Reviews from

in the past

O port do jogo pro steam deck tava bem ruim, travou muito, fui dar uma pesquisada mais a fundo pra ver se o jogo me interessava mas acabei dropando

it's like Paper Mario, just even more simple. But still charming!

I can't help but find this silly little game to be endearing, with its cute and unique take on the classic JRPG formula. I'll say that this is stronger as an adventure game than it is as an RPG, because I wasn't the biggest fan of the battle system. There's not a lot to it, with some of the final battles feeling a bit more luck based than strategy. It's not the deepest or even funniest games, but it's charming enough to be worth the quick playthrough. I did find it very annoying that cutscene dialogue was entirely autoplay, because I read much faster than the dialogue would page.

Amazing world, simple but fun gameplay

This game was really short - I beat it on my laptop while in the car driving west on a family vacation. It was a neat concept and it didn't overstay its welcome.

This review contains spoilers

Enjoyable game! The characters were enjoyable and the plot was very silly but that's to be expected for a family game- but it makes it all the more fun :) The costume designs themselves as well as the enemy designs were excellent! I love the cartoony artstyle. I felt like the battle backgrounds were very synonymous, but I think that's mostly because I wasn't paying too much attention, similar color palettes and all that. I loved the different areas, with the mall coming to mind as my favorite section of the game.
The different costume abilities were fun to explore- I do wish that some costumes that didn't have any did. Their abilities in battles were cool! I definitely stuck to particular costumes and didn't change them out very much, but I did try almost all of them out. There are some costumes I expected to be a bit cooler (French Fries had an awesome disguise- just didn't hit as well as I wanted.) but I still enjoyed them all nonetheless. I don't remember any particular complaints with the battle mechanics, I love turn-based games and quick-time events so it's kind of the perfect game for me.
Aside from some "of the time" jokes, I think the writing's fine. It's not anything revolutionary but I don't anyone would expect it to be. Just silly!

A solid 3.5 out of 5 for me, a very good family game if you or a kid want to play it!

Doce ou Travesuras !!!

Costume quest e um jogo muito gostosinho de se jogar por causa da sua gameplay sendo bem facil ate podendo ser um pouco repetitiva, pois como um rpg por turnos so temos como atacar ou mandar o ataque especial quando cheio, so por isso deixa o jogo muito facil, mas eu senti falta de podermos defender ou usar itens isso para mim e um dos acertas e ponto baixo do jogo por se muito simples de jogar mas isso fez o jogo ser bem relaxante de se jogar, sem ter muitas dor de cabeça ou dificuldade tirando um pouco mais difícil ,mas não tanto assim, os chefões finais.

A história eu achei ela bem simpática e praticamente aqueles filmes de hallowenn infatil que as crianças vão atras de doces e acabam se envolvendo com alguma trama paranormal, e como o jogo e cheio de charme como a double fine consegue fazer deixa bem legal de ver o desenrolar dela, mesmo sendo bem simples.

E um jogo que vale a pena dar uma olha pois como esta no gamepass, e também sendo bem curto para zerar fazendo ele sde um jogo bem relaxante de se jogar.

Sights & Sounds
- Cute cartoony environments and character designs
- The music is appropriately whimsical, but you won't be humming along or anything
- it's a Double Fine game, so you can count on the presentation to be pretty decent irrespective of the other aspects of the game

Story & Vibes
- It's your run-of-the-mill "save the princess" (or in this case, your sister) narrative
- It's a cute, cozy game. Mostly chill due to being devoid of challenge
- There's some humor in the game, but nothing outrageously funny

Playability & Replayability
- The game is pretty standard turn-based RPG fare in terms of gameplay, but pared down pretty significantly. No stat trees, no skill points, no crafting, no missable party members, etc. You just explore and fight
- At first, I enjoyed the simplicity, but by the end of the game, fights were a chore
- The boss fights offer some variety, but not much
- I don't think I'll be running back in for the other achievements; I lost interest in the game by the end. I also couldn't get my saved data to carry over to the DLC, but I'm not too heartbroken over it

