Reviews from

in the past

Solid follow-up to Mini Metro, but it’s not very challenging in my view in the right ways. Mini Metro required learning the system of how people transferred, whereas the cars in this one seem somewhat limited by ground physics. There’s only so many ways to draw out a road and the motorways don’t come that often. Still a solid couple hours of good gameplay!

Good puzzle game and time-waster. Very calming.

Las interestatales estan muy bien, pero que me dices, ojo, que me dices, de una rotonda? Lo se, lo se, suena como a locura, pero el problema es que la mente estadounidense no puede comprender el girar en circulos concentricos ahorrando 30 hectareas de terreno.

I think when the transportation engineers of the US go to work, they just boot up this game and whatever happens gets built in real life.

My Mini Metro review applies to this one too. They're basically the same game...

"there's an elegance in the simplicity of a well-designed town"
-> "the clockwork efficiency of a bustling city can be strangely serene"
-> -> "we should completely abolish the very concept of personal automobiles."

* Played perfectly on Linux via Proton 7.0-6.

A relatively pleasant time killer. While you are stuck in traffic jams, you can create them in this game, I caught the message of this game. It can captivate you for a couple of short gaming sessions, but the mechanics are too monotonous. Various maps give pseudo-choice and do not affect anything, there are quite few opportunities for progress in the game (highways, traffic lights, bridges) and this is not enough.

I appreciate the more complex design behind Mini Motorways and the efforts made by Dinosaur Polo Club to differentiate it from their previous title. However I much prefer the elegant simplicity and gameplay constraints of Mini Metro.

This game makes my autism brain so happy like seeing the traffic flows go well is extremely satisfying and it actually doesn't feel mindless too despite how simple it feels.

Abandoned after 90 minutes.

I really liked Mini Metro but something was lost here, I just found it very tedious.

Nice game to pick up when you want to kill some time. A pleasing art style with satisfying sounds.

insanely addictive, sometimes the cities can be overwhelming especially with all the different warnings that can pop up but overall a good game

It's okay. It's great as a casual game to play when bored or waiting, but as game itself I don't think it pushes anything too far, except in the visual department. Would recommend on mobile, never on PC.

Petit jeu à score où faut essayer que le trafic ne parte pas en cacahuète ce qui est impossible, tu mets ta musique à côté, tu te poses et hop petite session.

Pretty fun one off game, not re-playable.

This tickles my brain SO HARD

Someone has to delete these from my steam account for me, because I catch myself missing sunsets.
The question whether or not I wanted to continue my failed city in endless-mode led me to rebuild the entire thing and continue the map for 40 minutes to prove I could make if more effective.

You can thank me for all the amazing roadways in Texas. Next time you're stuck in Houston gridlock for 3 hours, remember that you're welcome 😎

i have a fever and the only prescription is MORE ROUNDABOUT

Really enjoyable, but novel strategy begins plateauing at a point and with it comes the enjoyment.

the same fun game from the studio that brought you mini metro but now in a format that americans can understand

The most unrealistic thing in Mini Motorways is that drivers actually respect traffic laws and do not cause any accidents.

Such a fun and addicting, simple, and calming game. I really wish this wasn't on Apple Arcade so I could actually play it.