Reviews from

in the past

this was really fun to play with my friends they mostly carried the season for me

This was the season that me and my friends started to really get back into the game. We played it a lot, and I found this season to be a really good starter season, I liked lots of the things that they introduced in it.

The battle pass is great, obviously Peter Griffin was amazing. The weapons were alright, the POI's were cool, and reminded me of old Fortnite, and lots of what this season did were stuff that I really enjoyed. And, since then, I do believe each season has gotten better, and I know thats controversial to say.

Overall: 7/10

The train and peter couldn't save this one

So far chapter 5 is okay with 50/50 seasons, season 1 being in my opinion really great but season 2 being only okay I also think that only 1 of the new modes is really good that being festival with new songs pretty frequently rhythm games just being great.

é muito bom jogar de vez em quando e ele é bom por sempre se renovar com novos modos de jogo, itens novos, jogos da própria comunidade e também com as skins e parcerias que sempre mudam o jogo completamente. e é sempre bom ser o homem-aranha dando tiro na ariana grande

This new chapter of fortnite brought on so many changes, and unfortunately, a majority of them were not that great. First and foremost, the new game modes: LEGO fortnite, fortnite festival, and rocket racing. This was all revealed during a pretty cool live event at the end of the prior season, but I guess the spectacle made them seem a lot cooler than they actually were. LEGO fortnite is just an open world survival game, I spent a bit of time in it but it's not all that fun. Rocket racing is the worst of them all, so bad, I refuse to touch it. I don't know WHY it's bad, but people say it's bad, and I trust the collective online consensus on this one. The only acceptable one is fortnite festival which is basically guitar hero. Cheap rhythm game, but it can be pretty fun. What sucks is you have to buy the songs you actually want to play, otherwise you're stuck with the daily rotation or the epic originals (most of which are ass). You can play part of a song in battle royale as well like an emote; killing someone then singing Buddy Holly is an INSANE power move.

As for the meat of the game, battle royale, it got noticeably worse. Snipers are broken. They've always been strong, which is kind of a necessary evil, but what made them so strong is the complete removal of hitscan on every kind of assault rifle and DMR. Utilizing hitscan was the best counter against snipers, but now the only way to counter a sniper is with a sniper of your own, which means by the final few circles, everyone is gonna be carrying a sniper. Sniping can be fun, and I won't get mad at it a lot of the time, but when most of your matches are instakills from sniper headshots or dying instantly to sniper headshots, it gets irritating really quickly.

Modding benches are cool but WAY too limited. This seemed to be a big selling point of the season based on the trailer, but in reality, you'll never be seeing one most games. There's only five on the map: 4 at the boss locations, requiring you to kill the boss beforehand, and one on the island which spawns in after the first few circles. Weapons have a chance to drop with a mod already on them based on rarity, but it's rarely going to be customized entirely to your liking without a bench. It's great when you do get a chance to modify your weapons, but most games, you're stuck with whatever you get.

Weapon pool and loot was subpar. Like I said, snipers were a huge problem, but there wasn't much you could really do about that. Ballistic shields were pretty annoying, as well. You technically could counter them by shooting the player's feet or in the eye hole, but that's hard to do with a gun that will inflict any meaningful damage because of bullet spread. The grapple blade was good for movement and countering ballistic shields, but because of how vital movement was for evading snipers and beating the shields, you basically lost without one on hand. Pump shotguns still either inflict zero damage or one shot, but I always get one shot while my opponents barely get grazed. Meanwhile, frenzy auto shotguns were so busted that you should never play this game again if you don't think of picking one up the moment you see it. DPS is insane and it has a large mag, only downside is the reload time (which you can decrease a hefty amount with mods). Medallions were neat, giving you regenerating shield in exchange for your spot on the map being revealed.

I don't want to say that cosmetics were bad this season, not at all, but I think anyone who survived the great item shop drought of December 2023 - February 2024 should be given a medal. There were some standout new skins, like the massive TMNT collab, Cell, Frieza, Raiden, Ernie the giant chicken, and some others that are decently cool. We even saw a return of John Wick to the shop after over 1,000 days of being gone, along with two new styles. However, aside from those, every other day, the item shop was absolute shit. Rick and Morty was in the shop three weeks in a row. Generic and boring skins returned every week as well, likely for the LEGO fortnite compatibility. Epic, please, I have money that I would LOVE to spend on you, all you have to do is put good items in your item shops. Even going into season 2, the shop is barely better. At least the battle pass was good, Peter and Snake are some of the best collab skins to date.