Overall Impressions & Performance
- Although the Steam Deck compatability is only listed as "playable" due to supposedly small text, I had no problem reading anything despite my awful vision
- It ran well on PC, but the area right before the final boss was a little framey on the Steam Deck. It ran fine otherwise

Final Verdict
- 5.5/10. This is probably more in the wheelhouse of the so-called "cozy gamers", but I found the package a little bland. A < 6 hour RPG shouldn't feel like it overstays its welcome

A lot of people knock the repetitive gameplay inherent to this trick-or-treating RPG; I partially agree with them, as one can only see the same battle animations so many times, but at the same time, I would argue that the usual Double Fine brand of quirk salvages a lot of that into an at least feel-good experience.

A fun cute little game that captures the spirit of Halloween and trick or treating. A very simple turned based combat system that has a nice little job system. Also very short so an easy recommendation

It's okay. Charming aesthetic, but not for me.

The first game i ever 100%'ed and one of a select few indie titles I've enjoyed.

A fun little RPG, dripping with charm and a nice breezy completion.
A bit too easy with no real challenge but nether the less well worth the handful of hours it takes to finish.

Great little game to come back to around Halloween. Super-cute art, fun (though easy) gameplay, and that trademark DF comedy writing that I love so much. That Dorsilla fight sucked though.

Might come back and play the DLC around Christmas? We'll see.

Silly, cute, and pretty fun

This is a really cute and silly game! May be a bit short for most people but it sure is fun!

A nice action RPG, suitable to play with children (but not extremely childish). The battles can get a bit repetitive.

I liked it a lot more than i was expecting.

Um RPG bem criativo, divertido, um pouco datado, porém satisfatório.

This review contains spoilers

I've always had a soft spot for the PSN/XBLA era Double Fine digital titles. like yeah the combat never gets particularly deep or difficult and there's only one battle theme and the plot is somewhat contrived and it's not that long whatsoever but this game has CHARM, man. someone decided to make a Halloween RPG and nobody felt like stopping them. they contextualized a classic RPG job system as Halloween costumes. NPCs feel straight out of EarthBound with how witty their dialogue is. they made a dungeon out of a shopping mall filled with Halloween deco. one of your classes is the fucking STATUE OF LIBERTY who HEALS YOUR PARTY by SUMMONING ABE_LINCOLN.PNG. this is the most lovable and memorable 6/10 game I have ever played.

[Main Story]
Interesting game concept. Several costumes to collect and some of them skillfully. Battle mechanics are easy to notice, but become quite repetitive. Several cards to collect and stikers to give some extra status to the characters. The story itself is very cliché, however I found the last battle against the final boss very frustrating.

i actually really like the costume quest series! i used to play these games all the time as a kid and i loved it - the dialogue is amusing, the soundtrack is really nice, and finding all the equipment for costumes was surprisingly rewarding, even after coming back a few years later. anyone who likes shorter rpgs would probably enjoy it, its a pretty fun game

A very enjoyable little game to play around Halloween. I played this on the PS3 sometime ago and I LOVED it. This is one of those well made games by Tim Schafer that is endless fun.

Edit: The story is about two kids, brother and sister, who go out trick-or-treating, however, goblin creatures from another world have come out to steal candy for a mysterious nefarious purpose. As these kids, you're able to fight them due to the properties of the world these creatures come from, your characters are able to actually utilise the abilities of the costumes that they wear.

For example, the robot costume turns you into a big mecha that launches rocket fists, the knight turns you into a holy knight and so on with all the many costumes you can unlock later, some being far more powerful!

To make the costume you need to collect not only the materials, but also the blueprints for them which is often a lot of fun to look up new costumes and gain new powers too. Some of which will give you abilities you allow you into other areas and bypass hazards. Beyond that, it's a really fun game to play. Especially around Halloween.

A cute little RPG about kids at Halloween. Genuinely fun.

The most charming Halloween game.

