Reviews from

in the past

Dust é o começo do fim da cultura de jogos/animações em flash, os designs, a vibe, tudo nesse jogo cheira a essa cultura digital do início dos anos 2000, por conta de toda essa estética esse jogo criou uma mística na minha cabeça, por muito MUITO tempo eu achava q ele tinha alguma coisa haver com o jogo de flash que eu jogava quando pequeno "Armadillo Knight" até eu redescobrir o nome do Armadillo Knight e pqp n tem nada haver. Depois de anos simplesmente especulando como seria esse jogo eu finalmente joguei ele e é, ele é um jogo.

Order of Ecclesia, esse jogo tenta muito ser Order of Ecclesia, ele não é Order of Ecclesia, o combate do jogo e a história carrega esse jogo nas costas, fora isso ele é um metroidvania claramente baseado nos Castles de DS bem competente, mas só isso, o combate é excelente, a exploração seria boa se as recompensas que tu recebe por explorar é tipo nada e a história é bem divertida, mas é, é meio q só isso q consigo falar ASKFOPAKSFA

Didn't enjoy this at all. I don't know, there's definitely nothing wrong with the game itself but it was a huge struggle for me to beat this.

I enjoyed it, a lot of fun mechanics and some deviantart grade furry artwork/characters with edgelord main character and mewtwo. I would count it among awful taste but great execution, as it feels very good to play.

Dust is simply charming! Metroidvania action with a beautiful artstyle and very fun mobility! Enjoyed it so much and the mechanics and abilities are very fun to use!

Não fede nem cheira pra mim, só não me diverte, então dropei, talvez, um dia eu volte pra zerar, mas é pouco provável, bem pouco mesmo.

Really fun fighting and exploration, easy and quick game with a great story and excellent sidekick.

What a beautiful platformer with a really good story. It's kind of a hidden gem and a really great platformer. Beautiful graphics, great background music, great game in general.

It's alright, but didn't really scratch an itch for me.

For a game made by primarily one person, this is very well done and polished. It crashed sometimes in the end game, but my PS4 has been acting up, so maybe it's not the game's fault. The game is heavily combat focused, but since there are basically 2 attack buttons, it's more flashy than varied. Nevertheless, a fun experience. Funny enough, I felt the deviant art style to be furry christian and wasn't surprised finding out the dev is devout.

If you can get past the possible fears of being called a furry for playing a game stylized like some classic animated films like An American Tail, than you're in for a good time. Story is pretty decent, gameplay is smooth, and there's enough content here to keep most people busy for a good bit. However, once you complete everything in a playthrough, there's no real need to go back and play the game again, unless you're going for every single achievement.

Un buen metroidvania, que peca un poco de sencillo.

Gameplay is great with a fairly good OST. The dialogue between the three main characters is done quite well. I also have memorized some random lines from this game for no reason. It's been ages since I played it

Stylizace světa i postav do „Disney bez Disneyho/Usagi bez Usagiho“ vytváří dojem lošťomiloušké neškodné hopsačky. Což je podporováno i ukecanými dialogy, kdy všichni žvatlají a žvatlají, ale nikdo nic nesděluje a navíc ještě umocněno dětinským humorem. A přesto je to dobrá hra, která není pro nejmenší. Vše je tu tak nějak „aby se neřeklo“. Metroidvania koncept je přítomen, ale jen lehce. RPG prvky jsou přítomny, ale jen lehce. Nepovinné questy jsou přítomny, ale jen lehce. A tak je to tu se vším. Ovšem vše to funguje jak má. Základem je soubojový systém, který je lehký na zvládnutí a dostatečně zábavný, aby se nepřejedl. A vše ostatní to již jen chutně dochucuje. Jako oddechovka „sednu, vypnu mozek, zaskáču, posekám“ je to ideální; škoda, že tak krátké.

adventure action rpg with metroidvania elements and some really fun movement. The art is very early 2000's edgelord furry art (not necessarily a bad thing, I just know it's not for everyone) but the game being hand animated is still impressive and looks great at points. The difficulty is also a little inconsistent and the character design quality drops noticeably with some npcs. Still a fun time overall!

Juego de furros con muchas referencias, ta bueno

Don't remember almost anything from it.
Never managed to end it.
I just remember I had good times with it.

A mite too long, but beautiful and charming all the same.

very short and sweet sidescroller metroidvania-ish type deal. very pretty artwork, story is nice. i like the characters and world even if i think it's not incredibly mind blowing or anything. it's good and its cheap.

A very fun platformer that I got on sale because it piqued my interest, and I was very pleasantly surprised by the animated cutscenes and charming artstyle that reminded me of those deviantart furry comics. The story is interesting enough to follow and I was really compelled to try and 100% it, but I never managed to get all the achievements before the frustration with the combo achievement got the better of me.

No me gusto mucho, las mecánicas de combate son muy buenas pero no hay mucha progresión en ello mas allá de las habilidades de fidget. Tampoco ayuda que el juego se vuelve mas repetitivo con pocos jefes y misiones secundarias reguleras. Eso si, tiene un diseño visual espectacular aunque no soy tan fan del diseño de los personajes ya que no son de mi gusto. Lo recomiendo a bajo precio y para la switch.

a slough to get through. gameplay was okay, everything else was a chore to play. did not like this one

What I thought would be a funny furry game ended up being a very fun platformer with a surprisingly good story. Nothing groundbreaking but I enjoyed it.

De chico me encantó. Me parece bastante divertido y con algunas escenas guays.

Bom metroidvania com estilo visual fenomenal

Cadê essa direita que eu não tô vendo supervisor???

Fast-paced combat is satisfying.

metroidvania but good.. any oogers?????????