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in the past

Resulta que Enslaved: Odyssey to the West es un reflejo de otra época; unos tiempos en los que todavía se apostaba por grandes producciones originales y hasta cierto punto arriesgadas.

No es perfecto, pues el sistema de combate está muy limitado y no funciona como debería en las dificultades más altas y la cámara hace de las suyas de vez en cuando, pero la experiencia general es muy buena, con estampas de un viaje larguísimo que nos llevamos para el recuerdo.

andy serkis plays a weird version of sun wukong in this game based loosely on journey to the west. despite being written by alex garland, the story is kinda ok at best. the gameplay is climbing and fighting the same enemies again and again. its a brainless endeavor that becomes mushy after a while but it was the perfect mush for me to play while i lie in bed really sick

Between a story that undermines its character development through its central narrative. A world that doesn't truly ever capitalize on its inspirations. And Gameplay that is little more than spectacle I can't find many reasons to look on this game with a positive light. I truly believe that its epilogue is probably the only reason people remember this game so fondly.

It's not the worst game ever but you've played better titles similar to this before. Because of that I recommend you skip this.

Originally played this on PS3 years ago but didn’t finish. Got round to finally finishing it on Steam Deck (Which it runs really well on). Always thought that the environment in the game was gorgeous and to be fair to it i still does. I love the overgrown abandoned aesthetic it has going on, and graphically it still holds up well. Gameplay was fun, but as the game went on i kind of felt myself wanting it to hurry up and finish. The whole “Climb up poles and parkour your way around until a mech ambushes you” got a bit old to me, and i felt like i was chugging through. The game suffered from some pretty bad glitches too, with Trip deciding to jump as far off the map as she possibly could, resulting in me having to restart whole chapters and hope it wouldn’t happen again.
Now i don’t know if i missed some context somewhere, but the ending felt like it was completely random to me? I’ve got to have missed something because i was so confused.
Game was solid when i first played it, but finally getting to finish it, i’ve decided it was just okay.

Brian Cage stole Monkey's whole flow

Me gusto mucho estoy biased raro

Enslaved is a lot of mediocre with a touch of excellence. The excellence mostly being the art direction and actor performances. It's a very pretty apocalypse that looks pretty good even 10 years later. And I know it might be contentious, but I love Ninja Theory's willingness to use FMV. The story is not particularly novel and includes some baffling moments with an anticlimactic ending that I don't find any artistic merit in. It's strong enough to give you a small tug to wonder what will happen next, but it will not leave you with many thoughts besides like "Why?" for certain moments. The experience of playing the game is mostly swapping between alright character action combat and a variety of different kinds of segments that all boil down to the game telling you exactly what to do. There's nothing particularly wrong or outstanding about the combat on the whole besides how much the camera can wobble around while bashing enemies. The game gives you no time to try to solve any puzzles on your own. Characters are constantly telling you how exactly to get through any bit of exploratory adversity and you will rarely miss any climbing footholds because instead of designing the terrain to be readable they simply made every bit of them shine. The only things that aren't explicitly telegraphed are the collectible tech orbs, which I feel detract from the game's stronger points. Trip is yelling at me, saying we need to go before the mechs catch us and here I am, like a jerk, scrounging for non-descript science balls. I've ragged on it a lot, but it's not a terrible time.

Очередной «недооцененный шедевр», который на деле просто «не шедевр».

История — нормальная. Ну то есть постапокалипсис, диалоги нормально написаны, а в конце выясняется, что в рабство людей сгоняет ИИ, на основе воспоминаний рандомного чувака с внешностью Энди Сёркиса, рисует им светлое настоящее. Но исключительно виртуально. Поэтому мы всё это вырубаем и куча народу погружается во тьму титров, вместо счастливого стояния на месте. Вот такая вот борьба с матрицей.

Жаль только что на вопросы почему вообще началась война? Кто построил ИИ? Почему он решил, что сгонять выживших в матрицу полезнее, чем восстанавливать цивилизацию? — ответов не будет. А кроме этого в игре есть только отношения Трип и Манки (стандартное «мы вынуждены сотрудничать, но со временем подружимся»), и комичный персонаж Пигси. И он, сука, не смешной, а раздражающий и мерзкий. «Трип, ты только что потеряла отца, который был моим старым другом, но так выросла и стала такой горячей... замутить не хочешь?» — блять, какие эмоции у меня должно это вызвать?! Смех?!

И самая большая проблема в том, что это игра. Потому что играть очень скучно.
По большому счёту игровой процесс состоит из драк и платформинга. Драки — простой слэшер: блок, уворот, слабый и сильный удары. Никаких новых комбинаций ударов по ходу игры не дают — как дрался в начале, так и будешь драться в конце. Прокачка из серии «чтоб была». Увеличение здоровья, щитов и урона от выстрелов из посоха. И всё. Какая-то программа минимум, которая не цепляет совершенно. Вначале драки ещё разбавляются недостелсом: прячемся за стенами, приказываем Трип отвлекать турели, чтобы успеть забежать турелям в тыл. В остальное время система взаимодействия это приказы в духе «вот тут меня подкинь» и «вот тут дёрни рычаг».

Платформинг в игре настолько беззубый, что я такого никогда прежде и не видел. Маршрут всегда один единственный, при этом цепляться можно только в определенных местах, которые ещё и мерцают. И упасть с края нельзя. Почему всё сделано настолько для тупых?

