Reviews from

in the past

Again, nothing particularity special here, but I like where they're heading with Yuri.

La historia del primer DLC continua pero esta vez se hace mucho más aburrida a mi parecer, creo que no supieron manejar el interés en la historia sin Black Cat, pero hay conceptos muy interesantes y el final de la historia nos da paso a la aparición de una nueva gran villana.
El DLC está bueno, pero faltó un poco más a mi parecer.
(Tener el traje de Iron Spider original es precioso.)

The story is at it's best here, learned a lot from the Heist about not having half the runtime be side mission tutorials, which makes the pace go much better, but also suffers in length because of that. It has the most interesting main mission design of all the episodes, but the side content is the worst. Basically, it's more Spider-Man, with some new ideas, which is more than is said for the Heist, but if you're getting this you're getting the Heist too, so it doesn't really matter.

i think this is my favorite one, even if not by a lot

Me gusta mucho como se desarrolla la trama y me dejo con ganas de ponerme del tirón con el último DLC, así que eso hice nada mas terminar el 100 % de este.
Si te dejo con ganas de mas es que el resultado es bueno, ¿no?

spider-man ps4 "oops all bootlicker moments" edition. they seriously called one of the trophies "crossing the thin blue line." what the fuck

I hate big villian fights when all they rely on is heaps of generic bad guys to cluster your screen.

the only good part of this dlc is the first mission

Still not thrilled by this DLC.

I originally praised this game for its mindlessly fun combat, but the selection of missions here slowly turned it mind numbingly rote. After the third police escort mission, I almost turned the game off. At least some of the Screwball challenges were interesting mixups to the usual combat.

The DLC's tendency for touch-and-go storytelling left plot threads like Yuri's true motives and Hammerhead's grudge against Spider-Man painfully uninteresting. I understand that the episodic structure lends itself to revealing everything at the end, but is there really much intrigue to begin with? I'd love to be proven wrong.

And seriously, mafia thugs using burrowing tanks to get around?

Peter is a cop bitch and Hammerhead is a boring villain. This DLC was bad.

The worst of the DLCs for sure. Kinda a slog to get through at times but the core gameplay is still fun at least.

Spider-Man’s first piece of DLC was a welcome surprise. The Heist gave us a different look at Peter Parker, properly introduced the Black Cat, and kicked an intriguing plot into motion. Turf Wars, the second episode, is poised to pick up after that shocking cliffhanger ending and continue Spider-Man’s greatness into its post-launch releases. And while it does have the core combat, swinging, and a bit of the personality that lifted the main game, Turf Wars is a relatively tame middle chapter with only a few notable events.

Read the full review here:

Still more fun spiderman gameplay but sure lets severely sideline a new interesting character and introduce one of the most boring villains ever instead. (what the fuck why is Screwball still in this)

The second DLC is where the already present repetition starts to become too much. Nothing of note here, the mafia blockhead don just isn't a very interesting antagonist.

i dont give af about hammerhead yuri is cool tho

A regression from the varied gameplay encounters of the base game (that thankfully axes the Mary Jane "stealth" missions), Turf Wars feels like it was written and designed by an entirely different team, a team whose primary goal seems to be numbing the player with tedious combat arenas and side activities to the point where they mindlessly nod along to the overt copaganda. Replete with a cliche-ridden checklist of revenge tale mainstays, this second chapter in the expanded Spider-Man saga does little more than irritate and baffle, oftentimes simultaneously, and it doesn't even have the decency to include more of Black Cat. Shameful.

ruim mds ta maluco, so o comecinho se salva


Me lo vere por yt.

Bueno ya me lo vi y honestamente no me pierdo de nada, de hecho este dlc es peor que el de black cat; Hammerhead aparece solo en 2 cinematicas wow; el conflicto de Yuri y su punto de quiebre es un tanto "eh" teniendo en cuenta lo que ocurrio en el juego base y por lo que pasaron los policias y cuantos se habran muerto pues no le veo sentido a porque recien ahora pasa, sera porque ella lo vio con sus propios ojos o porque ellos 2 ya tenian historia? quien sabe? y bueno toda la trama gira en buscar pistas sobre el paradero de 4 don's mientras los lacayos de hammerhead se roban equipo de Sable; para ser un dlc llamado "turf wars" en el gameplay y el mundo nunca se ve explicitamente a 2 bandos peleandose entre si por el dominio de la ciudad ya saben a diferencia del juego base donde se peleaban los convitos contra sable contra spiderman.

