Reviews from

in the past

Anti-fascist game of the millenia.

Masterpiece of a game, truly. Deserves to have been ported as much as it did.

What it lacks in particularly clean controls it makes up for in cool music and a sort of inherently satisfying gameplay loop. The cutscenes are also fun.

de Blob was not my favorite game, it was fun and all but being a completionist the time trials were a struggle. The game is alot of fun fighting the enemies and coloring the world. It's a classic style game from the 2000s. I remember seeing the trailers as a kid and wanting to play it back then, well 13 years later and here we go I finally got around to it.


Best anarchist simulator including killing the forces of order and vandalizing public property

Zac from league of legends

I dunno why i got this, I think I saw a commercial one time and my 6 year old brain loved it

Top tier childhood game that still holds up, amazing ost, fun mechanics, great art direction, mm i love it so much

The best most relaxing fun replayable game in the history of ever

Not as polished as its sequel but still as stylish and fun in its own way. That’s my guy!!!! That’s my friend Blob!!!!!!!

(Review from 2020) It’s been a long time since I first heard of this game, but I finally got to play it. I’m into it! My only gripe is the tracker for things done in each stage is very poor, but otherwise it’s quite entertaining :)

i can't believe splatoon ripped this game off

Mi putísima infancia, jugar a este juego me da la nostalgia y el síndrome de Stendhal al mismo tiempo

The most satisfying painting game with perfect music to go with it.

Shame I playrd this on the Wii, waggle waggle I fucking guess

Rented the Wii version from the local library back in the day. I don't remember how far we made it, but even after we got our own copy of the game, we did not manage to finish it. de Blob is a creative 3D platformer, but I will not be returning to this title.

I have very mixed feelings about this game. It's a fairly unique concept of Mario 64 meets Katamari. You need to platform around to paint enough of the level and earn enough points to unlock the stage exit before time runs out. Along the way, there are several missions scattered around the stage which range from bashing enemies, to painting specific buildings specific colors, to foot(?) races. On one hand, the style, level design, and presentation are all top notch. On the other hand, the controls kinda make you wanna die, but only kinda.

First up, my biggest (and really only) complaint: The goddamn controls. In the lovely THQ fashion of running with a gimmick so hard that it is a serious detriment to the game, cough Udraw tablet cough de Blob really feels like an earlier Wii game. This is exemplified entirely by the fact that jump is NOT a button, no dear reader, it is SWINGING THE WIIMOTE UP. Let me repeat: IN A 3D PLATFORMER, JUMP IS NOT A BUTTON. Why couldn't it be A? Well, that's your compass button. Why not any of the D-pad buttons for the compass and let A be jump? Well, those are already occupied with precision camera controls on Right and Left, and a first person view by holding the Down arrow. The Up arrow, oh, that's right, that does JACK SHIT.

I'm giving the developers the benefit of the doubt, since they seem very competant, that THQ higher-ups forced them to incorporate motion controls, so the view-button was changed from Up to Down, compass changed from Down to A, and jump from A to swinging. For the record, B is your breaking maneuver (you zoom towards the ground and lose basically all momentum: useful for stopping in the air), C repositions the camera behind you, and Z targets things in a Zelda style, so you can smash them in a Sonic Adventure Homing-bash style. All of those things work just fine (or as well as they possibly could, in the case of the homing smash).

Now, as my rant hopefully gets across, this is an annoying mechanic, but is it game breaking? The answer, thank goodness, is no. Being that the prime objective is painting the level to earn points, hyper precision platforming isn't usually necessary. It can make wall-jumping a pain, but you almost never need to do them unless you're doing the challenge stages (which are really good fun, actually, in a welcome change for challenge stages) or going for very out of the way collectibles in the normal stages. The game just isn't that hard, and that's to its benefit. The clock is SUPER generous, especially if you kill enemy packs and do missions, both of which get you loads of extra time, and just the way damage works on enemies, it's pretty tough to die, and you get plenty of lives and forgiving checkpoints for even if you do. This lets you concentrate far more on having fun by jumping around, painting all the things, collecting all the things, and generally derping around.

