Reviews from

in the past

The puzzles all feel the same after a while and the solutions aren't particularly difficult but it's made in such a way that finding solutions is still satisfying.

There's also a lot of variation in the game. There are lots of different modes that all put their own twist on the basic puzzle and there's even a timed mode which is pretty fun to try.

hehehe... da colurs r purdy...

It seems we have, as a society, completely lost the plot in regards to what makes a good mobile game. There was once a time, not too long ago, when respected people throughout the gaming industry were genuinely convinced that the ascendant Goliath of mobile gaming would put everyone out of business. In the decade or so since these proclamations, the furthest innovation the scene has gotten seems to be jiggling AI generated anime women beckoning you to play War of Clash: Clicker Origins.

It turns out the perfect mobile game was made over a decade ago. It's called Angry Birds. But Flow Free definitely fills out the rest of the elite roster. It's a commute game through and through - sitting down with it for more than 40 minutes would bore you to tears. But any less and you will certainly enter a flow state (sorry) that has had me seeing pipes for hours after I've put my phone down.

All you need is a simple core gameplay loop (connect dots with pipes), add twists on the formula (bridges, walls), and create harder levels (larger grid). Plus have enough stages to occupy months of transit, and you've got a extremely competent puzzle game.

this game is really fun until you get to the harder levels, at which point it just feels like you're doing more of the same thing over and over again. the game no longer suggesting playing on an ipad for levels bigger than 8x8 really says alot about screen sizes

also when i was younger my brother called this game "jeff" whenever i asked what it was called

this game is essential for introverted people

Probably the best game to play when you just ducked the cops after getting way too high at an animal collective concert, your second ever weed moment, whereupon you blacked out, and came back awake slapping yourself in the mirror due to losing all feeling in your body for several hours, but thank god petting your wide whale corduroy pants brought your heart rate down because the line between panic attack and overdose had blurred during pre-show, which by the way, someone explain to me why the tour for Centipede Hz included Bohemian Rhapsody in the pre-show music, I mean that album is overdue for a revisit, because its more than just the "king of limbs" of their discography, but even if it isn't, it doesn't get enough love for an ambitious follow up to Merriweather, maybe it's their Kid A, not to mention the security guard making me call my mom outside the bathroom forcing her to drive out to boston in a record breaking blizzard and share a bed with me in the house of my friend of a friend and all these other kids I'd never met who needed shelter from the snow, the vacuous horror at the thought of losing my mind to the same murderous abyss my uncle did still a din too loud to ignore; a verbless enmity to an endless identity, making it all too difficult to explain to mother I'm still a good kid but a shame there wasn't a follow up with better UI.

Middle school nostalgia. Beat it before they ever put out more levels. Never looking back.

Por algum motivo, eu gosto demais desse joguinho, é tão relaxante pra mim quanto Picross.

divertido, lo jugaba mucho en el movil de mi madre antes de que tuviese yo uno propio

Downloaded this onto my smartphone a while ago after watching a co-worker play it. Didn't play for very long, but it's a pretty creative puzzle game, and I can respect that.

One of the most goated puzzle games ever made. Very satisfying noises too

Some days I can see the levels when I close my eyes.

you DONT GET IT. you DONT understand. you DONT KNOW flow free like I do. you DONT. you just DONT.

Endless puzzle, multiple different grid sizes. Perfect commute game.

I didn't realize this came out when I was in 10th grade, but it lines up. I remember a lot of my friends asked me to get through levels they couldn't. And tbh I should've charged them for it, but I didn't purely because it was school and what else was I gonna do besides want to leave all day.

the platonic ideal of a phone game to kill time and nothing else

legitimately top 3 mobile games ever made

Very simple but a nice take on a puzzle game and has shitload of levels. One of my go to games on my phone.

It's a pretty basic concept for a puzzle game, but that's what makes it great. Hoping I'll 100% it someday, but it's gonna take a while since there is a LOT of content in this game (and they still update it every once in a while).

iPhone :(

(Played in the early 2010s.)

Simple, short yet very fun puzzle game for mobile devices. Sadly rather forgettable due to its basic premise and short length. It's unique idea made it very addicting and kept me playing until I'd beat all the levels.

ultimate toilet game.