Reviews from

in the past

[Official Score is VOID/10, Backloggd score is not my official stance] A wonderfully charming platformer full of life, with some somewhat clunky camera controls

I remember not being able to sleep at night, so i turned the telly on and saw the nighttime adverts for this on Jetix.

de Blob is a fun little game that relies on a not-particularly-technical core mechanic, but is bright and bubbly enough to suck you into its groove. Painting the city is satisfying, and the OST is energetic and infectiously upbeat.

Really good game, I loved this growing up.

This game is truly a hidden gem. I never hear people talking about it online but its a really unique platformer with a lot of style.

De Blob is a silent protagonist with an attitude. He’s simple, yet relatable. In a way he’s a lot like 90’s sonic.

The theme of colour and fun breaking through and defeating the sadness and mundane is cute. The cutscenes between the levels are a good touch to motivate the player to free the residents of a life of depression and bring colour to their lives.

But this game lacks in some important aspects. Movement in the air is clunky and since its a platformer this flaw cannot be overlooked. Some levels drag on. Short, focused leves would work way better Than sandboxes that can take a good while to finish.

This franchise never really took off and thats a shame, with just a little bit of extra love it could have been something great. This game has been rereleased on other consoles but without reworking the flaws it’s an outdated game. Without serious fixes and markett, I cant see it becoming a hit.

Such a neat idea but gets really really way too long. Music is top notch.

why didn't they just fight him with paint thinner?

Gets a bit tedious after long enough, but was a rather fun time with a unique concept.

What I thought this game was about looking at the cover: cheeky blob gets into all sorts of wAaAaCkY mischief!

What it's really about: Underground group overthrow fascist government and gentrification.

Too bad the game gets kinda exhausting the longer it goes on.

I got this game at the same time as I bought Okami. You can imagine which game I thought was better.

loosely splatoon before splatoon if splatoon had an active uprising plot

The political undertones of this game go pretty deep if you're willing to get into it. The DeBlob type game genre is pretty interesting

The soundtrack is amazing and the whole concept is really fun and cute, it does get repetitive after some time though.

This is a very stupid game that got weirdly frustrating at the end but overall cant complain

So much hype surrounding this game back when it came out. This was going to be the next big thing. I slid right off it after an hour of playing and never came back.

I'm not convinced by the "color the world with fun~!" snake oil De Blob is selling me!!! You can paint this totally depersonalized metropolitan hellscape with as many garish colors as u want and it will still be a PANOPTIC BIOME OF CORPORATE SUBMISSION AND CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!! De Blob as the neoliberal compromise candidate in contrast 2 Jet Set Radio's radical reclamation of the urban landscape as a communal artspace 4 anticarceral revolt!!!!!!!!!!! more like de COP!!!! go open a frozen yogurt store in a disenfranchised community u slimy gentrifying FREAK!

fantastic music, great art and great presentation just simply cannot save awful pacing and repetitive gameplay loops.

i dropped it when i realized i was taking up to an hour per every main level and still not getting 100% on them.

Cool concept, a bit too tedious to be really fun.

This is one of my favourite kinds of games, where you go round bringing life to the world and you see the change you're making. Just like Katamari Damacy, all this needs is a big sprawling open-world for me to be absolutely hooked.

Often times too tedious for its own good, but De Blob excels for me in it's unabashed loyalty to itself. This is absolutely only a goofy platformer about being a little paint boy and it's kinda fun

doutrinação de esquerda!!!!!!!

Reject Capitalism. Eat the Rich. Embrace Socialism. This games soundtrack is also a fucking bop.

This should have been my kinda shit. I love games about restoring life/colour to place, but it's far too repetitive to go on for any serious length of time. My brain is wired in a way that I have to wrestle with it to stop myself scraping every inch of a level to get 100%. This thing exacerbates that to the max, basically turning it into work. No thank you.

de pequeño no me gustaba este juego porque me resultaba "demasiado facil" pero que sabia emerald de pequeño? acaso emerald de pequeño habia jugado a algun videojuego? no! solo jugaba al smash brawl al super meat boy y a la aplicacion del horoscopo de la wii. ni puta idea de videojuegos!

UPDATE 03/12/2022: Ahora que me lo he pasado veo que el problema no es que sea muy fácil, es que cada nivel dura una hora. Por qué.

This game is ridiculously creative in its concept. Its story isn't special, but is serviceable and quite charming. The music is absolutely amazing. And to top it all off, I got this vibe from the game's graphical style that reminded me of 3D Canadian cartoons from the early 2010's that I'd catch an episode of here and there. I don't know how to really explain it, but it was a very uncanny feeling and really made me happy.

However, the gameplay is novel but uninteresting, and the game turns into a slog quickly. This game's levels are pretty long normally doing the bare minimum, taking at least 20-30 minutes. That's not a problem in and of itself. I've played games with levels that are longer and loved them. However, the length of these levels are exacerbated by a slow movement speed, long, segmented level design, and the amount of stuff to do.

The speed of Blob speaks for itself. The guy moves really slow, and his jumps are floaty and deceptively low. It makes movement kind of a chore and artificially lengthens stages. The segmented level design makes levels feel stretched out when they could honestly be more compact.

Then there's the amount of stuff to do. The goal of each level is to amass points to get through gates to beat a level under a time limit. When boiled down to that, it sounds a lot like Katamari. However, Katamari was much more streamlined. You roll up small stuff to roll up big stuff. It's really simple. In de Blob, you have to paint a level, but also liberate Graydians, beat enemies, paint certain sections of the map, and the biggest offender, the side quests. There's 4 kinds: ones where you race to a spot, ones where you beat up enemies, ones where you restore landmarks, and my least favorite ones, the ones where you paint specific buildings certain colors. The side quests are ridiculously repetitive and stages have dozens of them. Most of this is pointless though, as point requirements are very low and time is very lenient, so lots of stuff can be avoided, but it might not due to the relative ease of everything. Its gameplay loop becomes a fluffed up and needlessly complicated Katamari that ironically had some color and soul sapped from it.

It's a shame the game's levels made me quit, because the rest of the game's amazing imo and left a smile on my face. However, this game saps me every time I try to play it nowadays, so I just can't beat it.

de Blob looked so cool as a kid, and I can happily say the concept still holds up in terms of its coolness factor, just romping around these worlds stripped of color and restoring life around you. The visuals looked stunning back then and even by today's standards I'd say they look pretty good, and the soundtrack is definitely a bop. Unfortunately, the gameplay is more or less a collectathon taken to an abnormal extreme; there's so much you need to color, plenty of collectibles to grab, and a lot of side missions that all feel the same (color all these buildings a certain color, go through all these checkpoints in the time limit, splat some enemies, etc). Also, the levels take forever to complete; each level can take a solid 20-30 minutes if you're trying to color everything, collect everything, and finish all the side missions, and that's not even including the end-game replays where you'll need to complete similar objectives just with slightly different constraints. I wish I could say the movement was more satisfying too, but unfortunately Blob just kind of squishes around at a moderate speed with a floaty but not always satisfying or useful jump; it's definitely kind of difficult chaining together successful wall jumps across buildings without losing too much height, and jumping onto the tops of buildings isn't perfect since Blob tends to just stick to the walls of the buildings instead of ascending the building. It's always a little sad to see that some games don't hold up too well to modern scrutiny, and I don't have the patience to go through the pretty tedious levels right now when there are a lot of other classics from the 2000s I want to get to. That said, from the little that I've played of de Blob 2, it does appear to greatly improve in its level design, and I am looking forward to giving that another shot sooner than later.