-destroem toda vez que um pensamento acaba. O bushido é só mais uma forma de enxergar o videogame.

Como diria meu (segundo) jogo favorito: "everyone would play out the ideal "story" that they had come up with".

So, I'm trying to play older PlayStation games that I missed out on, and I had a lot of fun with this one. I thought the whole game was hilarious from the sound effects to the pixelated blood.

An extremely experimental and thus interesting game,although one that I enjoy thinking about more than I do playing. Not only is the concept of stripping down most elements of a fighting game down to a one-hit kill system extremely avant-garde, but the story mode is full of other oddities, such as being set in a massive map that you can run around in and explore at will mid-fight (while the other guy chases you around everywhere) and a weird "honor" system that dictates your ending based on your actions.

I think it's only fun for a couple of hours if you're not playing with friends, but I'd still recommend it.

Amazing fighting game. Wish it would come back

there is no game in the world that I want a modern remaster of more. sure, the samurai/ninja power fantasy is simulated in loving detail, but you haven't known true combat until you and your opponent are crawling toward each other with your one remaining good arm after you've taken out all of eachother's other limbs , flailing your weapons helplessly at each other like you're crabs with knives

no sé exactamente por qué lo he terminado pero así ha sido


my all time favorite fighting game. it's not even close.

This review contains spoilers

Having to maintain the Bushido code while fighting an enemy with a literal gun made me realize that I'm a man without honor.

It's always been befuddling to me that nobody has tried to do this again in the modern era or maybe they have and I just haven't been paying attention.

We need a modern Bushido Blade. If not the same IP the same concept but better. Hellish Quart is good but it is no Bushido Blade.

There isn't a ton to the game, but fighting extremely lethal duels where a single hit can determine the outcome of the match is a lot of fun.

Very fun and unique. Follow the bushido code.

One of my favorite things in fighting games (or pseudo-fighting games in this case) is when you can run around the environment and all the arenas are like, connected together in a cohesive fashion. Is it useful to the genre? Maybe not but damn is it cool.

if you talk and i kill you it's still honorable. no johns

Played at a barcade with a group of friends.
This game is funny as fuck.

It's very funny how for years FGC fans have been debating whether or not being able to kill your opponents with a single strike in the story mode while they are saluting you for the "honorable" duel is an intended narrative choice or the funniest oversight in history.

Fiz o story mode de uns 4 personagens pra escrever isso aqui, o bagulho é muito curtinho. Bushido Blade é um dos jogos de luta mais interessantes que joguei na vida, a gameplay disso é absurda.

Muito única e o seu diferencial, realista pra cacete. Você e seu adversário morrem em 1 hit acertado em um ponto fraco, e a luta vira algo mais estratégico, jogar isso multiplayer deve ser uma experiência doida. Os golpes são fodas, principalmente por serem reais, os estilos de luta realmente existe (no caso da Katana, a que joguei) e os golpes também, eu estudei por um tempinho a arte do Kenjutsu, então reconheci vários e foi IRADISSIMO.

A gameplay complexa e única é o seu diferencial, o jogo também é bem bonito, mas a trilha sonora é bem fraquinha, os cenários também (só encontrei 3 por algum motivo) e não sei se é bug do meu emulador, mas nas lutas não tocou UMA ÚNICA MÚSICA, só tocou no treino.

Enfim, muito daora, espero que esses pontos que não curti tanto sejam concertados no 2.

Hands down the most volatile fighting game I've ever played, a round could be one second or ten minutes. Whoever put the hammer in this game should be given a raise and a warning.

An absolute janky mess but it's so janky that it wraps back around to being nuanced and really fun

One of my favorite fighting games of all time, if not one of my favorite PS1 games of all time. At first you can just have fun with it because the skill floor is really low, its a simple to understand game. You have only 3 attack buttons and a parry button and you're trying to cut your opponent down. That being said, the skill ceiling can be quite high. Characters have their own stats to consider, strength and speed, strength determining how well you can deflect attacks and stagger your opponent, with the weaker characters stumbling after blocking any hit, and speed determining how fast your run is and how fast your walk speed is. Characters also specialize in certain weapons, having access to special moves. You have to consider your character AND weapons strengths/weaknesses going into a match, and then when you're in a match, you have to consider what moves to use when, because most if not all attacks are pretty highly committal, one misstep can result in instant death. The game is fun and easy to pick up and understand, but certainly has depth to it like any other fighting game.

quero um remake desse jogo, por favor