En el lado del gameplay es peor ya que el se siente como un enemigo recortado del juego base ya que se comporta como lo anteriormente mencionado: se desbloquean bases de enemigos y aparecen crimenes en donde ellos realizan delitos y bueno nuevamente estan los desafios de screwball solo que esta vez tienen menos elementos únicos como en el anterior dlc y esta vez son versiones modificadas de las actividades del juego base pero con la luz para tener mas puntaje (bueno al menos las actividades de sigilo te dan puntos por usar tus gadgets)

Ah y la pelea final es muy desperdiciada, teniendo un supertraje mecanico y solo utiliza pocos ataques, no hay una fase extra y no puede volar por algun motivo; proyect olympus = ponerse armadura.

Insomniac no sabe hacer dlc's

Felt shorter than the first dlc, the beginning is bombastic and cool but it loses steam after that and the final boss is not good. The main purpose of the story here is to set up Yuri and Hammerhead's rivalry, surely they will do something cool with it in the next DLC :clueless:

Forgot to mention this in the previous dlc review but Screwball really isn't as annoying as people online make her out to be. Almost like they hate to see a girlboss winning

"Another Bland Serving Of Content"

"Marvel's Spider-Man" had some problems with its open-world design, but overall it managed to be a great game with its solid gameplay cycle, fairly solid story, and large amounts of spectacle. It's DLC offerings, however, have not really been able to achieve any of these things, and "Turf Wars" marks a new low for Insomniac's newer "Spidey" games.

The plot here is as predictable as it can get: Mafia is out of balance, some new guy shows up and tries to take power, angry cop wants justice (and will go to any length to do it), and the hero saves the day. There is nothing in this plot that is remotely engaging because it takes all of its components from other stories while boiling it down to a formless palette. The characters are boring and one-note, and it just somehow feels underbaked while managing to have a few hours feel like twice the length.

The gameplay is the most solid part, since its mostly untouched from the main game. The only real additions are some new shielded enemies, and I didn't like them. They felt cheap to fight against while simultaneously being more broken than the normal shielded foes.

Missions are not very memorable in any good way, but holy crap did they fumble the side content. The legendarily annoying "Screwball" is back once again, and she's got another serving of awful side missions. These things were super cheap and repetitive, but the killer part of them is just how irritating her character is. Like I get it, she's supposed to be annoying, but there isn't anything else to her or her story other than being evil, childish, and constantly online. The writers clearly stretched their imaginations with what they "think" online culture is like, and it shows just how out of touch and talentless they are at times. This pretty much ruined most of the previous DLC for me, and this time it derailed all of my enjoyment.

There's a development with Yuri Watanabe where she essentially goes "Bad Cop" and kills a bunch of Hammerhead thugs as well as the boss himself, but I didn't really buy any of her character progression. I never found her particularly interesting in the main game, so here it just feels like forcing the issue with her whole angsty persona. Real cringey stuff honestly, since it just comes off as some pretentious look at a one-dimensional character.

This DLC just kind of sucked. Yes, you still have an open-world and decent combat, but the story is thrown out of the window, the characters are portrayed as cliches, and the mission design is just boring. Insomniac clearly just rushed this out to capitalize on the main game's success, but I wouldn't really push anyone to play these DLCs. When they're just decent at best, you know there's a problem.

Final Verdict: 4/10 (Below Average)

Listen I want to enjoy this and get through with it but man, it feels like they bumped up the stronghold difficulty by like 5 notches because I have been stuck on these forever. I need to get those suits man, if I can't get those why am I bothering to go through this?

Another great story snippet, this one focusing on Yuri, a character I grew pretty fond of throughout the base game. That being said, man did the Hammerhead fight at the end kick my shit in, was the only moment the lock-on really screwed me over beyond occasionally targeting the wrong enemy with a projectile or a stray punch. Ended up dying to Hammerhead like twice because the game made me target him instead of a mook, but it is what it is.