I don't know, this season had a lot of explosive moments, but overall, it had a LOT of problems. I still had fun with it, but man, snipers and ballistic shields made both long range and close range fights unbearable. Midrange fights were still good, but no hitscan sucks. The new game modes are mostly bad and I will never touch them again. Festival is fun, at least. This kind of felt like a filler season. I don't know why, but it kind of just... existed. I'll remember it for the cool collabs, but between the map and the weapon pool... I'd rather not remember the actual gameplay aspects of this season. Kinda fun while it lasted, I guess.

"I get the metabolism you get the gun" "well i killed the boss so i should get both"

É ASSIM que um novo capítulo tem que ser. O melhor mapa novo do jogo até agora, armas e mecânicas divertidas, ótimo passe de batalha e colaborações boas do começo ao fim. Os modos novos também são muito bons, por mais que ainda precisem de uma cozinhada no forno.

Started off pretty rough but towards the end it ended up being genuinely one of the best seasons to Fortnite ever.

The collabs were insane. Peter, MGS and TMNT were by far the highlights of this. The new modes were fun (especially Rocket Racing) apart from LEGO Fortnite which I felt was very underbaked.

Overall an amazing season and a strong start to this chapter.

Shit lasted way too long like we had two festival passes at once like that's insane dawg but it was fine either way I like the cod attachment system and the new weapons and the bosses and their medallions cool new feature while this map isn't the worst and is def improvement after what the wild season did too the last map I thinks it's too big with too much space in between and not enough interesting poi's I do like Oscars mansion I called him the single furry dad the whole season so all my friends also called him and the poi that so that's pretty funny I also loved and hated how op the autoshotty was like how tf was that allowed man but yeah also broke up with my ex boyfriend this season too... anyway chat yeah decent season battlepass like a 6/10 i like hope and valeria their hot and like how hope has that cat meme as her symbol thats nice I like oscar his lego skin is funny and i like the that music pack that tiktok was going crazy over shit sounds fire all the song kicked my ass on festival so thats funny

The big bang season. Fortnite at its best after a very long time. Adding in contracts and bounties similar to COD Warzone helps the pacing and most of the new inclusions here are great. I don't know how to feel about the new healing/shield systems though. Tons of content thanks to Rocket Racing, Fortnite Festival, and LEGO Fortnite, all of which are really good. It's actually insane how much you can do in Fortnite now, and it looks like it's only gonna get better.

Also goodbye Fortnite OG, you will be sorely missed.

Peter Griffin haciendo el Gangnam Style

too many new ideas at once honestly

GooeyScale: 55/100

tim sweeny is a bald retard

This one stunk pretty bad. Thankfully there was a massive XP glitch that led to me completing the entire battle pass or else I think I never would've gotten far enough. Around this season is when I felt my extreme boredom with this game start to set in. This season introduced the different modes/metaverse aspects to the game like LEGO Fortnite (terrible), Rocket Racing (mediocre), and Fortnite Festival (actually decent), and I think as a result of that Battle Royale felt a lot less fun this time around. Item shops were awful (possibly due to LEGO Fortnite), the content drought at the beginning of the season was mind-numbingly boring, and the new additions really weren't enough to keep me hooked. Peter Griffin and Solid Snake were amazing collabs in the battle pass, but apart from those two the pass didn't stand out much for me. The map was surprisingly soulless, it felt more like a Call of Duty Warzone map or a default Unreal Engine 5 map than a Fortnite map, and I felt like it lacked the distinct goofiness of previous maps up until this point. The loot pool left a lot to be desired, with the addition of weapon mods it felt like there was a lot less variety than before, interesting things were only added towards the middle/end of the season with the Metal Gear Solid mythics and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collab. As for the mid-season event pass, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collab, it was alright, but as someone with not a whole lot of attachment to the franchise it was somewhat underwhelming. In retrospect this season probably isn't as bad as I imagine it was, but it did successfully help wean me off the game in a way, as I have not been playing nearly as much since. Thank you Epic Games for dropping a season so boring it single-handedly saved my bank account.


It was good when everyone was not trying to get into the competitive seen.

Só jogue o modo lego, fique longe do batlle Royale ok

Incredible season, all the POI's and the addition of weapon modding and the boss fights for the coins really made this season special. Played way too much, shout out Peter Griffin, wheres Stan Smith

Peter Griffin carried this season