Reviews from

in the past

Not bad and I like the darker tone. Although missions were not nearly as strong as the other DLCs.

Also not a huge fan of Hammerhead, but comparing him as the main draw to Black Cat or Silver Sable is hardly fair.

más o menos como el otro, aunque hubo un par de momentos de recorrer escenarios guapísimos y los momentos altos son mejores.

eso sí me perdí en la historia en por qué hacía las cosas xd

He isn’t even Italian why would he care about the mob

I am absolving myself of the responsibility of finishing this DLC. I probably only have an hour and change left to grind through, but this is not an improvement on the previous DLC or the base game, so I'm over it. This just adds more of the same types of challenges, but with more annoying enemies. Not awesome!

Bon c'est un peu chiant ces histoires de gang, juste laissez-moi taper Frankeinstein là.

Felicia nın hikayesi sonlandıktan sonra hiç sarmadı. Hikaye sıkıcıydı görevlerde de hatırlanacak bir şey yoktu. Ama dlc dlc dir. Yuri iyi hış karakter de onun göz önünde bulundurulduğu bir dlc ye gerek yokmuş.


Aquí ya mejora la cosa, aunque la estructura base del anterior dlc se mantiene, se siente corto y no tan bueno.
DLC completado al 100%.

Did turf wars and story wise its downgrade from the first part mostly cause the actual mafia story is a fucking snooze fest. But gameplay wise I really liked this entry and the setting with the rain is so cool looking the stuff with Yuri is also fairly good if fairly short.

The story was more interesting this time around for sure, there's not much more to say other than the gameplay loop for both traversal and combat that Insomniac has created is timeless.

I need Captain Watanabe physically

Turf Wars is a disappointing middle act to the Spider-Man DLC Saga. There are some great story moments with Yuri Watanabe and the gameplay is still fun but lack of good main missions and the side activities being just more of the same makes this middle chapter very mediocre.

The Full Review(No Spoilers for THIS DLC, Spoilers for Main Game and Previous DLC):

Breaking Point
Middle chapters of stories are always tough. They are also the most important if you are delivering that story through different chapters. Because if it's bad, people might not wait to see the final chapter. And I think that will be a common thing with the Marvel's Spider-Man DLC's.

Turf Wars is not good. Is it bad? No. I wouldn't say it's bad. It's more of the same just like The Heist but unlike The Heist, the story or side stuff here isn't that interesting. Let's start with the story.

After Black Cat's death, Yuri Watanabe and her strike force plans an assault on Hammerhead. Unfortunately, things doesn't go well and Yuri starts wanting revenge.

I don't want to get into too much spoilers but the core of this DLC is definitely Yuri. I loved her in the main game and this DLC just added to her character more and more. Tara Platt did an amazing job as the voice actress.

However, anything other than Yuri just doesn't work. Hammerhead for example is a very two dimensional and cliche mob boss. The comic readers among us might think that he was like that in the comics as well so it's accurate and so it must mean good. Accurate is good right?

No, I don't think it is. At least not in every situation. Insomniac's writers have played with the villains of the main game and also with Black Cat in The Heist in clever and creative ways. So I expected a similar treatment with Hammerhead but we didn't get that.

There are also no developments to Peter or his character. However, Miles' little substory does continue in the same phone calls way. So overall, I think the story here is just okay.

Main missions are not good. Unlike The Heist, there are not much special set piece missions. The opening mission is good, the final mission is good and everything in between is just mid.

Side activities are also not that interesting this time. We get more crimes. A new set of Screwball Missions that are even harder and I believe 4 Hammerhead Outposts. And these outposts are very hard. They are really difficult.

That's why this DLC took me 4 hours compared to The Heist taking me 3 hours. These hours are for completing everything.

Turf Wars is a disappointing middle act to the Spider-Man DLC Saga. There are some great story moments with Yuri Watanabe and the gameplay is still fun but lack of good main missions and the side activities being just more of the same makes this middle chapter very mediocre.

(Review from 2021) Another solid entry in the CTNS series, I liked this one more than the first, the story was more gripping here. Some of the challenges were just fine but it’s another great episode!

Honestly, this DLC is kinda shit. New enemies are annoying, hammerhead is one of the least interesting spider man villians and he maggia storyline is just tooooooo boring.
Add this to a game that is starting to lose its glow due to repetition and its clear that there is very little that wows you in this storyline.
Yeah being spiderman in this game is awesome, for the base game it absolutely is. The DLCs have a slight half assed feel to them by comparison though adding very little and with a lot of padding. NOTHING from this story stays with you except that you completed the game 100%.
And that is shit game design however you slice it. This is carried by the base game completely, and I do not recommend it in isolation whatsoever.

Gosto Muito dessa DLC, acho que eles conseguiram expandir o jogo adicionando novos vilões e novas histórias sem deixar o game repetitivo.

Я ебал Чудилу и её испытания...

Eh. I mean it’s fine, the story is definitely weaker than the last DLC but it’s still ok. I think Yuri’s breaking point should’ve been on camera more as most of it happens off screen

História chata, gameplay reciclada, secundárias chatas. Os caras tinham q fazer uma DLC com novos inimigos, oq eles pensaram? VAMOS DAR MAIS ARMAS PRA ELES E ESPAMAR TIRO! Genial. Conseguiram deixar o jogo chato


do you think hammerheads cock is like metal

Good DLC. Played on Downloaded PS5 Main Game Remastered Version on PS5.

Another bite-sized DLC down, I don't have much to say on this one that wasn't already said in the first DLC.

Open-world additions are still boring and suck, the story is honestly kinda less interesting, it feels very generic. Another enemy type is added but doesn't really shake up combat enough, and at least this time we actually get a boss fight at the end! Tragically it's a very vanilla boss-fight and is a pretty mindless affair.

Also who thought it was a good idea to add multiple trailing missions to this DLC?

This is on the same level of whatever-ness as the first DLC chapter. I'm honestly really surprised by how low-effort these DLC's feel. I think the base game has many faults but at-least it felt like a real effort was put into it, this stuff feels like they were forced to make it. Onto the finale then!

Story was more interesting than the heist, but the 2nd to last mission is bugged and nearly impossible to complete for some people.

Version: PS5
System: PS5
Played via Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered

I think all the DLC this game got are pretty equal in terms of quality, so I'm gonna give them all the same score. Anyway, this one was pretty neat. I actually kinda liked it a bit more than The Heist. It was cool to see Hammerhead and more of the Maggia, and of course, Yuri's storyline is great too.

8 / 10.

This review contains spoilers

love the yuri stuff. one of my least favorite tropes is when a character seeking vengeance stops as soon as they're about to get it. and they didn't do that here! yuri genuinely pulled the trigger! and the cliffhanger at the end with her and spidey staring at each other, a rift forming in their friendship for the first time in the entire game, a rift built on vengeance and hatred, is so fucking cool. THIS is how u tell a vengeance story, you know??

anyway i still can't believe that of every character in the base game to have a recurring side plot, they really choose fuckingggg screwball lol. like was anyone genuinely happy to see her again 😭

Weaker than the main game or The Heist, felt a bit devoid of ideas as they just kept throwing waves of enemies at you.