Reviews from

in the past

Pour plus d'infos, allez voir les reviews séparées des dlcs et jeu de base.
Le jeu est très bon, mais malheureusement l'ayant découvert après Elden Ring, je reste un poil sur ma faim.
Cela dit il est évident que c'est le meilleur de la trilogie et de très loin.
Très bonnes ost, quelques boss marquants, pas mal d'armes même si peu de variabilité, on est clairement sur le début du perfectionnement de la formule.
En finissant le dernier boss restant, j'avais juste envie de relancer Elden Ring...
Un jeu qui a sa place dans l'histoire, mais qui a objectivement vieillit un peu aujourd'hui.

The peak of dark souls, once again another game I wish I could experience for the first time again. My personal favorite game from fromsoftware.

I liked it better this time than the first time I played it but there's still something Off about this to me it's less Fun that ds1 it has less Character u kno it's so Grey... and like that's probably on purpose? But I don't like it

It is no longer definitely my least favourite of the Soulsbornes I have played because I have now played DS2 lol.

Felt a lot better than 1 or 2 very fun

Pessoalmente, considero o primeiro Dark Souls o melhor da trilogia e até agora o melhor soulslike que já joguei (ainda não joguei Sekiro nem Elden Ring), mas, sinceramente, não tem problema nenhum alguém achar esse o melhor da trilogia. Apesar de não ser tão inovador quanto o primeiro e mais linear que os seus antecessores, ele executa toda a fórmula com perfeição e fecha a trilogia de maneira sensacional. Com relação as DLCs, segue todo o padrão de DLC de soulslike da From, ou seja, PERFEITO.

Puramente arte! Quem discorda é maluco!

Dark Souls 3 é o Dark Souls perfeito. Desafiador, jogabilidade redonda, fator replay muito desburocratizado, direção de arte incrível e finalmente bosses bem elaborados

Everything about this game is perfect. Perfect bosses, perfect levels, perfect music, perfect gameplay, perfect ending to the trilogy, even the font is perfect. Every time I try to come up with something to complain about, I end up liking this game even more than previously thought possible.

My advice would be to look at anyone else's review if you want to see any potential issues you may have with this game, as I would end up considering such things to be just another reason this game is a masterpiece.

Dark Souls III is the definitive Dark Souls experience, doing what the first game does but a lot more refined and elegant. The only two complaints I have are that the levels are very linear which I didn't really mind since suck at navigation in games and the base game isn't very hard, but that can also be because I am more experienced with the series. Apart from those nitpick which I don't really have too of an issue with, this is one of the most solid games I have ever played. It has such a solid set of bosses with some of the best bosses I have fought in any game to bosses that are just okay, but it is impressive the bosses are never bad. The areas take the original's dark and dingy style and uses it to create a lot more unique areas with it with twisted and strange architecture and land masses. The combat is a lot more fluid than the original and is a lot closer to Elden Ring while still keeping in the quirks of the original Dark Souls' combat. In conclusion, I absolutely loved Dark Souls III and as I play more Souls games, it's going to be very hard for anything to top this one.

o dark souls mais bem polido da trilogia, graças ao bom senhor aperfeiçoa a jogabilidade sem deixar a atmosfera de lado, a qualidade impecável em tudo te desafia a jogar-lo, o mesmo te dando um salve logo no início com um boss do caralho, só pra te lembrar que a jornada de um vazio é mais difícil que morar no Brasil no verão.

agora, depois de jogar os dois primeiros ds, percebo que esse jogo é muito virtuoso, tudo é grande, tudo é épico, um tom que casa muito bem com o novo ritmo acelerado das coisas, porém traz uma sensação de linearidade bem forte. E como tudo é bem equilibrado, o fã das interconexões malucas do primeiro jogo nem percebe a falta delas aqui quando se tem as melhores boss fights da franquia, só tem boss foda. Recomendo demais, joguei na promoção de 100% de desconto (peguei emprestado do meu mano)

Loved the fluidity of the combat. It's abundantly clear FromSoft learned a lot from Bloodborne, applying a lot of that game's principles to the final part of the trilogy.

I really like this trilogy overall - it has some excellent ideas, some fantastic, memorable fights, and a damn moody medieval aesthetic that I'm glad took off the way it did. But with the benefit of a good few months of hindsight, they're games that didn't make me feel the way Bloodborne and Elden Ring do. Perhaps it's because I always felt held at arm's length: Bloodborne and Elden Ring has me fully invested in everything that was happening, where these three feel more... distant, vague.

The perfection of Dark Souls. One of the best boss lineups in the series, and a clear jumping off point for what Elden Ring became. While I understand some critiques with this game, such as the lacking of interconnections present in DS1, I personally didn’t find that an issue.

Just got the Platinum trophy today after playing this game for the first time in April 2022. The base game was amazing, the covenant grind not so much. Soul of Cinder was a pretty lackluster final boss for base game. I did 3 playthroughs and first timed him each time. The flow of the fight is good I just wish it was a bit harder(?) I guess. I didn't really like the DLC areas but the fights against Friede and Gael were so worth it. Next up is Sekiro

Gael, Friede, Champion Gundyr. <3

Best combat in the souls series by far, i just have a few problems with it really. 1st issue is that it feels like a cop out compared to ds2. They saw trying new things didn’t work so they pressed the fuck go back button and make ds1 again. My 2nd terrible complaint is there is too much grey. All environments color pallets feel like they got put into a blender and it just came out grey. Kind of minor tho and it is a fantastic game.

I love this game, I'm an offline player but I just want to talk to the person who decided to tie covenant items to rare enemy drops.

A far cry from the stark impression my recent replay of Dark Souls left on me, the third entry in this series promises to bring the themes of its predecessors to a close but fails to deliver on so many of these setups that I am honestly left wondering whether or not this is possibly the worst game in the entire soulsborne series. Additionally, input-reading bosses, combo heavy enemy attacks, and lightning-fast enemy stamina recovery are not inherently bad additions, but this combat system is essentially the same as the very first game in the series, which knew to pull itself back from all the "epic" action-y stuff in service of a more laidback and immersive experiential design.

Also, very disappointed in learning that Anri of Astora’s gender is programmed to be the opposite of the player’s :(

Perde para o primeiro jogo em level design, mas ganha muito nos bosses mais envolventes da franquia. Dark Souls 3 é um primor em suas batalhas, compensando com maestria alguns de seus pontos mais fracos. O destaque também se espalha para sua gameplay rápida e trilha sonora espetacular.

dovevano mettere a posto il casino fatto con ds2 e alla fine ce la fanno. però è troppo lineare come approccio rispetto al primo.

um dos jogos (por mais q eu prefira o 1)

Mecanicamente, o melhor Dark Souls, n tão revolucionário quanto o primeiro, n tão ousado quanto o segundo, mas tem o melhor final da série.

I ain't finishing this lmaoooooooo

O meu dark souls favorito da from. Certamente ele é carregado pelos fans services, e a empresa não esconde a reutilização de fatores que deram certo nos jogos antigos, entretanto isso não é um ponto negativo. Dark Souls 3 mesmo possuindo muitas características dos jogos anteriores (principalmente do 1), consegue ser único e espetacular da própria forma.

People really do over-glorify this game... The levels are ok until your consequent playthroughs. After that they become annoying. The graphics looked too washed out, and some places look absolutely horrendous (natural land formations, Archdragon Peak from afar...)

But the PvE is almost perfect, bosses included. The OST is something else entirely, and as always, Fromsoft's DLCs never disappoint... So it is still a masterpiece. I am harsh because I love them.

Perfect game. The true successor to Dark Souls 1.