Спасает всю эту геймплейную дрисню только то, что игра проходится максимум за 8 часов. Но терпеть такую скукоту даже 8 часов, ради неплохих актёров (в роли Манки — Сёркис) и приличных диалогов — я бы не рекомендовал.

P. S. А, игра яркая! Для 2010-года, а это время поколения «коричневых игр», такое очень даже тянет на плюс.

Despite all the issues, this is a pretty good game.

Que aventura.

No es ninguna maravilla, tiene demasiados defectos y el tiempo le pasó en cima feisimo (no por nada es conocido como Unreal Engine: El Videojuego) pero su dirección artística tan interesante y personajes la hacen una obra notable.

Si aguantas un ritmo, raro; mecánicas de combate no muy eficientes y gráficos algo feitos a cambio de una historia y personajes bastante bien definidos, entrale. Al menos comigo, conectó perfectamente.

Awesome game but I've been stuck at one part for a few years so I haven't finished it. Can be very punishing on players which is another reason I quit atm.

esse jogo é uma joia perdida, maravilhoso

Mochte die Charaktere (außer Pigsy) und die Musik. Gameplay war allerdings herzlichst langweilig, unausbalanciert und buggy af.
Die Story war außerdem vor allem gegen Ende hin ziemlich verwirrend und hatte größere Sprünge drauf als Monkey.
Grafisch waren die Face Animations schon ganz nice für die damalige Zeit. Die Kamera ist ein Huso.

I really like the visuals & animations, but I just get extremely bored with games that tell me what to do, at every step of the way... "Going through the motions" is what playing games like this feels like. No freedom, no thinking. I finished it, because it is a beautiful & well made game, but it was pretty damned boring... Felt a little like I was wasting my time.

Jump here, climb up here, jump here, jump here, climb down here, jump there.

Mais uma daquelas pérolas da geração PS3/360 que foram esquecidas.

O jogo começa meio morno, mas me capturou pela história. Uma experiência que não se estende o suficiente para se tornar cansativa de alguma forma.

História legal, bons personagens, gameplay divertida e final surpreendente!

Mais aventura que ação... do jeito que o pai gosta!

I had higher hopes for this game I'm ngl. I heard it was a hidden gem so I grabbed it for cheap, and while I did generally enjoy it, some of the mechanics were pretty maddening. The story especially seemed incredibly paper thin to me, with a not very satisfying ending.

Really great game. Good story. Harder difficulties are way too hard.

It's a pretty good dame with some TLOU and Horizon vibes. I like all the parkour stuff. Fighting is pretty repetitive but not horrible. What really bothers me is clunky controls and awful camera. You have to beat the game and beat incovenient camera angles on top of that. Probably I should've chosen "Normal" instead of "Hard" to keep my mental stability safe. It's 3.5/5 from me.

"Luces y sombras". Un título bastante bueno en algunos apartados, como la historia donde al final, el juego te enseña la moraleja ¿de qué prefieres el avance de hoy en día o el pasado? Pero suele decaer en otros aspectos, como por ejemplo: la cámara va a su bola y el desarrollo de algunas zonas es muy monótono. Aún así, es un título en el que me he divertido.

an good although janky 2010 gem, good writing and compelling characters supported by an fabulous voice-cast with Andy Serkis standing out as the lead and great technical prowess for it's time in terms of facial animation.

the gameplay is decent and does it's job done although it does lack some polish in most of the fronts is going for, the combat is simplistic and somewhat clumsy when surrounded by multiple enemies not to mention the camera messing up whenever Monkey hits an enemy but even with those problems the combat surprisingly kept me engaged whenever I was hitting and killing enemies thanks to the good sound-effects and visual effects, platforming takes on the automated route first introduced in Uncharted who has been a hit during that time and it is enjoyable throughout even if it lacks challenge until the end-game sections.

decent enemy-variety but the mechs themselves look uninspired and generic, boss-fights are not much better with the Dog enemy being re-used a few times with the same boring stun-lock/punch cycle until you ride him after melting down his two gigantic health bars.

the post-apocalyptic setting is not really fully realized here though, it has an nice atmosphere but it's lifeless in terms of storytelling, would have loved to see more context about the world.

overall an good game, it has an good length for it's level of polish in terms of gameplay mechanics which will likely become repetitive in 2 or so hours of playtime, the story and characters definitely kept me engaged to see the finale and it's by far the game's strength.

I recall this game having a decent sense of humour. It certainly was trying to pull off something similar to Uncharted. However, I did not feel compelled to finish it. I dropped out of it half-way through.

A game that took me by surprise in terms of offering an engaging story and characters despite the introduction of a post-apocalyptic world that's basically lifeless. This setup actually strengthens the bond of the two protagonists that set on an adventure to the West.

Gameplay and combat system are not overly defined and there is some slight jank in there but overall the game works fairly well presenting combat, platforming and puzzle sections to keep variety throughout the game. The surprise to me was the ending, one of the best ones I've experienced in recent memory so make sure you stick to the end to experience this.

The most Unreal Engine 3 game I've ever played.

A tedious slog. Imagine Bayonetta without the fluidity, or The Last Of Us without the amazing art direction.