Costume Quest is somewhere in my top 10 favorite childhood games, and I still really like it to this day. It's a game that captured my imagination as a kid, and I always found its atmosphere and tone to be cozy and fun. I used to have a tradition where I'd play it to 100% completion every October. It's one of my favorite games ever, and I think it holds up to this day.

Costume Quest is a turn-based RPG with adventure game elements that takes place at Halloween. You play as one of two siblings, Reynold or Wren, and go on a mission to save the other after they are mistaken for a piece of candy by a candy-stealing army of monsters. You team up with two other kids and use the powers of your costumes to fight your way through the game's many encounters.

Your primary objective is to trick-or-treat at every house before you can move on, either encountering a normal person at the door or a monster which you must take down. I always loved (and slightly feared) the trick-or-treating aspect as a kid, as there's a tense build-up to the door being opened, leaving you to wonder if you're in for a trick or a treat. There's lot of things to do off the beaten path though. There's tons of hidden areas to find and side objectives to do. The main form of currency in the game is candy, which you can get by trick-or-treating or collecting in other ways. You mainly use it to buy stamps which give you special benefits to help you in combat. Stamps are also reward through side objectives. The main motivation for exploring, however, is the costumes. There's a good variety of costumes to collect and wear throughout the game. Some have certain applications for progression and puzzle-solving, but all have their own niches in combat that make them worth collecting and using. Costumes are constructed by finding three of their pieces scattered throughout an area. Once you get the pieces, the costume is yours and can be equipped onto any of your three party members at any time.

Combat is fun yet simple enough for a kid to understand. You can definitely call it "baby's first RPG", because it was certainly mine. It's a good system though. Everything is pretty straight-forward. Time that would otherwise be spent looking at stats and equipping gear is replaced with focus on team composition through swapping around costumes and equipping a stamp that would benefit a certain costume's niche. As for the battles themselves, they see your characters transforming into giant versions of what their costumes represent. For example: you wear a knight costume, you turn into a giant knight. The enemies do the same. For most of the battle, you'll be pressing a single button to initiate an attack and some extra buttons to boost its damage. After a couple turns, a meter will build up and allow a costume to use its special abilities. Some costumes unleash a powerful attack on a single enemy, some can hit multiple enemies, some will give buffs, and some will heal. This is where the team composition element comes in. There isn't much to do outside of that in battles though. Luckily, the combat stays entertaining through its enemy variety and set amount of battles. The game's also pretty short too, so you can rest assured that nothing will be overstaying its welcome.

The story isn't too crazy, obviously, but I do find it quite fun for what it is. Like I said before, it's basically about one sibling saving another sibling who has been kidnapped and also it's Halloween. There's a few fun twists though and some interesting characters here and there. I especially love the writing. It's very charming and I appreciated it even as a kid. There's uh... not too much to say outside of that.

Sound and visuals:
The sound design and music is pretty dang good, though the mixing can be a little weird at times.

As for the visuals, they're also pretty dang good. The characters in the overworld are cartoony and cute, which is humorously contrasted by the more detailed art style that the battles switch to. The environments are full of warm colors that really help to see the fall vibes. There's a nice variety in the settings as well. There's some really fun and creative designs all-around. I did always find the UI to be a bit underwhelming, but it's still fairly solid.

Costume Quest is simply a really fun and charming game. Though it may be short, taking about only 5-7 hours to fully complete, it still manages to feel like a fulfilling experience thanks to its focused progression and meaningful side content. I don't think any other piece of media captures the fun of Halloween for a kid quite like this does. It is definitely a game I'd recommend, especially since it goes on sale for very cheap on Steam.

Is this primarily aimed at children? Probably. Was I ever a child? I sure was.

And that's why this Halloween-based RPG was absolutely some of the most fun I've ever had in October. It isn't hard; just fun and repetitive in a way that really appeals to MY gaming hobby of enjoying my free time with limited challenge. I loved this for all the same reasons I still enjoy Pokemon as a 36 year old man. It's. Just. Fun.

100% with all costumes, battle stamps, and cards.