Reviews from

in the past

Dark Souls but with a bit of Bloodborne's energy infused into it. Has the best bosses in the Soulsborne series but is let down by lackluster world design compared to its peers.

peak souls gameplay and boss design. compelling world and thick atmosphere. other fromsoft games might have something more unique to offer but this is like souls comfort food, can't go wrong with it.

"Oh dear brother, rise if you would. For that is our curse."

Still one of the best Souls games out there. May not be the most remarkable, but damn does it have great moments!

Me pase a Gael con música de No More Heroes de fondo.

Quizá uno de esos juegos que todos deberíamos probar. Único en su fórmula y seguramente el mejor de su trilogia, me ha enamorado de principio a fin.

No se me ocurre mejor forma de cerrar la trilogía. Sí, es cierto que se echan en falta algunas mecánicas y bebe demasiado de la primera entrega y muy poco de la segunda (que aunque sea la peor algunas cosas las hacía muy bien), pero el trasfondo es muy interesante, artísticamente es una pasada, la banda sonora es una cosa de otro mundo, el diseño de escenarios, aunque más lineal, mantiene el nivel de calidad que se espera de From Software, y la jugabilidad aprovecha y combina elementos de todas las entregas anteriores de forma excelente. Se nota que es mi favorito de la saga Souls, ¿verdad?

While still good and with some of the most fun bosses in DS it also like just has a lot less good characters and a less good areas.

With the DLC this complete package is the best Dark Souls experience.

Is the lore a bit thin in places compared to its predecessors? Yeah. Are rolls just a little too forgiving, and magic just a little too weak? Yup. Are some bosses punishing and artificially difficult endurance tests created as the product of From wholeheartedly buying into Dark Souls' misleading "hard game" marketing? Yes. But is it a fun and rewarding Souls experience despite all of that? You bet your ass!

Joguei a edição normal + DLCs. Minha história com esse jogo é complicada. Com mais de 500 horas de jogo e altos e baixos quanto a ele, é difícil avaliar justamente. Por isso darei um 9 até acertar as coisas.

Definitely my least favourite of the 4 soulsbornes I have played .. I was constantly staggered and killed if I got hit 1 time like .. let me stand up and do something

É um jogo bom, não sei bem o que aconteceu que so perdi a motivação com ele, depois de um tempo ele so n me divertia mais e eu perdi o interesse.
A culpada não foi a dificuldade ou algo assim foi so momento acho, espero um dia ter a motivação para voltar para esse game ate la é um game que infelizmente eu abandonei.

The DLC felt weak compared to the areas of the main game, but it's the best DS game. Perfects the tone.

The best boss roster in the series with only 2 hiccups, the best individual level design of any of the games, the most bare-bones PVP mechanics, and poor variety. Dark Souls 3 brings the best and worst of the series but delivers it with a bitter-sweet ending that as a fan of the series, I cannot ignore as a quality.

"Ashen one, hearest thou my voice, still?"

Damn, that was way harder than DS1, and especially harder than DS2. I think I may have some Souls fatigue, but this one didn’t do it for me as much as the first 2, and especially Bloodborne did. It’s still a very good game, as is any From Software project, I think I just need a break before I do Sekiro.

May tinker around with some of the DLC, but as soon as Cyberpunk gets here I’m starting that.

Amo esse jogo por mais q ele tenha alguns problemas de acabamento (texturas bugadas, cenários de fundo sem detalhes) o jogo continua extremamente divertido é bonito alem da incrível trilha sonora e direção de arte

I will never get tired of this game. The best Dark Souls game mechanically speaking, and the best overall imo

Ringed City foi a melhor experiência com jogos que eu já tive.

It is not as great as most other Fromsoftware games and definetely does not reach Dark Souls 1, but it is still an overall good and fun game. I just find replays not as exciting as I do with other Souls games.
But I will never forget that this is the game to get me hooked on those games in the first place and overall this is a beautiful ending and farewell to Dark Souls.

Lore e historia no han podido interesarme menos, al nivel de un juego de ubilol. Ahora, jugablemente es una masterpiece, la velocidad del combate esta en el punto perfecto, en ese aspecto me ha gustado mas que BB, ojala probar un mod con life steal similar al de BB porque para mi seria la jugabilidad perfecta en un soulsborne, aunque quizas convertiria el juego en algo demasiado facil, no se. Tiene tela bosses buenisimos y pocos memebosses, la ost es la polla. En fin, juegazo.

