Reviews from

in the past

It is horrible and cringe. I recommend it!

Fun with friends voicing the characters in exaggerated ways, probably quite bad if played alone. Still better than a KFC dating sim has any right to be.

This is actually endorsed by KFC. What times we live in.

funny but I wish it wasn't corporate

Is it good? No, it's not. Is it funny? Also no. But hey, you can say to your friends you played it!

Never been to KFC before but I imagine this is what it's like.

Watched rtgame play this which is basically the same as playing it myself.

Horrible, disgusting how do you do fellow kids ass capitalism

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not enough seggs with the Colonel

I originally got this for the lol's at first and I ended up finishing it. I was not expecting monsters made out of sporks honestly. It's a weird and stupid game but if you want a funny discord game to read the dialogue for it's this. This game fucked up my Steam recs and now I get hentai recs

Silly and self-aware, it serves its purpose and doesn't overstay it's welcome. Being free is icing on the biscuit.

Technically playable (?) and mercifully short for a game, but let's be really real: this is an ad, and it's pretty long and unfunny as an ad. Maybe it's better than, like, Big Bumpin'. But is that worth any adulation? I dunno about that, maaaaaaaaaaaaan.

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aw hell nah they made his ass HOT hot

I played this and beat it in like 6 hours during a snowday in 2020. Truly glad nobody walked in on me

g-g-guys, it's funny because corporations aren't meant to make dating sims! this is so silly and wacky, please give me some reddit gold! 🥺

Best dating sim ever (except mm)

war super kurz und echt ned so gut gemacht

[unfortunately watched rtgame play this]

even as a novelty title it fucking sucks. its like my soul has gone off on a trip

C-COLONEL SANDERS-SENPAI....~;v;~ (i have never felt more attracted to a chicken man)

Curiosidade: até a data desta review (16/01/2024), eu nunca comi no KFC na minha vida.

How did they make Colonel Sanders hot?!

Finished this in 1-2 hours, I think. Spent the rest of the time afk'ing so I could flex abt it, gave up. It's an alright dating simulator, decent promo stunt tbh.

this was a free game that was barely over an hour long and i still feel offended i wasted my time with it