Reviews from

in the past

Door Kickers is a solid xcom-esque top down strategy game. It's surprisingly deep and a lot of fun. Better on a PC, Tablet or Switch than it is on a cellphone, but still good on the go.

For a port of a mobile game, this was actually really fun to play and optimise. Its a top down system where you uncover the fog of war by moving your swat team about and giving them instructions.

Flash your way into rooms, breach and clear or just have a shootout. You can draw out a complete action plan and watch it unfold which makes the game feel like a series of complex puzzles to solve with an intuitive set of controls.

Its simplicity in execution but relatively complex situations is what keeps it playable and easy to understand whilst challenging and fun. It even has coop for a bit of online chaos with a friend. Trying to come up with a one-plan run is chaotic enough but is the core loop that will keep you playing.

Maybe not worth the lofty prices that it regularly sells for, but < £5 there is more than enough content to be worth the price.

P.S possibly more of a steam deck or little secondary game than your primary game.

A really cool proof of concept, and the basic gameplay loop is thoroughly enjoyable.

However, the difficulty and progression ultimately made me quit prematurely. The game is brutal, and honestly, that's alright. But the problem is, the progression system compounds to that difficulty unnecessarily. In this game, the progression is universal, meaning that skirmishes and campaigns share the progression. There are three types of progression, the squad level, the roster stars (currency) and doctrine points (skill tree). You obtain all of these from doing skirmishes, randomly generated maps and campaigns to level up your squad level. The problem is that too many features are locked behind these universal progressions--you don't have access to shotguns until squad level 12, you don't have access to assault rifles until you use the roster stars, and your squad doesn't have their full potential unlocked until you have enough points invested in the skill tree. This means that early game is frustratingly hard for no reason at all. Imagine Starcraft, but until you hit certain rank, you can't pick Protoss or you can't produce Ghosts as Terran until you unlock them in the main menu with a currency you have to grind by playing the game.

There is no overarching tutorial system that goes over and naturally unlock these either (you can't even play campaign until you are squad level 6), meaning that early game is just you doing random skirmishes with no real guidance whatsoever. And when you do unlock the campaign, sometimes you just don't have the right equipment unlocked to beat the map optimally (i.e. you don't have access to proper stealth option at the beginning). The squadmates are also perma-death in the campaign (each squad member also have light progression system where they get promotions and their stats grow), but not in the skirmish, which again creates a weird discrepancy. This feels like an unnecessary padding, and a poor way to guide to newcomers to the game.

There is also problem of covers being extremely simplified; you can't lean from the walls, and for some reason, a hood of a car is considered a full cover so you can't attack from it either. The pathing control is sometimes a bit janky as well, though it wasn't too much of a concern/could've been my own fault. Then there is a minor gripe of the guns themselves not being customizable through gunsmith, which isn't a downside, but would've added an interesting depth.

Then again, the core gameplay loop is very much solid, and the concept is good enough that I will most likely try the sequel, which seems to be more improved and accessible than the original.

Yo no soy como "miroe250", a mi este juego no me parece meh. Es un buen juego.

Sabes el juego en primera persona de swats realista? Pues es como eso, pero en vista cenital. Ademas, todo tiene que ser planteado de antemano, lo cual hace que solo aquellos con un alto mantenimiento de memoria puedan disfrutalo con certeza.

O jogo é legal, embora os controles sejam bem irritantes. Fora q é o mais parecido q vi de "Ready or Not" pra celular tanto nas diferentes classes quanto nos equipamentos de cada personagem ( cameras pra ver por baixo da porta, escudo, marreta pra arrombar as portas ).

>> Prós
• MISSÕES : Só por ter várias diferentes e uma opção de gerar aleatóriamente já é um ponto positivo.
• CAMPANHA : Não joguei mt ainda mas o modo campanha tbm é legal.
• PERSONALIZAÇÃO : O sistema de personalizar é legal, fora q comprar um item pra um personagem libera pra tdos ent é um ponto positivo tbm.
• CLASSES : bom q dá pra colocar 5 tipos de classes diferentes nos personagens, bem parecido com "Ready or Not".

>> Contras
• CONTROLES : Por ser point click é complicado de cuidar quando se tem vários personagens no mapa. As vezes vc nem se toca e esquece q tem aliado no outro lado do mapa pra controlar.

no es el tipo de juego para mi, supongo que para un yonki de la estrategia y de la policia le gustara pero para mi un poco sin mas

A planning focused real time with pause tactical game that has you managing a SWAT team in what can feel like a top down Rainbow Six but with a much better tool to create and alter plans. You will draw out paths for each character, choose facing directions, when and how to use gadgets like flash grenades or tools to breach into rooms and those plans can be easily altered on the fly once the game begins or with you taking more direct control of one person at a time as you handle their movement and facing (though things like shooting will still be done based on that particular characters weapon, abilities, and different statistics. As you play you unlock more equipment and weapon options as well as class options that give your playstyle more variety. Despite the focus on planning and choosing character facing, your units do react well enough to obvious threats by themselves where they won't just ignore being shot or shot at because you didn't orient them another few degrees to the left or right. The only real negative I had back when I played it was an inability to que up commands when dealing with doors and that despite it being a PC game some design choices that gave it more of a look like it was meant for a phone.

There is already a wide variety of developer made maps to make the amount of content well worth a purchase but you can find player made content as well.

Enjoyed it more than the Rainbow 6 games it drew inspiration from.

A deceptively deep tach strategy shooter. Great game