Reviews from

in the past

Literally could not stop playing this game - from start to finish is had me in a metaphorical choke-hold, it’s rare that a game hooks me so much so quickly. Highly recommend giving it a go

The art style is incredible, the music is great and the roguelike elements aren’t too unforgiving - with plenty of weapons and power ups to use. The story is also really good too, albeit very strange and random - but it works.

The village building side was also really good - plenty of unique buildings to place. Would have liked more decorative items to be available but there were still a good amount to use.

I did encounter a few bugs and glitches which had me reloading saves but nothing too annoying. My only gripe is that the post game stuff does get VERY grindy.

How fun it is to play evil.

That is, as long as you don't take it too seriously what you're really doing, be it sacrificing your most loyal followers in tremendous torment to horrendous creatures from the deep, or naming your newest cultist “sunflower beauty” and forcing them to marry you, or just making your cultists eat pies made out of their own faeces. It's all in good fun, right?

And I did manage to approach it as such, seeing the cute dark nature of its cult management as hilarious in how horrendous it really is, taking the real life atrocities and lies of cults and adding to them actual supernatural realities. It doesn't really make it any nicer when you strangle your follower in bed for a quest or force your oldest member eat a potentially deadly dish in the hopes of a rare drop, useless as they are for anything else (my god how much ageism this game engenders), but it's far enough removed from reality to amuse instead of horrify. Content warning is still needed though, especially if you do have PTSD from similar experiences.

The combat part of the game is more hit and miss, managing to occasionally be fun but also somewhat chaotic, especially with its weapon selection. But in each and every aspect of its action, it pales when compared to something like Hades, and the crusades quickly come to be in danger of being something you do in order to unlock more things in your camp or to advance the story, instead of something you yearn to participate in.

Speaking of its writing, it isn't deep or particularly involving, but it is delicious in how darkly and forebodingly written it is, the beautiful and moody artistry allowing for more immersion within the Lamb’s eldritch world. I can't say I felt anything emotional at any of the story beats, but I did enjoy the writing for what it was, and I wanted to find out what exactly does happen when I kill the last false God.

The way to that point can be a struggle, and you'll probably fully upgraded all your combat and follower skills long before you arrive there (I hadn't even killed the third boss when I had already maxed them myself). The endgame base management can be a bit lacking then, relying on setting personal goals (e.g. get as many followers you can - quite difficult with the speed the fuckers keep dying) and a late-game free DLC addition (which, granted, is pretty fun, and adds more horrible and amusing options to the game).

But for a few weeks this game was what my partner and I kept returning to whenever we could, developing our cults and swapping tales of new discoveries and our horrific misdeeds. Whatever its faults, its pros are also many, first and foremost how well it suited us gaming together solo, bringing us together in how horrible we were to our poor cultists. For that alone it's one of my favourite experiences of the year.

Esteticamente lindo, repetitivo com o tempo, confuso demais em alguns momentos, muito bom!

The game has eye-catching graphics, everything is so beautiful and the stages and details are too, it is very challenging and rogue-like, the bosses are fun, but the best thing by far is managing your cult and converting servants , they do things, they get dirty, they are hungry, they get sick and rebel against you, they have missions and requests, each one unique, the game is vast in content and rich in details and the story also ends very cool

This game is good until it isn't. Building your cult campground is fun and the dungeon crawling is tolerable, but unfortunately you run out of things to build in your cult before you finish the dungeon crawling, making the game a lot less fun. The game is extremely buggy.

super fun gameplay loop between the life sim and dungeon crawling. nothing revolutionary and not too complex, but a wonderfully polished game i enjoyed the entire playthrough

Jogo com uma gameplay muito simples porem bem cativante, desde que lançou e eu vi o trailer sabia que iria gostar.

Demorei ate demais pra zerar, inclusive quase nao acreditei que o jogo tava acabando. Escolhi o final de submissão, fiquei curiosa pra ver o que acontecia.

obs: acho que esse e o primeiro jogo que zero no meu pc novo.

1d 4h 2m de jogo
Dia 126
22 Escravos
26 Habitações
36 Mortos ou Mortes?

A very charming game with cute design choices alongside amazing yet simple combat in the dungeons. However, the game becomes very repetitive after a while, it's noticeable that its repetitive but it somehow stays enjoyable, but that's most likely down to playing with Twitch Integration On

Muito divertido, cuidar da seita é a parte mais legal, eu fui tipo um Deus pra eles, so que a parte do combate e do rogue like não curti tanto

So this game is one I was on the fence about for a while before biting the bullet and purchasing it. I got it at a good price on sale, and from the first minute I played it, I did not regret the purchase one bit.

Both the base building and dungeon-diving sections are an absolute joy and the combination works incredible well together.