The presentation is also very good. The story is very wacky and light hearted, and actually quite genuinely gave me good belly laughs once or twice. A colorful, happy world of Raydians is invaded by the evil Inkies, who force them and their world to all become horrible and monochrome like them, and use their world for Ink production (which is truly quite horrifying occasionally, somewhat reminiscent of the Shroobs from Mario & Luigi Partners in Time). A small rebellion exist, but they're no match for the might of the Inky empire, that is, until you, DE BLOB show up! There's not that much story, but what there is is told in cutscenes before each level. My favorite character by far has to be Comrade Black, the leader of the Inkies. He's sort of a wonderfully silly dictator (almost definitely a Hitler parody, despite his title of Comrade), and it's just so funny watching him try and keep his cool when dealing with the incompetance of his subordinates. De Blob himself comes in at a close second, as he has a very snarky, Rayman-ish disposition that makes his pre-level vigniettes very silly, more often than not, just making the Inky soldiers look like fools.

The level design is also soooo fun. Each level is gated off into sections that you unlock by getting enough points, and they all make up one large city district in each of the 10 or so stages (each of which take about an hour or less). Every section is just so fun to enter, though! You go through the previous section, exploring and completing missions and painting everything to look pretty, and then you find a new one full of blank, boring buildings and full of nasty ink, all to purify again! The locations are very varied as well, and even though your tasks are usually similar, the mission variety and level layouts are varied enough that it never gets boring. There're also a ton of music tracks, which while not all exactly "put on your iPod"-worthy, are all hopping and jumping and even get faster and happier as you paint more of the level without taking hits.

Verdict: Recommended. It's not the best platformer on Wii, but it's probably one of the best 3rd party ones on Wii. It's a colorful, fun time, and while it did occasionally make me rage when I messed up a jump a few times (those challenge levels caused much rage), It was always so satisfying to be done. It's like $3 anyway, so it's definitely at least worth a try if you see it somewhere.

cool idea and loved it as a kid but after playing it again it is just kind of bland

Got this game when I was a kid cause i don't know, and then quickly realized it was boring as shit

Funny guy who paints a town. What else could I ask for

This review contains spoilers

- Basic gameplay, likely only on my radar due to the fact I played it as a kid
- Pretty tedious levels and annoying to have to replay if missing any 100% statistics
- Not much more to say, last level was quite fun but not all other levels felt a lot the same

Geleias gays e bissexuais contra um regime fascista

Esse jogo aqui é um pé na bunda de quem reclama de lacração no mundo dos games, um jogo puramente de diversão com uma história simples PORÉM muito boa quando você entende tudo o que ela quer dizer

A gente joga com Blob, uma geleia bissexual que junto de seus amigos arma um movimento revolucionário contra um exercito de fascistas que dominaram o mundo, e a gente vai salvando cada partezinha da terra com aquilo que há de melhor do ser humano, com a arte.

O poder da arte nesse jogo é poderoso, no começo de cada fase tudo é muito seco sem graça e pálido, mas conforme vamos pintando cada rua cada esquina cada prédio, o saxofone começa a cantar e a guitarra aparece gentilmente fazendo um agrado na harmonia de jazz que vai se solidando ao decorrer do quanto pintamos a fase, o que eu achei sinceramente MÁGICO cheguei até a me emocionar com algumas músicas 😔

O controle também é PERFEITO e não erra um segundo, impressionante. Claro que nem tudo são flores, achei as fases um tanto grande demais se fossem mais curtinhas seria bem melhor

(e sobre a sexualidade das geleias, é só headcannon pessoal só brincadeirinha)

been rewatching lots of community recently w my boyfriend who never watched it lmao. grew up watching that shit and rlly loving it and then became an adult and was like hold on that show kind of sucked and dan harmon is a weird fucking dude. but id be lying if this rewatch wasn’t rlly like rewarding?? like it’s still def smth that thinks it smarter than it is and hit me at a time in my life where I thought I was smarter than I was but it’s also like frequently rlly funny and weird in how it tackles genre but still feels ultimately like the same show it started out as/fits into the mold of corporate nbc comedies. kind of sucks a lot of the time kind of incredibly sexist and showcases more of harmon’s weird and problematic writing than rick and morty ever does but also i think donald glover and gillian jacobs are so unbelievably talented. idk been thinking of this game a lot bc abed wears multiple de blob shirts in the third(?) season which is rlly funny and kind of places that series perfectly in the early 2010s, costume design in the show kind of goes hard. played one of these de blob games on my ds while camping in my family’s backyard as a child, also played whatever tony hawk game had a motion sensing cart you put in the gba slot, was very cool. i rlly love the 00s

If the levels were shorter and more varied it could be good

Such a great little game. Seriously, one of the greatest Wii games and it costs ~$5 secondhand. There's no reason to NOT give this a shot. The soundtrack is incredible, it's all around such a good time and really made my summer of '22.