Reviews from

in the past

От количества аванпостов, которые надо зачистить, я чуть не сошел с ума нахуй

favourite game as a kid, one of my favourite games now.

Upon revisiting JC3 years later, my perspective has shifted significantly. I no longer view it as a disappointing follow-up to JC2. I have come around to loving it due to stuff like the wingsuit, which makes traversal very fun, as well as the endless arsenal of weapons that are both enjoyable & satisfying to use when conquering bases or villages.

I have also found the side challenges to be engaging now, which is a stark contrast to years ago. This newfound appreciation is likely due to my increased enjoyment of the gameplay loop & unlocking meaningful upgrades. All of this is complemented by the presentation, which still holds up nearly 9 years later with the soundtrack being surprisingly good & crunchy sound design.

Even though I have developed a greater appreciation for this game, it unfortunately also highlights why it falls short in comparison to JC2 in my eyes. The main issues lie in the map design and story missions, which are such downgrades. The story missions lack the consistent bombastic moments that JC2 threw at you and the map seems to not have been designed with them in mind.

Medici looks beautiful but lacks any personality that Panau oozes with & having such diverse environments prevents it from feeling repetitive, which Medici does unfortunately suffer from. There are so many locations in JC2 that I can still recall years later, but after only recently replaying JC3 again, I can barely remember any locations because they all just blend.

However, these flaws didn't completely derail my revisit journey, which has made me realize that the game is truly great, contrary to my initial mixed feelings when it was first released. I can see why it's considered the best one in the series for many people, although for me, JC2 still holds the top spot in the series. Nonetheless, that shouldn't discredit the stuff that JC3 has done right, and I still give it a strong recommendation if you are looking for a simple but fun open-world game.

If you think Just Cause 2 is better then I refuse to believe you played this game. That being said, this game runs TERRIBLY on PS4

An incredible game, the story is really good and the combat and overall gameplay is amazing, graphics are a little dated but for a game made almost a decade ago they've held up well. Surprisingly its actually a great stress reliever too.

This game is pure testosterone

Goated game. Gunplay not perfect but much better than 2, but the physics and flying around blowing shit up is so good. The story is complete trash but as a sandbox to run around with your jetpack/wingsuit and cause mayhem, very few things measure up to JC3.

I’m gonna be completely honest, this score is 100% pure nostalgia. Growing up playing this game with my friend and going to find all the Easter eggs and getting all collectibles are memories that I will cherish forever and hold close to me. I have sunk way to many hours into this game throughout my life that it’s unhealthy, what makes it crazier is this time replaying is the first time I fully 100% the game. I can’t even begin to give this an objective look I love everything about it. I love the movement that’s a million times better than the other games as well as some of the greatest destruction in any game ever made. The story is a million times better than the other games as well and though the dialog is super corny it just adds so much to the charm. This is easily one of the best open world games ever made and one game that will always hold a special place within my heart.

It was fun, for probably about 10 hours, but the combat gets old pretty quickly, what redeems this game for me was the grappling and gliding,

but I think I'd rather just play spiderman 2.


Looking for words other than "amazing" to describe amazing games. I am struggling.

O jogo é divertido pra cacete, dá pra destruir tudo e fazer o que vier à cabeça porém em termos de história pode desligar o cérebro que vai se divertir demais

Le jeu a pas mal de défauts mais je pense que c'est le genre de jeu ou tu dois débrancher ton cerveau.
L'open world et les déplacements sont incroyable, la grande force du jeu.
En dehors de ça l'histoire, les activités a faire dans cet open world ( le déblocage des zones etc ) deviennent très répétitif.

This game has a special place in my heart. It is just the word 'summer' for me. The fresh colors, the sea, the flower fields, the snow in the mountains, the big cities, the old villages and everything about the movement mechanics makes me feel so free and simply happy. Italy coast atmosphere feels soooo good. Just flying freely over the water or the mountains or the fields is one of the best feelings I've ever experienced in a videogame. It reminds me of Forza and Flight Simulator, even though I haven't played them. It's about playing for the sake of having fun, no complex or off-the-path objectives, no nothing to do, just you and your character floating in the air while admiring the beautiful landscapes and lightning. Controlling the helicopters is great but flying the jets is a whole different thing. The blue sky above, the blue sea below, the sun shining on the waves and the wind blowing on the camera. DAMN. I LOVE this game.

As a game itself, it is not mediocre but rather just good and a ton of fun. You can approach any ordeal as you want. For example, as I made my way through the platinum trophy I pretty much cheated on every challenge in order to get the 5 gears by using helicopters in destruction challenges (instead of the correct weapon) or roaming freely on the flying so as to keep the timer up. I actually think doing all of this however you want is completely intended as there are other times where the game makes you do something in some specific way instead of letting you choose.

The physics are surprisingly very good and blowing stuff up is so fun and satisfying. Regarding the combat and the shooting mechanics, it is bad. Enemies just stop on their feet to shoot and miss you. Maybe they'll move a little but it is simply soulless, mindless, too simple. Also, once you get the nuke gun everything becomes so much easier AND in a way more satisfying too. I feel like the aiming system would improve with mouse and keyboard, unlike the movement and flying which are actually better with a controller. To me, all of this isn't an inconvenient as I'm mostly focused on flying and roaming around freely, but when it's forced to complete a mission then it's tiring or boring at best.

The gameplay may be repetitive or mindless at times but I find that completely fine. For example, look at Spiderman or Spiderman Remastered or Spiderman Miles Morales or Spiderman 2. Are they almost the same game? Yeah. Are they freaking fun as hell? Absolutely. Also, as for many games such as Death Stranding, I feel like you must play this game, not just watch it.

It is also very surprising and disappointing that Just Cause 4 wasn't that big of a deal for me. Just the color palette and the overall tone of the game is such a turn off. Everything looks mildly bad with that image filter and the performance is much worse taking into account the inexistent graphical improvements. I wish both games were better optimized for consoles.

I haven't played the first or the second one but tbh I think I'm not missing on much as they've probably aged poorly and all the things that made those special are already present in the recent titles. Hopefully, a future Just Cause 5 may be the greatest one yet, but it doesn't look like it. Another game for this saga or a remake of some sort is extremely unlikely. So I'm just content that I can easily play my favorite one of them (this one) on a PS4 or PS5 whenever I want.

Hell, it's been seven years since I played it for the first time. It's my second time getting the platinum trophy for this game and I've enjoyed it a lot. I wouldn't surprise myself getting a third 100% playthrough in the future, but for the moment I have other things to do. God, I'm craving for the second Elden Ring platinum rn.

The gameplay itself feels much better than the first, but the game's lack of depth still categorizes these games as a glorified physics sandbox.

Explotar tanques de gasolina en medio de italia es mi puta pasión. A tomar por culo Medici

most over the top action game ever made. explosions everywhere, grappling hook, wingsuit, parachute, detonated bombs, missiles, car jacking. this is the most game ever made. driving sucks tho.

Overthrowing a government has never been this fun.

i blew up so many gas stations that it caused another u.s. invasion in the middle east

fun out of ten (thats an eight btw)

Jogo divertido para passar o tempo, ficar atirando e explodindo coisas pelo mapa.