The aesthetic of the game is one I absolutely enjoy as well. I suppose the closest and most obvious comparison is Happy Tree Friends, since you could take a few screenshots out-of-context and think it's for children, but it's not.

The game was sometimes on the easier side as far as roguelikes go (though I admit I was on the default difficulty), but the final boss did give me a fair shake.

Overall, I very much enjoyed my time with this game and would easily recommend it to roguelite enjoyers who are able to overlook the sometimes buggy nature of the game.

When times arise (which they will), I'm going straight to the lamb no questions asked

As far as inde games go, this is an amazing title. Despite it having a road map. While it can be quite short it is well worth it.

A parte de monitoramento da cidade é bem mais divertida e criativa que o roguelike em si, mas não deixa de ser um ótimo jogo, o tema é legal e a gameplay bem fluida, eu gostei

Came for the roguelike gameplay, stayed for the fishing minigame.

great game, just a bit lacking in content and bug fixes on release

so I never really gave my thoughts on this game, this is one of the best game's I've played ever and I love it, its not very original with its ideas but it combines ideas so flawlessly.

so damn cute i loved every second of it

Sights & Sounds
- Cutesy, cartoonish world with a whole bunch of evil imagery
- The character designs are adorable. The hippo follower is my son
- The music is top notch
- The rest of the sound design is pretty great as well

Story & Vibes
- There's not too much of a story. You're a sacrificial lamb (literally) who gets resurrected by an evil god. You get to claim revenge on your killers, but you must cultivate and guide a cult to serve the god who brought you back to life
- Given the juxtaposition of the cutesy visuals with the evil cult activities you'll be performing throughout the game, the overall tone is fairly silly and just a little dark

Playability & Replayability
- The majority of the gameplay is split between two major genres: city bulder and action roguelike
- The city builder parts feature you building structures, generating resources, caring for your cultists, and managing your cult. A happier cult = faster leveling and therefore better passives while you're out adventuring
- The action roguelike part of the game contains your typical top-down, randomly generated floors separated by branching paths. You're given one of five melee weapon types and a random spell at the beginning of each run. As you make your way through each run (ending in a miniboss or boss), you'll also have the opportunity to gather resources and gain followers
- All the weapons feel good except for the dagger. That one makes you feel like you're tickling enemies to death. Spells felt completely superfluous but were occasionally helpful for doing damage to bosses from a distance. Otherwise, you could beat the entire game without ever casting one
- Honestly, the game isn't all that hard. Higher difficulties reduce your health, but the dodge is robust enough that avoiding damage is a breeze if you're good with your spacing and timing. Some bosses present a nice challenge (Kallamar was an interesting mid-game skill check), but most won't take you more than a single attempt
- In addition to the two predominant gameplay archetypes, there's a few minigames like fishing and dice

Overall Impressions & Performance
- There was some (rarely encountered) slight stuttering despite my hardware being well above the specs
- I encountered a few weird soft locks when in the church. It does typically take a few seconds for your followers to filter in, but the game got stuck there for multiple minutes and required a restart more than once
- On two different occasions, I got stuck in rooms where I had killed all the enemies. In both cases, I killed an enemy (causing its hitbox and model to disappear), but it was still able to damage me. Neither instance allowed me to hit the enemy back, which I attempted to do by swinging/chucking spells at the dust cloud that was still moving around where its feet would be

Final Verdict
- 8/10. Despite the minor bugs, I had a pretty great time with the game. The gameplay loop is satisfying. The combat, while kinda easy, felt good. Making your colony and filling it with cute little cultists was fun, even if you have to sacrifice them sometimes. Overall, it's an easy recommend

I cant put this stupid game down. help.

so this is how having a cult should feel like, really interesting..

i kind of forgot about this game, but it was pretty good from what i remember

6,5/10 - Bom/Deve melhorar.
É um jogo indie com bom potencial. Em aspectos gerais, ele não vai tão mal, tenta inovar unindo elementos de gerenciamento/construção de bases/colônias com roguelike, contudo falha sendo superficial demais em ambas as coisas.

Além de ser um roguelike simples demais e sem mecânicas aprofundadas fazendo com que o combate seja entediante e repetitivo (apesar de ter bosses divertidos), a parte de gerenciamento de base acaba sendo mais empolgante e interessante do que voltar as dungeons.
O gerenciamento de base/simulador de colônias é fraco, algumas das construções para a base são mal implementadas (a cozinha, que vira um minigame simples e mecânica life sim no quesito da fome, não ter nenhum upgrade para, por exemplo, fazer um dos seguidores cozinhar as refeições por você e colocá-las em alguma mesa, chega a ser um tipo de deficiência comum no jogo).
E os sistemas life sim do jogo como sistema de dia e noite, fome e até a devoção (no quesito das possibilidades pouco amplas de interação com os seguidores) têm muito a melhorar ainda.

