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In my opinion, the greatest combat experience in any video game, combine that with the nemesis system and you get an insanely fun game.

os combates e a lore do jogo são o ponto alto, se você manjar da historia do senhor dos anais, com certeza vai te pegar muito.
DLCs boa tmb

Cool at first but gets repetitive pretty quick. Has some of the worst platforming/climbing I've seen in a game like this. Combat is annoying most of the time when your character locks on to whoever he pleases. Final boss was ass.

The different maps became stale after like two missions. On the surface they're different but once you play through them a bit you notice they're really all the same.
None of the collectibles felt satisfying to collect.
After about 5 hours I was so tired of seeing that close-up followed by goofy voice-line when you encounter a boss. I understand that's the point of the nemesis system, to learn the boss's shit and all, but it just gets so exhausting. I don't care that this dude named Griklok The Destroyer is after me because I killed his brother, Poopy the Pooping.

An improvement on SoM in every way, but the launch loot box controversy does kind of leave a sour taste in my mouth.

builds extensively on its predecessor to fully deliver on its promises. one of the most unique action games ever made

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Really wanted to like the game.
It feels awesome to play in a Lord of The Rings setting and understand the references.

But the game in itself sadly wasnt fun for me.
First of all the controls made me soooo mad. The Character always selected the wrong thing. Spells went onto orcs that I didn't want them to, Dodging felt awful cause I always jumped into a different direction or onto an orc with Shield Breaker that threw me onto the ground and on soo many counts my character started climbing something even though i didnt want him to. Very clunky in my opinion.

And gameplay wise its very repetitive. When the Base-Building theme started I was excited at first but then it got tedious. And 2 times I succesfully sieged a castle just to get one-shotted by the overlord. After the second time I just unistalled the game because it wasn't worth it.

2 Stars for the cool LotR story. The rest is not made for my taste.

muito bom vc arregaçar um orc, depois ele volta pra te matar e consegue fazer tal feito, então vc vai atrás da sua vingança e arranca a cabeça do orc, e de uma forma impressionante ele volta com a cabeça costurada pra conseguir sua vingança e acontece a maior batalha dos animes
jogo bom demais
da minha parte um forte e sincero abraço

I've enjoyed this game a lot more than I ever thought I would, and even returned for a second playthrough since launch. I think it helps that I'm not really a fan of the setting, so I've come into it expecting very little. The gameplay is fun, the story is fulfilling enough and the nemesis system in particular is what makes this game for me.

I'm not gonna say this is the worst game I've played, because I'm sure I've played worse, but I just can't process how incredibly stupid it is. I could forgive an elf ghost. But everything else in this is just too much.

the first game, but with major improvements

Played it when i got a code for a 2 week game pass on my old pc
It's fun but i don't feel like playing it all over again
It's more Shadow of mordor and that's a great thing

Didn't enjoy as much as the first game but still a good game.

Giving orcs long lasting psychological damage never gets old.

Shadow of War is a solid follow-up to the first game that showcases the same visceral, exhilarating combat that made me adore Shadow of Mordor. However, this game often feels like there were too many cooks in the kitchen, and I couldn't help but feel like the developers implemented too many different systems, which for me, made the game feel bloated and convoluted on occasion. I appreciate it's predecessor more for being a bit more grounded, and I feel like the bloat largely has to do with them being pressured to develop enough ways to encourage players to consider purchasing loot crates. As to no surprise, this does not sit well with me, and it really frustrates me that AAA companies couldn't even keep their predatory monetization practices out of single-player, story-driven games.

Fortunately, you can play the whole campaign and most side objectives without interacting with the store at all, and the monetization really only becomes apparent once the game tries to encourage you to play fortress defense, which would require a lot of grinding to participate in... unless you're willing to pay up, of course. It was at this point, after finishing all of the story-quests, I checked out.

Overall, I enjoyed the game, aside from the story, which felt like complete fan fiction instead of something that would actually be believable as a part of the Tolkien universe. About mid-way through the game, I simply just stopped caring about the narrative because I couldn't take it seriously, no matter how hard I tried. But regardless, the gameplay was solid enough to motivate me to play through the entire story and all of the side missions and collectibles.

If you enjoyed Shadow of Mordor, it's definitely worth giving this a playthrough. It mostly builds upon what worked in the first game while adding some neat new features as well. It's just a shame that the developers were clearly forced to design a large part of the game around monetization, which I feel really hindered the game in the long run and spoiled what could have been something marvelous.

eu amo a mecanica de que literalmente todos os inimigos secundários desse jogo podem ter uma lore dependendo da tua gameplay, mas a historia nao me prendeu e achei a gameplay dificil pra cacete

Who cares about the story, love the Ologs <3

Although not canon to LOTR, still captures the LOTR feel really good! Hope we get more Middle-Earth games in the future.

Warner has the possibility to make the greatest game of the generation by making a sequel or shadow-esque game where instead of both of your protagonist being brooding edgy assholes who have a stick so far up their own asses one of them is an actually funny sidekick. Hell that's not even that far off, most of the orcs here, specially the plot important ones, are constantly oozing charisma, and the dynamic they had in Arkham Knight between Batman and The Joker was by far the most enjoyable part of the game. They just need to take those two aspects into one game, since they are so fucking greedy they are making sure literally no one can make a game with a mechanic similar to the nemesis system

i chose gravewalker and it's so fucking hard in a not fun way but im way too fucking stubborn to take it off

As a gamer focused solely on gameplay & mechanics, this has insane replayability due to ingenious fort & Nemesis system


Such promise. Dashed on the stones of corporate greed, and forever cementing WB Games as one of my least favorite game publishers.

Release the fucking nemesis system from copyright Warner Bros. You're not fucking doing anything with it. You made one of the most unique systems in gaming that can build stories upon stories that are unique to each player and you're doing NOTHING with it. COME ON

probably one of the best LOTR games, but a bit repetitive and long

fighting pits are the funniest thing tho

honestly should just be a nemesis system game all the way through

Pros: Improved on everything from the first game especially the nemesis system
Cons: doesnt feel as ''focused'' as the first game. Combat is good but it doesnt feel as good as mordor. Graphics even tho good dont have the nice artstyle of mordor. Got repetetive at the end

Good game wit hfun nemesis system