Best level design and atmosphere I've experienced in any 3D game (only losing to DkS2 for the latter)

El diseño de niveles no está especialmente currado con respecto a los juegos anteriores y aunque hace ilusión que haya tantas resonancias del lore de la saga (en el dos ocultas o casi inexistentes) no se logra evitar un poco de fatiga acumulada. Sin embargo todo se compensa casi por completo con las lecciones aprendidas del bloodborne que supieron incorporar y. sobre todo, con que tenga con muchísima diferencia los mejores bosses de todos los souls, y si me apuras también del bloodborne (de hecho son quizás un pelín más difíciles de lo que es razonable; me he pasado dos meses para matar a Friede, que es algo que de una manera tan exagerada no me había pasado con ningún otro souls, y solo me pasó en el dlc del bloodborne porque me lo salté sin querer y lo tuve que empezar en ng+ sin la preparación adecuada; en cualquier caso yo qué sé, se supone que pa esto jugamos a estos juegos, ¿no? Tampoco es una queja del todo).

Dark Souls III remains a fantastic entry to the series to this day, and another gem of a game from From Software. It's not a secret that it's a bit of a love letter to Dark Souls, and it enriches the first game's lore by expanding both events and characters from it, and also adding its stories to the world's mythos, most of them being at the very least intriguing. However, the main reason I really like this game is that the gameplay is just a lot of fun. It's fast and responsive, with a lot of great weapons to try and cool mechanics around each weapon. In addition, the game's bosses are probably the best possible lineup for such a game, cutting down on the puzzle bosses for more epic 1v1. I think bosses like Pontiff Sulyvahn, Champion Gundyr or Nameless King are the pinnacle of them in the main game, unique, fun and challenging fights. Level design is the one thing I felt it was a bit more lacking compared to DS1, as everything feels straightforward compared to 1's interconnected world, but despite a weak first third, there are a lot of good areas later, I personally loved the look of Irythyll or Lothric and its Grand Archives.

I also went through the DLC while at it, and I definitely would recommend it. Ashes of Ariandel features probably my favorite area in the game, and despite its gorgeous looks, it's quite challenging. The boss fights are also very good, with a lot of build up, very reminiscent of Bloodborne. Ringed City is full of surprises that make it quite the endeavor to go through it, but the reward is a couple of the most epic boss fights in the game. Slave Knight Gael, which also has very neat music, is really one of my favorite bosses. Despite their challenge, both of them are fun and have a lot of content to go through.

In conclusion, DS III is an excellent game that improves upon the formula of these games and features some of the most thrilling bosses out there. Can't recommend it enough to fans of action RPGs.

It's very good but I think I just put too much of myself in Dark Souls 1 and 2. I respect that we have another excellent entry that definitely adds some polish... but I think I've given all I can to these games.

I think it's time to share my point of view of this game and pause it for a bit.

I had my first contact with the souls series on YouTube, with random videos popping out on my recommended page, and I decided to buy the trilogy, embarking on a new video game genre.

Dark Souls 3 brings an end to the trilogy in a dramatic and existential way, with a difficult and emotional path. This game is quite packed with well-detailed locations and a good diversity of enemies, as well as interesting bosses very up to the challenge.

Story-wise, the way Dark Souls 3 tells the story is like all the other souls-like game from FromSoftware: through NPC dialogue and item description. That is a very very interesting way to tell the story, as well to explain some lore.

The gameplay is quite simple, but very rhythmic and focused on timing. Attention to movements, the character build used, patience and acceptance of failure is extremely important to progress and not be stuck forever. In my case, I find myself stuck and I accept that.

I encourage everyone to try this out. Fear not. We all know all soul games are considered impossible, too big and all over the place. It's a bit like that, but the learning curve in Dark Souls 3 is immensely well designed, with a small tutorial at the beginning and an appropriate gradual difficulty climb.

I feel like it's time to put Dark Souls 3, as well as the first Dark Souls, on the shelf and give the trilogy a healthy break. Let's not talk about Dark Souls 2. Elden Ring, I'm ready.

Oh what a time I had playing through the Dark Souls series.

Now that I've done it, I wish that I could play them all again for the first time.

What a way to cap off the trilogy.

Playing this did kinda make me wish that Dark Souls 1 had great bosses the whole way through, or that Dark Souls 3 had a more interconnected world. But even if my "perfect" Dark Souls game is never made, the series has some of the highest heights in video games.