A arte, temática e conceitos do jogo são bonitos e bem feitos, é um grande atrativo do jogo que virou um padrão de qualidade no mercado/indústria indie. Mas lamentavelmente esse padrão indie só se aplica na arte dos jogos e trilha sonora, fatores esses que pesam mais num filme, série ou animação, mas num jogo tem menos peso na maioria dos contextos. Ou seja, só arte bonita não carrega um jogo nas costas.

Como citado anteriormente, a trilha sonora original é boa, só que carece de uma música tema (do jogo, especificamente) ou músicas memoráveis. Às músicas que tocam nas dungeons funcionam bem para o ambiente, mas são repetitivas, contudo.

À estória apesar de básica e previsível, é boa e funciona para o que se propõe. As sidequests tentam trazer um pouco sobre os npcs, mas eles continuam como apenas planos de fundo sem relevância.

Toda a superficialidade da aplicação das mecânicas dos distintos gêneros do jogo acaba tendo uma péssima sinergia, que pode decepcionar quem se interessou por alguma das partes em específico.
É quase como se a parte roguelike fosse o grind/farm de recursos para a parte de cuidar do culto, e à outra fosse um pedágio para voltar para o combate.

Dicas de como deixei meu jogo mais interessante:
Só zerei após fazer todas as conquistas, e mesmo que os bosses tenham ficado bem mais fáceis, completar as cartas de Tarô e lãs e jogar a parte roguelike pensando nelas, pode tornar o jogo mais desafiador (como usar a lã que aumenta seu dano, e ainda tentar jogar sem tomar dano). Nem todas as cartas e lãs são boas, a maioria não é, mas são a melhor parte do combate.
Eu joguei mais voltado para completude do jogo/conquistas, e achei melhor passar mais tempo fazendo as coisas da base e só depois ir para as dungeons de tempos em tempos, senti que foi melhor assim.

O jogo apresenta alguns bugs visuais e uns que impactam na jogabilidade mesmo meses após seu lançamento (presenciei um em que se você apertar para acelerar o tempo, os seguidores travam e não fazem mais nada); estão corrigindo eles aos poucos. A desenvolvedora Massive Monster, mostrando trailers de atualizações e um curto roadmap, indicam a forte intenção de fazê-lo um jogo de atualização de conteúdo, o que não combina com a campanha do jogo, mas necessita-se sim de mais conteúdo. Um modo coop seria ótimo por exemplo, mas duvido que aconteça.

Foi um bom jogo e irei alterar a avaliação de acordo com o impacto que grandes atualizações fizerem. Recomendo (em promoção sendo um desconto bacana) apesar de seus defeitos.

Me parece un juego que mezcla mucho entre Animal Crossing y el Dungeon Battle de Devolver (no me acuerdo del nombre). Es super entretenido y engancha desde el primer momento.

This game kind of came out of left field for me. Friends at work were raving about it in such a way, that I couldn't help but try it. It got it's hooks in me so deep that I practically did nothing else for the 20+ hours it took in the last week to play thru it. It's a fascinating world and aesthetic that the developers were able to make work within such a low budget and the gameplay is a brilliant mix of a base building sim and rogue like dungeon crawler. I was just in glee thru most of the game. The only real element holding this back for me was by the time it wrapped up, I was ready for it to end. I had a blast for the time it lasted, but I didn't really feel the urge to go deeper into the dungeons and see more. The gameplay just kind of ran it's course with me. With that said, this is still a pretty stellar experience for what it is. High recommendation.

this game is actually so entertaining it's insane, i can finally have my own cult, gaslight and manipulate little shits without feeling guilty, 10/10

I'm a sucker for a good roguelike loop but after a few hours I started to feel like the action part of the game couldn't hold the weight it needed it. It might be an issue with my PC specs but the movement felt very finicky and only half the weapons clicked for me.

Este juego te vende una premisa, ser cuqui mientras cometes crimenes de lesa humanidad y la verdad es que te da todo lo que te vende. Si sabes a lo que vas este juego te va a coger como si fuera un perro de caza enganchado a tu pierna y con más hambre que el tamagotchi de un ciego.

Es un juego que mezcla muy bien las dos mecánicas principales, el simulador de gestión de un pueblito cuqui y un roguelite al más puro estilo Binding of Isaac. Ahora bien, como pasa con todas las quimeras de este estilo, se le ven las costuras a kilometros ya que en ninguno de los dos es algo remarcable. La gestión llega a ser excesivamente simple en el momento en el que consigues unos cuantos recursos extra y las batallas, aún consiguiendo ser divertido, se acaba volviendo repetitivo y sencillo porque acabas más chetado que chetadin. Pero aún con todos estos fallitos, te lo vende completamente con lo bien que han ejecutado la dirección de arte con la idea de mezclar lo cuqui con lo satánico, lo Satanicuqui.